Jiang Xiaobai's mouth was full of jokes: "How to do it? Of course, call the door."

"Brother Jiang, I'll accompany you!" Xue Ling'er said without thinking.

"No need, I have to do this by myself, and you should cultivate here. Remember the catastrophe I told you about? If we want to stop it, our current strength is not enough. Moreover, your current identity is not enough. It should not be exposed."

Xue Ling'er snorted, "Brother Jiang, be careful."

"Don't worry, I understand." Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu cupped their hands and flew away.

Penglai, the legendary Island of the Three Immortals, is located to the east of the East China Sea, but the exact location is hardly known.However, under the tireless search of the Martial Arts Department, they finally found a little way.

A few days later, Jiang Xiaobai landed on a small island in the East China Sea. The island has no mysteries, and it is not covered by formations. The small island on the sea turned out to be the entrance to Penglai Xiandao.

Following the news given by Bai Yu, Jiang Xiaobai came to the northwest corner of the island and sat down to wait.

At dusk, when the sea breeze blew up, Jiang Xiaobai relaxed the control of his body, let the sea breeze carry him along, and drifted all the way. When the sea breeze stopped, Jiang Xiaobai saw a huge island in front of him.

The distance was still far away, but here, Jiang Xiaobai felt a strong vitality, and the sea water was much lighter than the outside world.

From time to time, a crane flew up on the small island. It looked no different from the crane in Yuxu Palace.Jiang Xiaobai didn't hide either, and flew carelessly towards the island, and there was a burst of exclamation.

"Jiang Xiaobai from Huaguo Martial Arts Department came to pay respects to the mountain!" Jiang Xiaobai said loudly, and his voice spread hundreds of miles away.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai floated in the sky, looked around, and saw figures flying towards him.Among them, a sword light is the most swift, flying like piercing through the air, drawing out a long wave of air.

"What a thief, how dare you break into my Penglai fairy island."

The person who came was a half-grown boy, about fifteen or sixteen years old, but his strength was extremely high, even at the third stage of the emperor class.Her lips are red and her teeth are white, her face is still a bit childish, but the brows are already full of heroism.

A long sword was extremely fast, like a beam of light, directly covering Jiang Xiaobai's large acupoints all over his body.

With a flip of Jiang Xiaobai's palm, the brand-new Tai Chi Star Sword came out of its sheath, and with a crisp clang, it blocked all the young man's attacks.

The boy snorted: "Sure enough, I have some skills, let's see!"

Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly, he was never used to brats, so he kicked the boy unceremoniously, kicking the boy to eat shit.

"Boy, stay well, adults talk, children don't interrupt." Jiang Xiaobai shouted, looking at the people who had already rushed.

There were at least 30 people in the dark place, and many of them were furious, but they didn't break out under the restraint of the first person.

"Jiang Xiaobai from the Martial Arts Department of Huaguo? Hehe, Jiang Zhanshen is so powerful!" The leader was a middle-aged man, not weak, at the fifth-dan emperor level.

"Who is your Excellency?"

The middle-aged man stroked his long beard and said lightly, "Xu Yu!"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows: "Oh, that's the letter you wrote?"

"That's right, it's me." Xu Yu's eyes flashed coldly, and his voice was a little more sinister, "Xu Qing is my son who is incompetent, but you ruined his foundation after a lot of experience."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, he didn't expect to meet the real master directly.

"Then your Excellency, just draw the line." Jiang Xiaobai didn't bother to talk nonsense, "If you want to call and talk directly, I will accompany you."

"Okay, I'm a bit courageous, but it depends on whether you have the strength to be arrogant." Xu Yu shouted, grasping with his palms, trying to grab Jiang Xiaobai.

But he was disappointed, Jiang Xiaobai stood where he was, not moving.

Xu Yu's cheeks blushed, unexpectedly, he couldn't catch Jiang Xiaobai.

"Hmph, there are some tricks." Xu Yu shouted, turned his palm and took out a flying sword, stabbing Jiang Xiaobai in the chest.

Jiang Xiaobai stretched out two fingers, facing the stabbing long sword with a pinch.

"Overestimating one's abilities." Jiang Xiaobai's provocative action completely angered Xu Yu. He let out a muffled grunt, and put all his power on the long sword, vowing to stab Jiang Xiaobai through with one sword.

But he soon discovered that the long sword was caught between Jiang Xiaobai's two fingers, as if stuck in a tight rock, and could no longer move forward.In desperation, he retreated forcefully, trying to pull out the long sword, but he found that he couldn't pull it out either!

Jiang Xiaobai sneered: "It is said that my son is a hero, and my son is a hero. From your Excellency, I can see why Xu Qing's strength is so unbearable. I learned from you."

"Get lost!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled loudly, exerted force on his fingers, and with a click, the long sword snapped.

Xu Yu spat out a mouthful of blood, his body flew backwards, rolled twice, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Everyone in Penglai Xiandao who came with Xu Yu was stunned, looking at the scene in disbelief.A junior at the fourth stage of the emperor level actually wounded a senior at the fifth stage of the emperor level, and only with two fingers.

Jiang Xiaobai clenched his fists, his fingers creaking.After entering the fourth stage of the emperor's realm, his vitality has greatly improved, which has also led to the progress of the Bajiu Xuangong, allowing his physical strength to rise to a higher level.

Especially during this period of retreat, according to Taijiu Yuanpan's instructions, Jiang Xiaobai ground some dragon bones into powder, and after devouring some, his physical strength rose to a new level out of thin air.

It can be said that his body is now stronger than even monsters of the same level.

Xu Yu tried to compete with Jiang Xiaobai in strength, and he was completely hitting a stone with an egg, so he was naturally vulnerable.

"Could it be that this is how you treat guests in Penglai Xiandao? Let's fight first. If that's the case, I have no objection. Who will be next?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at everyone with contempt.

How could these people bear the power of Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, and they turned their heads from all sides.

"Hehe, it's not unreasonable to have a friend coming from afar. Jiang Xiaobai, the Martial Arts Department of Huaguo, has arrived, and Penglai Xiandao will be full of splendor. Please!" At this moment, an ethereal voice sounded from afar, but completely The location of the latter cannot be discerned.

"It's the Great Elder!" Someone yelled excitedly, and then glared at Jiang Xiaobai bitterly, as if waiting to see you have a good time.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded secretly. Sure enough, every power inherited from ancient times has some background that outsiders can't see.The feeling that the voice gave him just now is probably not inferior to Tong Fangyuan.

"Senior, you are being polite. This junior has always yearned for Penglai Xiandao. Please forgive me for being presumptuous here."

"Haha, the little guy is a bit interesting, boy Xu, lead the way!"

Xu Yu didn't dare to be negligent, and glared at Jiang Xiaobai bitterly, but he had no choice but to lead the way.

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