Dominate the world

Chapter 905 Martial Arts Department Meeting

Jiang Xiaobai organized the language and said: "I called everyone together today, I have something to share with you. I went to Penglai before and learned something, and I need to talk to you."

Then, Jiang Xiaobai narrated what happened on Penglai Xiandao, detailing everything, and all the elders in the meeting room were blown up.

"There is actually a semi-holy expert on Penglai Xiandao?" Xie Guanying asked in surprise.

In his opinion, Tong Fangyuan's strength is already unmatched in the world, but according to Tong Fangyuan himself, he is just entering the semi-holy realm.And such a realm is not something that ordinary people can achieve. Mind, skills, hard work, and chance are all indispensable.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded to Xie Guanying: "That's right, the strength is extremely powerful. Fortunately, that senior didn't have any malice towards our Martial Arts Department."

In the conference room, all the elders breathed a sigh of relief. Such a person really cannot be offended.

Northwest Cangdi said in a deep voice: "Penglai Sanxian Island has always been connected with each other, and most of them are headed by Penglai Xiandao, but there are no semi-sacred masters. In this way, there may be three semi-sages on Sanxian Island." Master."

"What about the other secret caves? Even if they are not as good as Sanxian Island, there are definitely some semi-sacred masters." Tang Shanhai said solemnly.

All the elders nodded, and their expressions became a little heavy again.

Jin Zhi shouted dissatisfied: "Everyone, why bother talking about him, these secret caves clearly want Elder Jiang to step into the back road of Xuanyuan Dao, and use his life in exchange for the survival of the entire human race. About this Come on, let’s talk about it.”

The older he was, the hotter his temper became, and he spoke more bluntly, not afraid of offending people at all.

Bai Yu spoke first, and he smiled and said, "If it's really possible, it's indeed a good idea. It's a good idea to exchange for the peace of the entire human race and even the earth with one person's power. It's a worthy death."

He changed his tone: "However, is it really possible? Just rely on the so-called son of luck? Who can be sure? If it is Elder Jiang?"

"That may not be the case." A voice from below sounded quietly.

It was a delicate-looking woman, and it was the newly promoted elder Xu Xin.Since the elders of the older generation retired, most of the new elders were chosen from the Martial Arts Department and the great families.

Compared with before, the Martial Arts Department has become more energetic, but there are more factions, especially when it comes to the families behind it, some things are inevitable to be constantly wrangling.However, because of Jiang Xiaobai's strength, the elders are quite united in some major matters, but in specific matters, there are often frictions.

Bai Yu didn't expect that someone would refute his words on the spot.

At that moment, some newly promoted elders became popular, but they were suppressed by Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "This is a council of elders, not a church of speeches. Everyone can speak freely and express their opinions. Elder Xu Xin, please go ahead and let everyone analyze whether it makes sense."

His words were indifferent and calm, as if he was talking about others, which made Xu Xin blush a little.

Xu Xin stood up, saluted Jiang Xiaobai, but her eyes remained firm: "Elder Elder, I'm not targeting you, I'm just discussing the matter. If it is true that sacrificing one person can save everyone, I think this method is feasible. It's me, I'll do it, it's not about devotion, it's just that there are too many people in this world I care about, and I'd rather die for their safety."

"Elder Xu Xin said that if it were me, I would do the same." Another young elder expressed his opinion.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "It's okay, I won't blame you for this. Let's express your opinion, how many people support Elder Xu Xin's point of view? I declare in advance that I am not trying to force you to express your opinion, but I need to know the current situation. situation, so that appropriate countermeasures can be taken.”

Gradually, one hand was raised, followed by a second, and then a third. There were 23 people in the conference room. Because Pan Feng was deprived of his position as an elder, there were only 11 people in the older generation.

Eight of the younger generation raised their hands, but none of the older generation raised their hands.

"If someone really needs to sacrifice to help others, it should be our older generation." Xie Guanying said lightly.

"That's right, you represent hope. Never give up lightly, or we won't even be able to take this step." Northwest Emperor Cang continued, "As long as you don't give up, there is hope, but once there is a way out, the result is often You are ruining yourselves."

The words of the two were full of earnestness and sincerity, Elder Jin Zhi's words were impolite, he accused unceremoniously: "Stupid, you are abolishing your martial arts, someone dug a hole, and you are willing to go down Jump."

Tang Shanhai's face was also full of disappointment. He was in a good mood, but his tone became cold: "Now you are not pure martial arts arrogance, but responsible elders. You need to consider many factors when you speak and do things. You have to do this and that with passion, and you must know that hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians are related to one of your decisions. I would even rather you do it for selfishness than inexplicable righteousness!"

Fei Yuming shook his head: "I think back when I met Elder Jiang, he was just a stupid boy with a stunned head, reckless in his actions, and would fight and kill if he didn't agree with him. But now he has calmed down a lot and truly shouldered the responsibility. It is the responsibility of the Ministry of Martial Arts, and even the entire country of Hua. For example, Elder Jiang will not be unaware that talking about this topic will cause controversy, but he still said it, why?"

Jiang Xiaobai said ashamedly: "Everyone praised the elders, Xiaobai still has a lot to learn."

"But, what if it's really feasible? After all, Xuanyuandao really saved the earth!" Xu Xin was obviously stubborn and insisted on asking.

Bai Yu crossed Xu Xin in his heart. He has done a detailed investigation on family background and personality of everyone in the Martial Arts Department. He is a somewhat idealized person.

But it is a pity that it is not in line with the current position. Today's Budobu needs to unite as one.This meeting was promoted by him, and he had already done a good job of weeding out all those who did not fit.

"It is true that Xuanyuan Dao saved the earth, but since then, the Xuanyuan family has also disappeared. Why? No one knows the specific reasons, but there are two points. First, Xuanyuan Dao is not strong enough, or his luck is not enough, As his family, it is inevitable to enjoy his luck, isn't it? So the Xuanyuan clan was destroyed."

"Second?" Bai Yu sneered, "The Xuanyuan family was wiped out by other forces. After all, what the survivors need is a hero for them to praise, not a hero who reminds them all the time. The creditor of the debt. Unfortunately, our Martial Arts Department is positioned as the Xuanyuan family back then."

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