Dominate the world

Chapter 904 Leave

Jiang Xiaobai smiled slightly and said: "The senior can take it as much as he wants, but the younger generation never thinks that he is the child of luck, and he doesn't want to be the child of luck."

The old man praised: "The little guy is really brave."

"That's because doing bad things is always done secretly, and you won't say it." Jiang Xiaobai giggled.

The old man was startled, and then laughed loudly: "The little guy is very interesting, very interesting!"

"Senior, you should have heard what we talked about before. Is there really no way to stop it?" Jiang Xiaobai asked seriously.

The old man also became serious, thought for a while, and finally said: "The destiny cannot be violated, but there is no unparalleled road. Only those who go there will know what it is. The failure of the people in front does not mean that the people behind People will fail, but if you want to succeed, you are doomed to pay more, do you understand?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded. The old man's words were simple but reasonable.

"Thank you senior for your guidance, this junior understands."

The old man patted Jiang Xiaobai on the shoulder and said, "Work hard, maybe you can end everything."

After speaking, the figure of the old man disappeared in a flash.

"Congratulations to the Great Elder!" Xu Rui and Dongfang Hong raised their fists again to salute.

Jiang Xiaobai came to his senses resentfully. The old man obviously didn't want to get involved any more, so he just left.The latter's attitude will obviously affect the opinions of the two island owners, and the intention of uniting Penglai Xiandao may not be achieved.

"Island owner, madam, back to the previous topic, what's my proposal?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, "You also saw it just now, even your great elders treat me differently."

Dongfanghong didn't speak, but looked at her island owner's husband. Jiang Xiaobai's pulling out the great elder obviously meant pulling the tiger's skin to pull the banner, but it was enough to show that the matter was of great importance.Their decision is related to the safety of the entire island. She can make the decision on small matters, but she is still used to relying on her husband for such big matters.

Xu Rui said unhurriedly: "Jiang Zhanshen, the Great Elder does look at you differently. In fact, I also hope that you will succeed and end this reincarnation. But the reality is not hope. In your words, the ideal is full, and the reality is skinny. .Our Penglai Xiandao has been able to survive to this day, naturally we have our own way to save our lives, but once we ally with you, we need to pay a huge price and take huge risks."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "The island owner is right, it is indeed reality. But since the island owner said so, do you think there is any request?"

"That's right, Jiang Zhanshen's response is really sensitive." Xu Rui's face was serious, and he said seriously: "You don't have enough bargaining chips. If you can give us enough hope, cooperation may not be impossible."

"Isn't that the reason why Jiang Zhanshen deliberately showed his all-round talent just now?" Dongfang Hong added with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai also became serious: "Yes, the island owner and his wife Mingjian, I am naive. The talent may be amazing, but it is really not a convincing bargaining chip. I really need to increase the bargaining chip, but I also A guarantee is needed."

"Please speak!" Xu Rui said.

Jiang Xiaobai said without hesitation: "It is said that Penglai, Yingzhou, and the abbot Sanxian Island have always been separated by a strip of water and connected with each other. If I increase the stakes, I hope the island owner and his wife will also bring Yingzhou and the abbot to me. How about the chariot?"

Xu Rui laughed loudly: "Jiang Zhanshen has a big appetite."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "The more alliances, the better, isn't it?"

Xu Rui glanced at Dongfang Hong, and the latter smiled: "If Jiang Zhanshen really does it to convince us that you have the strength to turn the tide, I can convince Yingzhou and the abbot."

"Okay, then the island owner and his wife will listen to my good news." Jiang Xiaobai said and bowed to Dongfang Hong, "I will trouble Madam to take care of Doudou for a while."

Dongfang Hong hummed lightly: "I am her master, it's too late to love her, you can rest assured of her safety. I give you a message, and you don't have much time left."

"Thank you, say goodbye to Doudou for me." After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he left the island.

Dongfanghong waved his hand and cast a restriction, looked at her husband and asked suspiciously: "Are you really planning to form an alliance with Jiang Xiaobai?"

Xu Rui nodded, then shook his head again: "One effort, then decline, three exhaustion, this sentence not only corresponds to Jiang Xiaobai, but also corresponds to us. Many people don't know it, but our Sanxian Island is You know, there was another era before Xuanyuan Dao, and now this is the third era, no one can say whether we can survive this catastrophe."

Dongfanghong nodded heavily, and asked again: "Then what did Jiang Xiaobai do that made us form an alliance with him?"

"I don't know!" Xu Rui sighed softly, "No one knows."

After pausing for a moment, Xu Rui swept his sleeves with a decisive look: "From today, the island will be closed!"

Jiang Xiaobai left Penglai Xiandao, looked back, and saw that Penglai Xiandao was closed, he was surprised, and his heart was a little heavier, which meant that Penglai Xiandao didn't think much of himself, even if it was I intentionally showed that many abilities.

Half a month later, Jiang Xiaobai finally returned to the Ministry of Martial Arts after a detour, and Bai Yu hurried to the door.

"You're finally back. There's news from Linlang Cave. The major secret caves have agreed on a time for the alliance, and the time will be one month later."

Jiang Xiaobai frowned involuntarily: "So fast?"

Bai Yu said anxiously: "According to the news of Venerable Xinyue, we have already sent people to the Kunlun Secret Realm, and Zhao Chong led the way, but we found nothing, not even the mountain gate of the Kunlun Secret Realm. Zhao Chong said, here and The places he saw before are completely different, obviously the Kunlun Secret Realm has rejected the approach of our Martial Arts Department. And there is another news that the people from the Kunlun Secret Realm should also be born, and we will discuss and deal with the catastrophe that follows!"

"Hehe, I'm afraid it's not about dealing with the next catastrophe, but about me!" Jiang Xiaobai sneered.

Bai Yu's expression changed: "Why do you say that?"

"Call all the elders, I have something to announce."

Bai Yu responded, and quickly summoned the elders.

Half an hour later, in the meeting hall, more than 20 elders gathered together, including newly promoted elders, and former elders who retired before.

Jiang Xiaobai greeted the elders one by one, and said a few words of greeting.He was very satisfied with the speed at which the strength of the elders improved, and all of them entered the emperor rank.Xie Guanying and Northwest Cangdi had already accumulated a lot, and now after obtaining stronger exercises and elixir, they have broken through to the fourth stage of the emperor level in one fell swoop.

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