At this moment, the Haoyang Shuttle, the Seven Star Map, and the Book of Life and Death emitted a beam of light at the same time, and shot at the Sky Secret Mirror.With a buzzing sound, the radiance of the Tianji Mirror rose sharply, and its shape expanded rapidly, and then gradually shrunk, switching back and forth several times, gradually exuding an aura of Dao Yun Hongmeng.

"Okay, you two can leave now." Haotian said.

Zhang Qian and Long Daozi were very straightforward, they had no intention of playing tricks at all, and each put away their artifacts, and Jiang Xiaobai also took back the Tianji Mirror.As soon as the Tianji mirror entered his body, Jiang Xiaobai felt that this mirror was completely different from before.

But what is different in detail, I can't say it for a while, and I need to refer to it slowly.

"Congratulations, brother Qianyu, we don't have the blessing to be able to hold a divine weapon alone." Haotian said enviously.

Zhang Qian and Long Daozi did not speak, and envious expressions appeared in their eyes.Although they carried three artifacts, they belonged to the sect, and they were only used to search for the Nine Dragon Seal this time, and they had to be handed in after returning to the sect.

"Brother Qianyu, we don't have much time, let's go in now! The three of us have explored before, this time it should be relatively simple." Haotian said anxiously.

Jiang Xiaobai was startled: "Just the four of us?"

Zhang Qian hummed: "Without a divine weapon, there is no way to enter. Entering is just to die. You must know that this itself is a ghost cave."

Long Daozi was like a shit-stirring stick, at this moment he picked another sentence: "Aren't you afraid?"

Jiang Xiaobai said without changing his face: "I'm not afraid, but I need some time to comprehend the supernatural power of Tianji Mirror, otherwise, won't my actions later hinder you?"

"That's true!" Haotian pondered for a while and said, "But we don't have much time, Qianyu, you have at most half an hour."

"Enough." Jiang Xiaobai said, greeted Li Chan and others and got into a large hall.

Li Chan stayed at the end and closed the main hall door. Once the main hall door is closed, the interior becomes an isolated space, so there is no need to worry about others eavesdropping on their secrets.

"Brother Pan, help me analyze it." Half an hour is not enough, but Jiang Xiaobai is not afraid, with the Tai Chi disc, it is not too difficult to analyze the various magical powers of the Tianji Mirror.

Soon, a reminder sounded in Jiang Xiaobai's mind, and the attributes of the Tianji mirror were adjusted.

Treasure: Celestial Mirror

Level: Geographic Treasure (the best treasure that can be born naturally from a planet)

Supernatural powers: spying on the secrets of heaven (life is the best, vitality is second, vitality is the last)

Guardian: Relying on the vitality blessing of the treasure owner

Backtracking: Exploring the secrets of the past

Deceived: The Book of Changes changes the bone, changes the world

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's mouth showing a hint of joy, Zhao Chong said in a daze, "Is this all right?"

"It's very simple, I'll let you play with it later, and you'll know."

Xue Ling'er came out suddenly, her eyes burning as if she had made up her mind, she took out the Jue Dao ruler, and handed it over: "Brother Jiang, take it."

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai did not refuse, but nodded heavily, "Don't worry, I will bring it back intact."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai realized the Juedao Ruler again, and after a while, the attributes of the Juedao Ruler were also displayed by the Tai Chi disc.

Treasure: Absolute Ruler

Tier: Geographic Treasure

Supernatural powers: measure the sky (measure the heaven and the earth, comprehend the mystery)

Absolute Way (broken martial arts heart)

break the way (break and then stand)

"Okay." Jiang Xiaobai stood up.

"So fast?" Xue Ling'er was surprised, "I still don't understand anything?"

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile: "Wait until I come out to help you understand. Well, half an hour is up, so I'll go, you all be careful, and watch out for them."

"Don't worry, we know what's in our hearts!" Bai Yu said.

Coincidentally, there was a knock on the door outside the main hall, and Haotian's voice came in: "Brother Qianyu, are you alright?"

Jiang Xiaobai pushed the door open and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go."

Haotian was stunned for a moment, and explained: "The time is a bit rushed, but Brother Qianyu, don't worry, we will protect you and order."

"Then I'll thank you first." Jiang Xiaobai answered casually, and the two of them were polite again.

Long Daozi's voice came impatiently: "Are you ready?"

"Okay." Jiang Xiaobai and Haotian agreed together and walked over.

The three of them had obviously settled down, and no longer made any arrangements, and the four of them walked into the ghost shadow together.

After the midnight, the ghost image will dissipate, and Jiang Xiaobai and the others will most likely come back at that time, so Zhao Chong and the others have no intention of resting, so they stick around and wait.

After entering the ghost mist, all four of them cast the divine weapon, which hovered above the heads of the four of them, enveloped them, and drove away the ghost fog around the four of them.

The four stood side by side in two rows, Jiang Xiaobai and Haotian in front, Zhang Qian and Long Daozi in the back.The speed of the four of them is not fast, Jiang Xiaobai noticed the faces of the three of Haotian, they were all a little heavy, even the somewhat arrogant Long Daozi tensed up at the moment.

"There are monsters in the Ghost Mist, and they are extremely powerful, even above the fifth stage of the emperor. Of course, we have guardians, so there should be no problem in a short period of time, but after a long time, I can't handle anyone, so I still have to... Flash open."

Before Haotian finished speaking, the ghost fog in front seemed to be torn apart, and a huge four-hoofed monster rushed out.The latter was completely floating in the air without making any sound, so it was impossible to guard against.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly dodged to one side, seeing the size of the monster, even if it was protected by an artifact, it would definitely not feel good to be hit by it.

The monster rushed past, and then disappeared into the ghost fog.

"Aren't you coming back?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Haotian shook his head: "No one knows, they are the same as us, they can only advance but not retreat, once they retreat, the road will change. And once the road changes, it will be difficult for us to find the location of the Nine Dragon Seal. Alright , go ahead, be careful."

The three of them had entered here before, and they seemed to be familiar with the road. Jiang Xiaobai estimated the time, and after about an hour, they came to a small mountain.The ghost fog here is extremely thick, constantly attacking the four of them.

The four artifacts shone intensely, and finally pushed the ghost fog away.

"We can't go any further, let's summon the Nine Dragon Seal here." Haotian's tone was full of regret.

Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously: "Is there anything inside?"

Haotian patiently explained: "This is a tomb, there are naturally buried treasures inside, and who is the person buried inside, maybe it is the owner of the Nine Dragon Seal."

"The Xuanyuan family?"

Perhaps because he finally achieved his goal, Long Daozi's temper improved a lot. He explained: "The disappearance of the Xuanyuan family is a mystery. They used to be the most powerful force, but they just disappeared overnight and became A secret."

"Unfortunately, I can't go in!" Zhang Qian also sighed with emotion.

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