Bai Yu and the others rushed over and heaved a sigh of relief when they saw the corpse in front of the door.

"Are you okay?" Li Chan asked, looking up and down Jiang Xiaobai's body with concern.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly thanked: "Don't worry, I'm fine, and there are still big gains, you see!"

He had no intention of hiding it at all, and directly took out the four books of the secret realm in front of the seven people and passed them to read.The seven people were all moved, and after simply flipping through them, they saw that these four cheat books were absolutely extraordinary, far surpassing the current martial arts and supernatural powers.

Lin Xiao and Kong Xuan looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise and solemnity in each other's eyes. Although they hoped to keep all the four secret books in their hearts, they read them twice and handed them back to Jiang Xiaobai.

As descendants of the Confucian Mansion and Jixia Academy, the two of them are very aware of the importance of a secret book of exercises. It can even be said that it is the foundation of their family and life. They did not expect Jiang Xiaobai to let them read it casually.

But the two rely on their identities, and they are unwilling to do such things as stealing merit.

As for Xue Linger, after amazed, she also carefully handed back the cheat book, unwilling to read more.

Looking at the caution of the three, Jiang Xiaobai said without hesitation: "I don't think these secret books belong to me. I will spread these secret books as much as possible. I hope they can be promoted to the whole Huaguo, so that all people can practice!"

Bai Yu was startled, and then bowed deeply to Jiang Xiaobai: "Brother Jiang is so brave, I accept this pattern!"

"That's right!" Kong Xuan exclaimed, then sighed, and his tone became low and lost, "When I was young, when I went to clean up the battlefield full of corpses, I wondered, why don't we spread the exercises? That way they can also have the power to protect themselves, but as they grow up, under all kinds of constraints, they no longer have the innocence of the past."

He suddenly took out a large jar of wine, poured eight large bowls, and respected Jiang Xiaobai: "This is a sacred act, please be a big white, Brother Jiang, please!"

Lin Xiao and the others also raised their wine bowls and toasted Jiang Xiaobai together.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly picked up the wine bowl, touched the seven people, and drank it all in one gulp!

"Good wine!"

The eight of them laughed together, Xue Linger's little face was flushed, and she was extremely excited.

"Of course, the Tao should not be passed on lightly, otherwise it will not benefit the common people, but will confuse all sentient beings." Jiang Xiaobai said, "First of all, these secret books are naturally passed on to the Ministry of Martial Arts, Jixia Academy, Confucian Mansion, and some resistance on the front line The big family, and then slowly spread out, and gradually spread to the whole country."

Bai Yu nodded and said: "That's right, this is an old-fashioned saying, like this, with the current vitality, these cheats can be popularized in at most two years. By then, the threat of monsters and sea beasts will be greatly reduced. There will be a time when even ordinary people can set sail again."

"Exactly!" Jiang Xiaobai said.

Li Chan laughed suddenly, meeting everyone's eyes, she explained: "I just remembered Jiang Xiaobai's appearance when I first met Jiang Xiaobai. Sacrificing your own interests for the sake of others. But now, I believe you will do very well as the chief elder of the Martial Arts Department, and it is an honor for all of our people in Huaguo to have you, Jiang Xiaobai."

Zhao Chong laughed, and changed the subject as soon as he spoke.

"Isn't it? You don't know how rebellious Xiaobai used to be. Let me tell you, he once..."

Jiang Xiaobai's face darkened, and he coughed again and again: "What are you doing? Be serious, this is the Dragon Market, it's dangerous."

Several people couldn't help laughing, full of a joyous atmosphere.

Zhang Chulan coughed softly: "Come back to business, I checked these halls just now, and it turns out that these halls are numbered. If you look here, it means that this hall is the Jiazi Hall, the first hall of heavenly stems and earthly branches, so the hall There is such a treasure inside."

Kong Xuan's eyes lit up, and he said, "Jiazi? Sixty is one Jiazi. There are at least tens of thousands of halls here, which means that there are at least hundreds of Jiazi halls. You can search for it, maybe there are better ones inside." treasure."

Having said that, several people became excited.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly grabbed the crowd: "Don't worry, this is what I want to remind you, these Jiazi halls are very dangerous. Don't look at me alive and kicking now, I was seriously injured in it, if it wasn't for the healing Da Huan Dan, I'm afraid I'm going to die under the sneak attack of that fourth-level emperor-level expert. By the way, that person was also injured in the Jiazi Hall."

"So dangerous?" Bai Yu said, he still hoped to make a splash.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded heavily: "There is absolutely no water! Of course, it's not to keep you from going in, but to be very careful, and if we can discover this secret, other people will surely discover it, so we need to be more careful. "

The seven nodded repeatedly, their analysis made sense.

The eight people searched for a while, and came to a closed Jiazi hall again. Bai Yu stepped forward and said, "Let me try."

"Well, be careful, we are outside helping you sweep the array."

Everyone recognized Bai Yu's strength. Bai Yu took a deep breath, took out a very shiny long sword, pushed the door open forcefully, and strode in.

With a creak, the door closed.Zhao Chong tried it, and found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't push it at all.

"Be careful, someone is watching us." Jiang Xiaobai said.

He had an extraordinary mind, and had been paying attention to his surroundings for a long time. As expected, as soon as Bai Yu entered, some people hid in the dark and peeped at them.

1 minutes, 2 minutes, 3 minutes passed...

"Does this mean that Bai Yu has withstood the test inside?" Kong Xuan asked in surprise.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Yes, everyone, hold on, some people can't help it."

As soon as he finished speaking, three pairs of ordinary-looking men came towards them, and two of them stared at Xue Ling'er closely. They were the two rude men who had chased Xue Ling'er before entering the Longxu.The other four are relatively young, especially the leading pair of twins, who have a strong aura, which is impressively at the level of the fourth stage of the Emperor Realm. They take it seriously.

"Hehe, little girl, we meet again."

The two young men in the lead finally saw Xue Ling'er, and each of them had a thick covetous look in their eyes, as if they saw a treasure.

The two smiled evilly in perfect synchronization, which was very strange.

Xue Ling'er's colored contact lenses were instantly blood red, she screamed, pulled out a long sword, and rushed towards the two of them angrily.

"You two traitors, I will kill you!"

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