Dominate the world

Chapter 888 Happy Three Immortals

Seeing that Xue Ling'er's steps were disordered and her breath was violent, she rushed up like this with insufficient strength, and she was completely sending her to death.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly took Xue Ling'er back, and found that Xue Ling'er was cold, trembling, crying heartbreakingly: "Brother Jiang, they killed my parents and tortured them before they died. , are not human anymore, woo woo..."

It turned out that he met the murderer who killed his father and mother, no wonder!

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly comforted Xue Ling'er, handed her to Li Chan, turned to look at the two of them and shouted, "Come on, I will be named, I Linlangdongtian Han Qianyu swordsman will not kill the unknown."

The current situation, whether it is the Jiazi Palace behind him or the feud between Xue Linger's parents, is already unending.

Zhao Chong and his men came to guard Jiang Xiaobai, drew their weapons, and confronted each other.

The faces of the two remained unchanged, as if they didn't pay attention to Kong Xuan and the others at all. The two glanced at Jiang Xiaobai up and down, and the corners of their mouths showed a hint of sarcasm. They were completely synchronized, which was extremely strange.

"You are Linlang Dongtian Han Qianyu?" One of the two said, but it was almost difficult to tell who said it from, "It's not so bad, even the two immortals of our twin secret realm and Xiaoyao don't know ?”

Jiang Xiaobai said coldly: "I don't need to know, as long as my sword knows."

"Boy, be presumptuous!" The two rushed forward at the same time, attacking Jiang Xiaobai from left to right.

Zhao Chong and the others did not expect that the two masters of the fourth stage of the emperor would not use their supernatural powers, but fought hand-to-hand.Jiang Xiaobai didn't take it seriously, he has always been open to tricks, and never refuses anyone who comes.

"Brother Han, be careful. The twins in the Gemini Mystic Realm share the same mind and belong to the same vitality. Once they get close, the two of them are like one person. That's how they plotted against my father back then." Xue Ling'er quickly reminded.

Jiang Xiaobai has already discovered the advantages of these two people. Their skills are not very powerful, and their speed is not very extraordinary, but the four feet and four hands are really as if they are being commanded by one person, and the rhythm is so fast. People are caught off guard.

For a while, Jiang Xiaobai was hit again and again, and it was because of his strong Eighty-Nine Mysterious Skills and his physical strength that he managed to hold it, but he couldn't hold on for a few times.He quickly retreated, preparing to open up some space.

"Hmph, boy, you are already in our domain, want to retreat? Impossible! And, don't expect other people to help you, they can't get in."

Jiang Xiaobai glanced back quickly, and sure enough, Zhao Chong and the others were standing in the distance, unable to get through at all.

The domains of the two of them are not so tyrannical, but strange, as if they are superimposed together, and they can't think of any way to break it for a while.

Jiang Xiaobai completely calmed down, paying attention to the movements of the two of them, trying to find a strategy against the enemy.

"Hehe, kid, don't think about it. Even if someone at the fifth stage of the emperor falls into the domain of our two brothers, he will die. If you, a kid at the third stage, can die in the domain of our two immortals, it is considered a worthy death." gone."

Jiang Xiaobai was completely indifferent to the provocation of the two of them. He no longer tried to block all the attacks with the sword in his left hand and the sword in his right hand, anyway they couldn't.He just blocked some threatening attacks, and carried the others directly with his body.

Outside the field, Li Chan and the others saw bloodshot eyes, and Jiang Xiaobai was completely at a disadvantage, as if death was only a short time away.

"Haha, a group of bumpkins dare to compete with us in the secret realm of the twins. You really can't control yourself. You should go on the road together." The other two pairs of twins rushed forward laughing, knowing that they could not leave the front of the Jiazi hall, and forcibly included everyone in them in the field.

Only then did they feel the strangeness of the Gemini Secret Realm, like a pool of quicksand, trapping people in it.As far as its power is concerned, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is tasteless, but when integrated with the skills of the Gemini Secret Realm, it is a first-class and powerful technique.

Fortunately, Kong Xuan and the others were many people. Although they were trapped, they were tied with the people from the Gemini Secret Realm, but they were completely inseparable. Jiang Xiaobai could only rely on himself.

"Get up!" Jiang Xiaobai sacrificed the Tianji Mirror. The so-called Xiaoyao Erxian is too powerful and good at combined attacks. Jiang Xiaobai found that it was the first time since he practiced martial arts that he felt so uncomfortable and was restrained. over and over.

"Tianji mirror?" The two suddenly called out, their voices were full of ecstasy, and for the first time there was a gap in their voices.

"Hmph, what Linlang Cave? No wonder the name doesn't show up. It turned out to be the Lingxu Cave after it was destroyed!"

"Hey, give us the secret mirror! I didn't expect to get two of the seven artifacts today."

The two shouted in tandem, and at the same time stretched out their hands to reach the Tianji mirror on top of Jiang Xiaobai's head.

Jiang Xiaobai felt suspicious in his heart, what's going on, Linlang Dongtian still has such a history?Did you change your name in the middle?Seven Artifacts?

However, this is not the time to think, Jiang Xiaobai hastily pinched the Fa Jue, and a shining light was released from the Tianji Mirror, covering towards the two Immortals Xiaoyao.


But the two of them just struggled for a while, and then broke free from the light of the Tianji Mirror.

"Oh, so the mirror hasn't been opened yet, no wonder the power is so weak, it's just right!" In ecstasy, their bodies separated suddenly, one of them went up against the light, and grabbed at the mirror of heavenly secrets, while the other called at Jiang Xiaobai.

"You deserve it!" Jiang Xiaobai roared angrily, and threw out a punch violently. He was already suffocated by the two of them.

The two of them only suppressed him for a while by relying on the weirdness of the twins' supernatural powers. Did they really stabilize him because of the fourth stage of the emperor?


The two fists intersected, this is a real power contest, there can be no falsehood, and the verdict is immediately judged.

Jiang Xiaobai stood proudly in the air, standing still, while the other person stepped back again and again, staring at Jiang Xiaobai in disbelief, his cheeks flushed, and he finally couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Help me!" The latter was terrified, he felt that the person in front of him was not a human being at all, but clearly a humanoid monster with frighteningly violent power.

"You are doomed, no one can save you!" Jiang Xiaobai growled, stepped forward with one step, directly crossed the distance between the two of them, and came to the front of Xiaoyao who didn't know whether it was Xiaoyao or Yaoyao, and stepped down heavily .

With a loud click, the latter's sternum collapsed directly, and blood spurted out of his mouth, which contained many internal organs and broken bones.

"Send you on your way!" Jiang Xiaobai pulled out the Tai Chi Star Sword, and slashed down with force.

"How dare you!" screamed another member of the Second Immortal Xiaoyao, let go of the Tianji Mirror, his body was like a sword, and he shot at Jiang Xiaobai's back with a fist, trying to surround Wei and save Zhao.

"It's you who's waiting!" Jiang Xiaobai turned around and punched him.

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