Dominate the world

Chapter 897 The Island Lord's Wife

Xu Yu showed off on purpose, and took Jiang Xiaobai all the way through the Artifact Refining Hall, Formation Hall, Martial Arts Field, Sword Mountain and Sword Forest, and finally arrived at the Conference Hall after spending almost an hour.

At this moment, more than a thousand people had gathered in front of the meeting hall, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with curiosity or surprise.

A group of people waited in front of the hall, a total of eight people, all of them were above the fifth stage of the emperor's realm, and two of them were old men who were at the sixth stage of the emperor's realm.

In contrast, although Xu Yu is also the fifth-dan emperor-level, in terms of strength, he is far from the opponent of these people.

"Elder Jiang, please." A man with a slightly younger face said kindly, his voice was clear, calm and calm.

Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands at the eight people: "Jiang Xiaobai from Huaguo Martial Arts Department has met all the elders."

These eight people are obviously the elders of Penglai Xiandao, and their seniority is extremely high, and he is now representing the Martial Arts Department of Huaguo, so naturally he will not greet him as a junior.Similarly, the people of Penglai Xiandao also understood, so they excluded the current scene.

Following the eight people, Jiang Xiaobai walked into the main hall, while Xu Yu stopped outside the hall, as his status was not enough to enter the discussion.

On the main seat in the main hall, sat a middle-aged man with a kind face, and beside him was a graceful lady. Both of them were not bad in strength, both at the level of the sixth stage of the Emperor Realm.

Jiang Xiaobai sighed in his heart, after all, it is a fairy mountain that has been passed down for a long time. If nothing else, this background is far from comparable to the Ministry of Martial Arts.

"Elder Jiang came from a long distance. The journey has been exhausting. Please sit down. My humble Xu Rui, this is my wife Dongfanghong."

Jiang Xiaobai thanked him, but did not take his seat, and said loudly: "Jiang Xiaobai has met the island owner's wife, the purpose of my trip, the island owner and his wife should know the purpose of my trip, right?"

Xu Rui laughed lightly: "Elder Jiang Xiaobai is said to be hot-tempered, so the rumors are true, ma'am?"

Dongfanghong nodded slightly, clapped her hands, and soon a woman ran out from the back hall, it was Liu Douer.

"Doudou?" Jiang Xiaobai yelled happily, and stepped forward to hug Liu Dou'er who rushed over.

"You haven't been wronged, have you?" Jiang Xiaobai asked. He looked Liu Dou'er's body up and down, feeling her breath, but saw that Liu Dou'er had already broken through the emperor level.

Liu Douer shyly pushed Jiang Xiaobai away, and said in a low voice, "Of course not, Master treats me very well."

"Your master?"

"Well, it's the island owner's wife. I was arrested back then, and my wife saw me. She punished those people, saying that I have good qualifications, and accepted me as a closed disciple." Liu Dou'er said happily, her tone Li has little rejection of Penglai Xiandao.

Jiang Xiaobai heaved a sigh of relief, but couldn't help but blamed him: "Then you didn't send a word back, you don't know that your grandpa, daddy and I are all worried, and your sister Yingying misses you all the time!"

Liu Douer stuck out her tongue embarrassingly, shook Jiang Xiaobai's arm and apologized, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to give you a surprise."

"Forget it, as long as you're fine, what's your plan? Do you want to stay here, or go back with me?"

Liu Douer's eyes flickered for a moment, then he looked back at the island owner's wife and hesitated.

"Elder Jiang, if possible, I still hope that Doudou can stay in Penglai Xiandao for a longer period of time and improve his cultivation well." Dongfang Hong suddenly interjected.

Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands at Dongfanghong: "Thank you Madam for taking care of Doudou during this time, but if you want to practice, our Martial Arts Department may not be worse than Penglai Xiandao."

In the hall, everyone burst into laughter.

Xu Rui stopped everyone's laughter, and apologized: "I'm sorry, Elder Jiang's patriotism and I and others outside the party may not understand, but we respect each other. But in terms of facts, the cultivation environment in Huaguo is compared to As far as my Martial Arts Department is concerned, it’s still quite a bit worse.”

Jiang Xiaobai felt upset, and he said in a deep voice: "Island Master, I'm afraid you are a little ignorant. Maybe our Huaguo Martial Arts Department was relatively backward, but since the recovery of vitality, our Martial Arts Department has become better and better. The stronger it is, the more talents will emerge, and all kinds of talents will rise one after another. Maybe it can't compare with the background of Penglai Xiandao, but it will only get better and better in the future."

"Then there will be a catastrophe in the future, do you know?" Dongfang Hong frowned.

Jiang Xiaobai said loudly: "Naturally, I know, but my Chinese martial arts practitioners practice martial arts for the country, even if they die, they will not regret it."

Dongfanghong couldn't help scolding: "You are not afraid of death, what about Doudou? You don't care about yourself, don't you care about her?"

"Master, Doudou is naturally not afraid of death!" Liu Dou'er said loudly.

Dongfang Hong's tone faltered, and he gave Liu Dou'er an angry look. Liu Dou'er pursed his lips and looked at Dongfang Hong flatteringly. In the past, this trick was always unfavorable, but now it failed.

"No." Dongfang Hong shook his head, "I don't care about the others, but Doudou you have to stay."

"Ma'am?" Xu Rui held Dongfang Hong's hand with a lot of persuasion in his eyes, but Dongfang Hong just shook his head.

Jiang Xiaobai was surprised, he saw the pity and grief in Dongfanghong's eyes, which can only be seen in the closest relatives.

"Mrs. Xu, Xiaobai is grateful for your love for Doudou, but you can rest assured that I will protect Doudou with all my strength and will not let her get hurt. I once promised Doudou's relatives, and I can also promise you promise."

Dongfang Hong shook her head: "Then what if you die?"

"Ma'am?" Xu Rui's tone suddenly became severe.

Jiang Xiaobai's mind was spinning quickly, listening to Dongfang Hong, is this saying that he has a big doom?He couldn't help but recall that in the Dragon Ruins, Xuanyuandao said that the two of them were very similar, and also hinted that he would not end well. Obviously these two wives of the island owner knew something.

"Master, is Xiaobai in danger?" Liu Dou'er asked anxiously.

Dongfanghong looked at Liu Dou'er with pity, brushed Liu Dou'er's hair gently, and said softly: "Dou Dou, you have been in Penglai Xiandao for a while. You should also know the purpose of our Xiandao , never take the initiative to contact the outside, so as not to cause disasters. Otherwise, everyone will respond to disasters, and no one will escape."

"But Xiaobai?" Liu Douer asked worriedly.

Dongfanghong smiled wryly and said: "He is already in a catastrophe, and he cannot avoid it."

"Then I will go through the tribulation with him, even if I die, I am willing to follow Xiaobai." Liu Dou'er categorically shouted.

"Doudou, you can stay." Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said seriously.

As soon as Liu Douer's expression changed, he was about to speak, but Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand to signal Liu Douer not to speak for now.

"Island owner, madam, how about we make a deal?"

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