Dominate the world

Chapter 886 The Great Harvest

But now is not the time to think and doubt, Jiang Xiaobai quickly recalled everything that happened on the screen, convinced that he remembered all the methods of refining medicine, as well as the shape and luster of the medicinal materials, and then relaxed.

He doesn't know many medicines, but he can ask Gongsun Long in the future, who is also an expert in alchemy.

After checking again, Jiang Xiaobai was sure that there was nothing else in the hall, so he opened the door and walked out.

However, several people were no longer there, obviously they had entered the hall.

Excited, Jiang Xiaobai also walked towards the entrance of another closed hall.

But at this moment, the door of the main hall suddenly opened, and a person was thrown out. The latter hit the ground heavily and spat out three mouthfuls of blood.

The latter also saw Jiang Xiaobai and ran away like a fly.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the hall curiously. This hall seemed a little different. He even agreed to allow people to enter, but threw them out again. Obviously there was some mystery inside.

He did not enter in a hurry, and flew around the hall, only to realize that every hall has a name.

The word Jiazi is marked on this hall.

I remember that in ancient times, the celestial stems and earthly branches were used to record the year. The ten celestial stems and the twelve earthly branches are combined in a cycle. A reincarnation is exactly 60 years, which is called a Jiazi, and the first year of each Jiazi is also called the Jiazi year.

Therefore, this hall should be the so-called first hall, no wonder it is a bit mysterious.

Jiang Xiaobai figured out the reason behind it, and made preparations. Then he came to the front of the main hall. With a push with both hands, the door was easily pushed open, and Jiang Xiaobai strode in.

A dragon chant sounded suddenly, and Jiang Xiaobai's body couldn't help shaking, but he saw a black dragon in the hall born out of thin air, and then roared and grabbed it with its teeth and claws.This black dragon looks extremely solid, and its power is even more real, and when it takes off, the agitated air current hits his body, making him shake slightly involuntarily, the sense of force is too strong.

How could Jiang Xiaobai dare to resist? Although he couldn't see the level of the black dragon, he knew that he was not capable of carrying it just by his power.

Could it be that the monk just now was knocked out by the black dragon?

Just thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai felt a tremor in his heart. The man just now was at the fourth stage of the emperor level, and he couldn't even withstand the impact of the black dragon. He boasted that his physical body was strong, but he definitely couldn't bear that impact.

Seeing that the black dragon was approaching again, Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly dodged again, turned his palm and took out a thick-backed machete, and slashed heavily at the black dragon's winding body.

Ding ding ding, a burst of electric sparks flickered, Jiang Xiaobai felt a force coming back, which completely exceeded the upper limit he could bear.He couldn't hold his body anymore, and flew out backwards. Coincidentally, the place where he flew out was the gate.

And the door opened without wind, obviously to send him out.

"Sure!" Jiang Xiaobai roared, revealing his stubbornness, and he waved out the Heavenly Secret Mirror, which emitted a ray of light, firmly fixing him in mid-air.

Jiang Xiaobai used his domain without thinking, and ran into the black dragon, who is afraid of whom!

For his field, Jiang Xiaobai is still very confident.

With a loud bang, the domain and the black dragon collided, and Jiang Xiaobai spat out a mouthful of blood, but his body was firmly held in mid-air by the Tianji mirror, and he was not thrown out the door.

With a creak, the hall door automatically closed, and the black dragon in the hall suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Xiaobai heaved a sigh of relief, put away the Tianji Mirror, and immediately fell to the ground, coughing up blood.

But his face was full of excitement. Since he stayed in this hall, it meant that he successfully passed the test, although he paid a heavy price.

After a few minutes of relaxation, the tyrannical repairing power of Bajiu Xuangong played a huge role, and the injury was temporarily suppressed.

Jiang Xiaobai stood up and walked towards the backyard of the main hall. It was something like a desk.There is a stack of books on the table, four of them are not tall, and there are a few bottles, which are things that have never been disturbed by Shenlong's roar before.

When he came to the book case, Jiang Xiaobai spread the book out for a look, only to see the title of the book, his breathing became short of breath involuntarily.

"Dragon Royal Art!"



"Array book!"

Jiang Xiaobai carefully opened the pages of the book, and seeing that it was densely packed with words and images, he couldn't help shouting, ecstatically, this knowledge is exactly the treasure that the Martial Arts Department desperately needs!

It is indeed a hall named Jiazi!

The three bottles are all made of Wannian Xuanyu, so one can imagine how precious the pills in the bottles are.Unfortunately, there is only one pill in each of the three bottles.

Jiang Xiaobai held up the bottle, which had stickers on it.

Great Returning Pill, used to treat injuries, within three breaths, all internal and external injuries will be healed.

Returning to the Yuan Pill, balances the three powers of vitality, physical body, and spiritual thoughts, and increases the chance of sanctification by [-]%.

Ni Huan Dan, healing the damaged foundation of martial arts.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly opened the bottle of Dahuandan, rolled out a yellow-orange pill the size of a longan, and swallowed it in one gulp.Here, he must maintain a strong combat power, and injury means death.

Just like the Tianjiao before, even if he was at the fourth stage of the emperor level, he would run away as soon as he saw him after being injured.

He put away the Guiyuan Dan and Ni Huan Dan, with the Tai Chi disk in it, and practiced the Taoist scriptures. His vitality, physical body, and spiritual sense were already in a balanced position, and the Guiyuan Dan could be given to others.

And the Ni Huan Pill can be given to Emperor Cang of the Northwest. Under the harsh conditions of the past, Emperor Cang of the Northwest can become an emperor. Once the foundation of martial arts is restored, he will definitely be able to explode with a talent that shocks the world. It may not be just them. down.

At that time, the Ministry of Martial Arts will add another master, and the situation in the face of the dangerous places and secret realms will be much better.

Jiang Xiaobai searched the hall again, but unfortunately there was nothing else.

He smiled, having already gained so much, wouldn't it be too greedy to expect more, and after collecting the four cheat books, Jiang Xiaobai walked out the door quickly.

Five cold lights suddenly appeared, piercing down from the top, bottom, left, right, front five directions, the angles were tricky and sinister, clearly intended to kill Jiang Xiaobai.

"Hmph, do you think I didn't guard against you?" Jiang Xiaobai directly knocked out the domain.

With a bang, the five cold lights were imprisoned in the field, and a figure vomited blood and flew far away.

"I don't want to kill you, but you want to plot against me. If that's the case, take your life!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted, a foot-long Golden Dragon Sword Qi shone with golden light between his fingers, and it pierced through it as soon as he made a move Space, when it reappeared the next moment, it had pierced through the eyebrows of the sneak attacker.

The latter's eyes were wide open, his expression was full of panic and unwillingness, and he fell to the ground and died.

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