Dominate the world

Chapter 894 Dragon Skeleton

But the next moment, what Jiang Xiaobai was most worried about happened.

Xuanyuandao was completely immersed in the past, and his long eyes became confused: "It was the same situation back then. I was still a young hero with high spirits. After recovering our vitality, we ushered in the best era. Countless talents were born, and hundreds of flowers Zhengyan, who knew that a catastrophe was coming..."

Xuanyuandao's voice became more and more indistinct, but what was strange was that Qinglong's body also became unreal, as if it was about to disappear.

Jiang Xiaobai panicked, what's going on?Excessive injury, just disappear?

He picked up the Jue Dao Ruler and slapped Qinglong, and he didn't care about any respect.

"Senior, senior, wake up!"

Only then did Xuanyuandao come back to his senses, he stared blankly at his gradually illusory body, furious: "How is it possible, I...someone is stealing my Dao fruit, no, no..."

Xuanyuandao yelled frantically, but he couldn't stop himself from disappearing at all. Fortunately, he finally came back to his senses and shouted at Jiang Xiaobai: "Remember, some of the masters of the Seven Artifacts are traitors, don't believe it... "

Qinglong's body disappeared completely, Jiang Xiaobai felt his vision change, and his spirit finally returned to his body.

"I—" With great effort, Jiang Xiaobai finally suppressed the anger in his heart.

However, the excited voices of the three of Haotian sounded in their ears: "I finally got it!"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the three of them, but he saw a three-inch-square small seal floating under the cover of four artifacts, the whole body was golden yellow, and nine golden dragons circled around the small seal, lifelike.

"Brother Qianyu, you can take back the Nine Dragons Seal this time, thanks to your contribution to Linlang Cave." Haotian laughed.

Both Long Daozi and Zhang Qian couldn't suppress the joy in their hearts. Before they came out, the elders of the sect told them what to do. The ultimate purpose of coming out this time was to retrieve the Nine Dragon Seal, and now the task was finally completed.

Jiang Xiaobai was full of disappointment, but he had no choice but to smile embarrassingly, and called out congratulations.

Haotian put away the Nine Dragons Seal and explained: "The Nine Dragons Seal needs to be handed back to the elders, so I will put it away for now, the three of you don't mind."

Long Daozi glanced at it greedily, and snorted: "It's not yours, it must be handed over to the elders anyway, so I don't mind."

Zhang Qian hummed lightly, noncommittal.

Neither of them had any objections, so Jiang Xiaobai naturally wouldn't say anything.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'm going to go out first. After all, the Nine Dragons Seal has a lot to do with it. I need to go back immediately to avoid any accidents. Please leave it to the three of you." After Haotian finished speaking, he cupped his hands at the three of them. Turned around and left.

Long Daozi and Zhang Qian exchanged glances, one left and one right parted ways.

Jiang Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, making sure that the three of them had left, he propped up the Tianji Mirror and Juedao Ruler to break through the black fog, and rushed into the hill.

Xuanyuandao is dead, but there should be his bones in the hill, maybe something will be left behind.Everything that Xuanyuandao said just now shocked him, the son of destiny, making a wedding dress for someone, catastrophe, traitor, and only this hill might have a clue.

Apart from the two artifacts, Taiji Yuanpan is his greatest confidence. If he really gets into a deadly situation, I believe Brother Pan will be enough to bring him out.

The black mist was extremely corrosive, and before the brilliance of the two artifacts were completely corroded, Jiang Xiaobai finally came to the hill.At this time, he finally saw clearly the original appearance of the hill, which was basically a hall.

There are two rows of big characters marked on the main hall, Jia Zi, Long Yi.

Jiang Xiaobai mentioned Quan Fu, obviously this should be the real first hall, and it is doomed to be full of dangers.

With deep anger, Jiang Xiaobai kicked up!

With a creak, the door opened, and Jiang Xiaobai stepped in.

An extremely powerful and domineering power rushed towards his face, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but constrict the pupils of his eyes, and he saw a keel.The keel is golden all over, shining like the sun.

This power was fully applied to the soul, and for a moment Jiang Xiaobai had thoughts of surrendering and bowing down in his heart.His knees were limp, and he couldn't help but want to kneel down to the ground.

In a trance, Jiang Xiaobai saw a divine dragon flying into the sky, and countless ancestors kneeling down on the ground below, from the gray-haired old man to the child who could barely walk, all knelt on the ground devoutly, facing the sky. The dragon worships three times and kowtows nine times.

But Shenlong came whistling, opened his mouth and sucked in, and countless ancestors were swallowed by Shenlong, but they were happy with it, did not make any resistance, their expressions were full of joy, and they were proud of dedicating themselves to Shenlong.

And he stood at the end of the crowd, his knees gradually bent towards the ground.

"No, stand up, stand up!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled in his heart, but his body was completely out of his control. Under the tyrannical power of the dragon, he had no power to resist.

A clear stream flowed out, flowing through all the limbs, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt that his body had finally regained control, he couldn't help but let out a long roar, and stood up straight.Then it flew high and punched the dragon in the sky.


There was a crisp sound, like glass shattering, and the vision in front of him was shattered. Jiang Xiaobai found that he had returned to the hall again.But at this moment, he had only half stepped into the hall.

Sweat trickled down, soaking his clothes, Jiang Xiaobai let out a long breath, and said gratefully: "Brother Pan, thank you for saving my life again."

Looking at the keel in the hall again, Jiang Xiaobai found that he was still captivating, but he was no longer irresistible as before. He stepped in with the other foot, and the door of the hall closed behind him.

This hall seemed to have no roof, and the clouds above the head were filled with clouds, and the skeleton of the dragon was tall, and half of it was almost hidden in the clouds.

Jiang Xiaobai saw a skeleton, and the clothes had already decayed. Perhaps it was because he was with Shenlong that the bones did not turn into ashes.

"You should be Senior Xuanyuandao. It is an honor for you to be with Shenlong after death." Jiang Xiaobai bowed to the skeleton and found a storage ring in one finger.

The owner had already died, and the storage ring had lost its protection. Jiang Xiaobai's mind relaxed into it.

It's a pity that there was nothing inside, which made Jiang Xiaobai very disappointed.

"Could it be that you didn't leave anything behind?" Jiang Xiaobai walked around the skeleton three times, but unfortunately he didn't find anything after all.

Jiang Xiaobai came to the dragon skeleton, and after thinking for a while, Jiang Xiaobai raised the Taiji Star Sword and slashed it.

"Ding, I found the skeleton of a holy master." Taiji Yuanpan issued a reminder.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai didn't care about the lack of a hole in the Taiji Xingchen Sword. He looked excitedly at the huge skeleton in front of him, and asked in his heart, "Can you take away the entire keel?"

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