Dominate the world

Chapter 891 Meeting

Jiang Xiaobai exhaled and rubbed his numb head. Haotian's words were like dropping a bomb, which completely disturbed their peace of mind.

"Let's find a quiet place." Jiang Xiaobai said, leading the crowd into a large hall with the door wide open, and closing the door. Lived in the crowd.

"What do you think?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, "Everyone takes turns talking."

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "Haotian probably didn't lie, but it doesn't matter if he's hiding something."

Li Chan echoed: "That's right! Besides, the three of them are powerful, and we are small. If the three of them join forces to plot against us, how can we resist? It's all about artifacts. How can one artifact be divided among three clans to be as happy as two artifacts be divided among three clans?" ?”

Everyone else nodded, this is indeed a big hidden danger.

Zhang Chulan said: "But, we have to go! As Li Chan said, the three families are powerful. If we don't go, the three will definitely come to the door. Either we cooperate obediently, or we are slaughtered. This is the real purpose of Haotian coming to us this time."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Indeed, we have to go, but how will we deal with it after we go? And how to keep the back road, we need to make arrangements in advance."

Xue Ling'er suddenly smiled happily: "Brother Jiang, we also have an advantage. We have two artifacts. If we can grab the Nine Dragon Seal, we may not be able to resist them."

"Not bad!" Kong Xuan slapped his thigh heavily, "We have no chance."

Zhao Chong laughed loudly: "Did I say it a long time ago, your rescue of Ling'er is really the most important thing you did in this Longxu expedition."

"That's how good people get rewarded!" Lin Xiao laughed.

Li Chan snorted, "It's called foolishness!"

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes speechlessly, causing Xue Linger to giggle.

"Okay, when Haotian comes over later, let's go and see. If they don't act like monsters, it's fine. If they dare to be monsters, we won't be easy to provoke." Jiang Xiaobai said seriously, setting the tone.

Jiang Xiaobai called out the attributes.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Boundary: the third stage of the emperor

Cultivation Method: Taoist Scripture Volume 100 ([-]%)

The fourth stage of Bajiu Xuangong (30%)

Skills: so close to the end of the world (11%)

Seven Emotions Swordsmanship (11%)

Golden Dragon Sword Qi One Foot (21%)

Domineering Sword (80%) The second sword is a common sword

Avatar: Domain (30%)

During this period of time, because there was no next step in the cultivation method, the vitality in the body progressed more and more slowly. Before that, I opened a Jiazi hall and got a elixir to enhance the strength, but it was completely strengthened in the Bajiuxuan merit.

On the other hand, Qiqing swordsmanship and So Close to Tianya have improved a lot. Qiqi has passed the double-ten checkpoint, and its power has increased by at least 30% compared to before.

Although the others have not improved as much as him during this period, they have also improved significantly, especially Bai Yu, who was worthy of being the No. 1 in the martial arts department back then, and successfully broke through the third stage of the emperor's realm last night.

Kong Xuan and Lin Xiao are also fast. They have already touched the threshold of the third stage of the emperor's realm, and maybe they can break through to the third stage of the emperor's realm with a little more chance.Li Chan, Zhao Chong and Zhang Chulan are a little slower, but they have a solid foundation, and the future can be expected.

Xue Ling'er surprised everyone even more. After merging with the Jue Dao Ruler, her strength has greatly improved, and she has broken through the third stage of the Emperor Realm. little schoolgirl.

"Our strength is not weak!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the seven people, and his heart couldn't help being filled with pride.

After dusk, Haotian came as scheduled. After some discussion, Jiang Xiaobai and his party flew to his residence with the overjoyed Haotian.

The three major forces each chose a hall as their habitat. Opposite the hall is a misty mountain forest. It seems that there are ghosts in the night, which looks very scary.

Zhang Qian and Long Daozi obviously got the news and waited outside the hall.

Compared with Haotian, Zhang Qian is a bit older and still looks a bit weather-beaten, but his eyes are piercing, as if he can see into people's hearts at a glance.On the other hand, Long Daozi was dressed mostly in Taoist robes, with red lips and white teeth, as if he hadn't had a weak crown yet, and his chin was raised slightly, which seemed a bit arrogant.

Zhao Chong chuckled, and came over via voice transmission: "I was wondering, I heard that Haotian has the highest cultivation level among the younger generation in the dangerous secret realm, why did he come to contact you? I understand after seeing these two guys, let them not come fight?"

Jiang Xiaobai was a little speechless, Zhao Chong's angle was always so strange, but Zhao Chong's words also made him vigilant.

Who is it that invites them to come?

Looking at Zhang Qian and Long Daozi's appearance, it is obvious that they are not enthusiastic.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is Brother Han Qianyu from Linlangdongtian. He has extraordinary talent and amazing perseverance. I believe that under the leadership of brother Qianyu, Linlangdongtian will definitely be able to restore the glory of Lingxudongtian in the future."

Zhang Qian and Long Daozi each nodded and said nothing.

Haotian's name is very arrogant, but his personality is different kind of kind. He laughed: "Brother Qianyu, don't mind, I have known them for more than 20 years, and the two have this temperament, but they are cold on the outside and hot on the inside. Once you get acquainted, you will get along easily. Very good."

The modesty on Jiang Xiaobai's face gave off an amiable feeling. He smiled and said, "Naturally, naturally."

Haotian praised it, and said seriously: "According to the previous rumors, Qianyu, it seems that your Tianji mirror has not been opened yet?"

Jiang Xiaobai said embarrassingly: "It's really a shortage of sect classics, I really don't know how to open the mirror?"

"It's easy to say, with the three of us using the magic weapon, it's easy to open the mirror." Long Daozi said with a bit of teasing in his eyes, "But it depends on whether you dare or not?"

Zhang Qian laughed, looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and watched the show happily.

Haotian yelled and said, "Both of you, don't make jokes. The ghosts will disperse after midnight, and we don't have much time."

Jiang Xiaobai let out a heck, these two are a bit irritating, aren't they?After all, he is the pride of heaven, and he is a bit unruly.

"No problem, there is nothing to be afraid of. If you want it, then take it away." Jiang Xiaobai said casually.

Long Daozi snorted lightly: "At least not stupid!"

Zhang Qian smiled: "It's quite courageous, there are not many people who dare to talk to the two of us like that."

Haotian shook his head, and said tiredly: "Let's start quickly! Brother Qianyu, you can shoot out the secret mirror, brother Zhang, brother Long, be serious!"

Jiang Xiaobai played the Celestial Mirror and floated in the air, and the three of Haotian also played the Haoyang Shuo Seven Star Map and the Book of Life and Death.

Without the need for the three of them to pinch the magic formula, the meeting of the four artifacts automatically aroused mutual attraction, but the mirror of heaven was obviously a beat behind.

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