Dominate the world

Chapter 893 Xuanyuan Dao

Long Daozi snorted: "You don't need to go in, such mysterious disappearances often hide huge secrets or conspiracies, which are not something we can dabble in, and maybe a little bit of it will be fatal!"

Haotian said with emotion: "Brother Long is right. We should hurry up and finish the task. It's better to search for opportunities separately. We don't have much time left."

According to the formula given by Haotian, the four sacrificed their respective artifacts, and suddenly the four rays of light merged together, dispelling the dense black mist in front of the hill, and shooting into the depths of the hill.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai felt a powerful pulling force coming from the Tianji Mirror. This force was extremely strong, and it came so quickly that it almost pulled him into the black mist.

He hastened to run the eight or nine profound arts with all his strength, and finally suppressed the suction and stood still.

"Brother Han's technique is not simple. When I sensed it for the first time, I was dragged three feet away abruptly." Long Daozi said suddenly, and the title also changed.

Haotian apologized: "It was my negligence. I thought that the four of us and four artifacts were enough to withstand this force, so I didn't mention it to Brother Qianyu. Please forgive me, but Brother Qianyu's strength is really extraordinary. , easily suppressed this point of suction, let me admire."


Jiang Xiaobai sneered in his heart, these three people were clearly weighing his weight!

However, Jiang Xiaobai was not surprised at all about this. If it were him, he would do the same, but his vigilance against the three of them increased a little.

Jiang Xiaobai quietly moved the Juedao Ruler to guard his body, and the three of them didn't notice it at all under the blinding magic power of Tianji Mirror.

From the beginning to the end, he never trusted the three of them. Whether it was Haotian's enthusiasm, Long Daozi's cynicism, or Zhang Qian's silence, they could do nothing in front of their interests.

"Hold on." Haotian shouted suddenly, and the expressions of Long Daozi and Zhang Qian also changed.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes flickered suddenly, and his spirit seemed to leave his body and enter a strange space.Before he had time to sense his surroundings, a green dragon roared towards him.

The green dragon is so solid and delicate, every detail is lifelike, and there is no sign of illusion.

"No, come again?" Jiang Xiaobai complained, and quickly sensed the Tianji Mirror and Juedao Ruler. He didn't sense the Tianji Mirror, but fortunately, the Juedao Ruler can still be used.

At the moment, Jiang Xiaobai didn't care about exposing the Juedao Ruler, even if Haotian and the other three were in the dark, he didn't care, he first saved his life under Qinglong's giant claws.

He took out the Jue Dao Ruler, and pulled it towards the flying green dragon. With a crack, the Jue Dao Ruler hit Qinglong's head.

Qinglong was stunned, and froze in place, his eyes were full of confusion, as if he never expected to be hit by this little person in front of him.

Jiang Xiaobai also couldn't believe it, is the Seven Artifacts so powerful after opening the mirror?

However, it was only a short period of sluggishness, Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly jumped on the back of the green dragon, and performed the dragon control technique that he had just learned.He didn't expect to be able to apply what he had learned so quickly. His movements were a bit jerky, but under the blessing of Juedao Ruler, they were also powerful.

Qinglong finally came to his senses, it howled and rolled over to throw Jiang Xiaobai off.Jiang Xiaobai clamped Qinglong's ribs tightly with his legs, clenched his hands into fists, and smashed at Qinglong three inches below his ears.

According to the description in the book "Dragon Control", this location is where the ear palace of the dragon clan is located. A heavy blow to this place will cause internal ringing in the brain and lose the power to resist.

This is also the first step to subdue the dragon art, the more you can't be afraid of powerful creatures, in the world of the strong, only the powerful will be recognized.

"Okay, okay, don't fight anymore." A tall voice sounded from Qinglong's mouth.

Jiang Xiaobai almost yelled strangely, did Long speak?Could it be that this green dragon is really a living thing?On the current earth, there are really dragons?

He thought for a while, and jumped down, as long as enough is enough, but he didn't dare to be careless, holding the Judao Ruler across his chest with both hands, staring at Qinglong vigilantly.

Qinglong looked closely at Juedao Ruler and said: "Sure enough, I'm not mistaken, you actually have two Seven Artifacts, and the move just now should be the Dragon Control Technique?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Senior, it shouldn't be Qinglong, right?"

Qinglong actually put on a wry smile: "Yes, of course I am not a dragon, I just rely on a Qinglong soul to survive. Since you have come here, you should also know my name. My former name was Xuanyuandao. "

"The Xuanyuan family?"

"That's right, I am the last head of the Xuanyuan family, and the Xuanyuan family perished at my hands!" Xuanyuandao said quietly, his voice was full of guilt and loss.

Jiang Xiaobai recalled what Haotian and the others said, and asked quickly: "Senior, what is going on? Can you explain in detail?"

"Of course, this is also the reason why I took your divine soul in." Xuanyuandao explained, "You should have obtained a dragon soul, right?"

Jiang Xiaobai didn't deny it either: "Senior's eyes are like torches."

"Hehe, you are very sweet-mouthed, little guy. I know that the reason why you got the dragon soul is very simple, because only those who have obtained the dragon soul can use the Dragon Control Technique."

Xuanyuandao obviously knew what Jiang Xiaobai was thinking, he added with a smile: "Don't think that the dragon control technique is useless, it has other magical effects. Being able to get the dragon soul means that you are lucky enough. When you enter the Dragon Market, You should have arrived at a mysterious place, and there is a green light entering your body?"

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes widened involuntarily, Xuanyuandao had completely hit on what happened to him.

"Senior, how do you know?"

A look of pain flashed in Xuanyuandao's eyes: "Because these things have happened to me, we are all children of luck, but it is a pity that we are destined to make wedding dresses for others. Everything is fate. I can't change it, and neither can you."

Jiang Xiaobai was terrified in his heart, and said in a concentrated voice: "Senior, what does the son of luck mean? Who is he going to make a wedding dress for? And what is the so-called catastrophe?"

Xuanyuandao didn't explain it, but he became emotional: "My Xuanyuan clan made a great sacrifice back then. I thought that the catastrophe would be eliminated, but I didn't expect that after many years, reincarnation would start again. Unfortunately, I don't know that catastrophe will happen again. How many innocents have been sacrificed."

Jiang Xiaobai was anxious for a while, why did this ancient man have so many things, he always likes to express emotion, he should pay attention to the key points in the conversation!

"Senior, please clear up your doubts. I don't have much time for this junior." Jiang Xiaobai asked with suppressed anger, and Xuanyuandao's words made him startled and frightened.

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