Dominate the world

Chapter 895 The Whereabouts of Liu Douer

The answer is no suspense!

"Please check the eight ribs on Shenlong's back!" Tai Chi Yuanpan issued another reminder.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly flew up, and counted the dragon's ribs to the eighth rib, but saw that there was a broken sword inserted here.And looking at the cracked and spread of bones around, it seems that this broken sword is the cause of Shenlong's death.

Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand and carefully grabbed the hilt of the broken sword. He didn't know how long the broken sword had been in the world, but he could still feel the power emanating from the broken sword.

A treasure that can slay a dragon, even a broken sword, is definitely not ordinary.

But to Jiang Xiaobai's surprise, he easily grasped the hilt without any backlash.

"Ding, found stars and iron!" Tai Chi Yuanpan reminded.

Jiang Xiaobai tried to pull out the broken sword worrying about gain and loss, but he pulled it out easily.As the broken sword was pulled out, some fragments of the dragon's bones fell to the ground, and the dragon's bones suddenly opened their mouths and spewed out an aura.

Jiang Xiaobai's mind was shaken violently, and he felt an extremely familiar aura from that aura.

Instinctively, Jiang Xiaobai picked up the Taoist scriptures, and stretched out a big illusionary hand to grab the aura.

Lingyun is extremely agile, but after all, no one is controlling it, and was trapped in the main hall, Jiang Xiaobai chased after it again and again and finally caught Lingyun in his hands.Feeling the aura of Daoist scriptures on Jiang Xiaobai's body, that aura penetrated into Jiang Xiaobai's body.

"Ding, I found the fifth volume of Taoism."

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help laughing loudly, compared to the broken sword, compared to the keel, this is his biggest harvest.

It took a long time for Jiang Xiaobai to calm down. After comprehending the fifth volume of the Taoist scriptures, he was convinced that he ran under the dragon bones and put away the fragments of the dragon bones. These are all good things ah!

It's a pity that after all, no secret information about the great catastrophe was found, but Jiang Xiaobai was already extremely satisfied. Haotian had already mentioned the alliance of all parties in the secret realm of Dongtian before, so it may not be impossible to find out some clues by then.

In the main hall, Jiang Xiaobai searched again and again, making sure there was nothing missing, Jiang Xiaobai pushed the main hall away and chose to leave.

Relying on the two artifacts, the black mist in the outside world was no longer there, but it had little effect on Jiang Xiaobai. He returned to Zhao Chong and his party safely.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's return, the seven of them heaved a sigh of relief and rushed up to meet him.

"They've already left, didn't they bother you?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Bai Yu smiled sophisticatedly: "It should be because you have the secret mirror."

Jiang Xiaobai also understood that the Seven Artifacts are related to the future catastrophe, which may be the reason why Haotian is kind to him, and why Zhang Qian and Long Daozi are also kind.

"Get ready to leave, the Dragon Market is about to disappear."

The eight people didn't stay any longer, and flew towards the outer domain together, flew over the Yixian Gorge, and came to the place where they entered.

"A lot of people?" Xue Linger asked in surprise.

Li Chan sneered and said: "They are all the people gathered here without the Dragon Market Token. Fortunately, a Dragon Market Token can only bring two people in. If it can bring three or even four people in, it will really be a river of blood." gone."

"Let's go, they don't dare to stop us." Jiang Xiaobai said, he directly shot out the Heavenly Secret Mirror, covering eight people, and strode forward in the crowd.

Sure enough, after seeing the Tianji Mirror, the coveted eyes narrowed one after another, watching Jiang Xiaobai and the eight people activate the Dragon Market Token and teleport away.

In the distance, a coquettish woman opened her eyes wide, full of disbelief.

"It's really Han Qianyu? How is it possible? How could my Yuansuo fly back automatically if he didn't die?"

Behind her, stood two ugly men.

One person flatteringly said: "Elder Sister, you also saw that there are seven artifacts in Linlang Cave, maybe it was the Heavenly Secret Mirror that saved him?"

The coquettish woman snorted softly: "It seems necessary to see him again, let's go too."



With the flash of the beam of light, the figures of Jiang Xiaobai and his party of eight emerged.

This is a secluded sea area without any human habitation.The eight people identified their direction and flew towards the Martial Arts Department.

A month later, in the Martial Arts Department, Jiang Xiaobai ended his retreat and his strength improved greatly.

Since the group returned to the Martial Arts Department more than half a month ago, Xue Linger's identity was arranged, and after issuing several orders, Jiang Xiaobai began to retreat, formally practicing the fifth volume of the Daoist Sutra.

Now, the fifth volume of the Taoist scriptures has finally been officially introduced, and his strength has once again increased by one rank, directly promoted to the fourth rank of the emperor level. If he is not afraid of improving too quickly, Jiang Xiaobai intends to suppress the realm, let alone the fourth rank of the emperor level. It is possible to reach the fifth or even sixth dan of the imperial class.

Sensing the Martial Arts Department, Jiang Xiaobai's figure flashed and appeared in a garden.

Xue Ling'er turned around suddenly, saw Jiang Xiaobai, and rushed over happily: "Brother Jiang, have you broken the barrier again?"

Jiang Xiaobai sensed Xue Ling'er's cultivation level. Although she was covered by the Supreme Ruler, she couldn't hide it from Jiang Xiaobai. Xue Ling'er's cultivation base has improved very steadily. After a while, she will surely enter the emperor level naturally. Four paragraphs.

"Well, I've been stuck in the kungfu for a long time, now that kungfu makes up for it, it's natural to break through. How about it? Are you still used to it here?"

Xue Ling'er smiled happily: "This place is very good, everyone treats me very well. Senior Tong treats me like a granddaughter, Senior Gongsun also taught me a lot of things, I feel that this place is no different from Shuiyuedongtian .”

"That's good!"

A figure flashed beside the two of them, and Bai Yu stepped out from the crack.Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he cupped his hands and said, "Brother Bai is so talented, maybe he will break through to the fourth stage of the emperor class in a while."

Bai Yu said with a smile: "It's thanks to the primordial stones and cheats you brought back. There are so many talents in our Martial Arts Department, but we don't have enough martial arts and primordial stones. With the supplement of these materials, I believe we will soon achieve a large number of emperor-level masters." Master."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and he sensed it after leaving the level. Many people in the Martial Arts Department are breaking through the level. After a while, emperor-level masters will appear on a large scale like mushrooms after a spring rain.

At that time, their martial arts department will finally have the strength to compete with the major secret caves.

"Brother Bai, did you come to see me for something?"

Bai Yu's face turned serious: "That's right, we found some clues. Liu Dou'er should have been taken away by people from Penglai Xiandao."

"Penglai?" A murderous intent flashed in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes.

"Brother Jiang, what are you going to do?" Xue Ling'er asked worriedly.

As the daughter of the lord of the Water Moon Cave, she grew up listening to the legend of the Penglai Immortal Island, and she yearns for and respects the Penglai Immortal Island.

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