Dominate the world

Chapter 906 Bai Yu's Persistence

Xu Xin was speechless, and everyone else also shut up.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Bai Yu in surprise, it seemed that Bai Yu's actions were not in line with what was discussed before.

Bai Yu shook his head at Jiang Xiaobai, and he continued: "So, now everyone will vote whether to support Elder Jiang Xiaobai..."

Before he finished speaking, he raised one hand, it was Xu Xin, her cold eyes did not change at all.

"You have been expelled. From today onwards, you will no longer be the elder of the Martial Arts Department." Bai Yu said coldly, there was no more pity in his eyes.

Xu Xin was also determined. She saluted Jiang Xiaobai and strode out.

"Who else?" Bai Yu asked.

Bai Yu's resolute actions frightened the others, and no one thought that Bai Yu would directly dismiss Elder Xu Xin.

"Bai Yu, this..." Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but said, he was a little upset, but he didn't think about dismissing the elder.

Bai Yu said seriously: "Elder Jiang, maybe you have taken on too much. You have become obviously indecisive, thinking too much, and caring too much. I still like you when I first met you, even though you were a bit reckless. , but dare to say, dare to do, dare to do, dare to act, nothing, but with a passion to forcibly carry out a world."

"But there are some things that you shouldn't take care of. We should also shoulder the responsibility of the Martial Arts Department. We can't share the pressure from the outside world for you, and we definitely can't let the backyard catch fire, making you worry about one thing and lose another."

Without waiting for Jiang Xiaobai's explanation, Bai Yu turned his head to look at everyone, and said loudly: "The situation is getting worse and worse, but because of Elder Jiang, you basically haven't felt it yet. I just feel that your vitality has recovered and your strength has improved. The status has been improved, it may be good now, and it will be better in the future, but I warn you now that the situation has become extremely bad."

Jiang Xiaobai was suddenly a little moved. He was fighting alone, especially before beheading more than 60 emperor-level masters by himself. The killing was certainly fun, but during the killing, he also had the idea that he would die.

It's nice to have the support of others.

"Those Dongtian secret realms now want Elder Jiang's life, that is to say, our lives, and the lives of the Martial Arts Department. I don't know if anyone from the secret realm Dongtian has contacted you, and they will stop from now on! The Martial Arts Department has only one voice, That is the voice of supporting Jiang Xiaobai, fight on, never compromise, never give up. If you want to live, everyone will live together, if you want to die, everyone will die together. If you really believe that Elder Jiang Xiaobai is the son of luck this time, then I believe he can lead us to create a better tomorrow!"

Crackling applause came from Xie Guanying, from Northwest Cangdi, and from various former elders.

They have long been displeased with some things, and they always feel that these young people have lost a bit of backbone.Back then, they didn't ask for help, but relied on themselves, so they have come to today.Why are the words of those secret caves the truth, so we have to learn from them, there is no such reason!

"My words are finished, who agrees and who objects?" Bai Yu said according to the case, staring at everyone, especially the young elders who raised their hands before.

No objection!

"Okay, now that you've approved it, then you must do your best in all subsequent actions. Don't bother with each other, and have the intention of making friends with the secret realm, or leave now, and we won't hold you accountable. But after that, it is still the same as before, that is the enemy of the Martial Arts Department, kill!"

A strong murderous intent erupted from Bai Yu's body, stirring in the meeting room, not to mention the newly promoted elders, even the older generation felt cold, and looked at Bai Yu with a little more awe.

"Now, I have a proposal here, which is aimed at the Secret Realm of Seven Kills. After investigations during this period of time, more than 300 children have been lost across the country, and the mastermind among them is the Secret Realm of Seven Kills. We need a bright sword, so I formulated I came up with a plan, and my Martial Arts Minister will do his best to wipe out the Seven Kills Secret Realm. This is the information handed over from below, everyone take a look."

Bai Yu sent down document after document, all of which were photos of the corpses of kidnapped children and warriors who died because of blocking them. The scene was horrible.

The elders became angry one by one. They had heard about the news that the Seven Kills Secret Realm was robbing children across the country, but they did not expect that the matter would turn out to be so serious.

"I support."

"I support!"

A series of resolutions were quickly expressed, and the resolution to massacre the Seven Kills Secret Realm was passed unanimously.

"Okay, keep the secrets each, and then gather outside the city tonight, and then set off. Anyone who dares to reveal the secret, kill!"


All the elders dispersed one after another, leaving only a few people in the meeting room, including Xie Guanying, Xibei Cangdi, Duan Hong, Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu.

"Brother Bai, your decision is really swift and resolute!" Jiang Xiaobai said with emotion, but his heart was moved.

Bai Yu smiled slightly and said, "You are not here during this time, and I have communicated with the three elders in a special way. It just so happens that you have new news to announce, so I will explain it immediately."

Xie Guanying said in a deep voice: "The current Martial Arts Department should be rectified. We were not as strong as them back then, but in terms of fearlessness, we are much stronger."

Duan Hong smiled: "Elder Jiang, the Ministry of Martial Arts never needs a parent who takes care of everything, because it is itself, it is the eternal home of a wanderer, show your minions to the outside world, and fight for the front, and we The Budobu will always be your backing."

Northwest Cangdi laughed and said: "Brother Duan Hong said that I joined the Martial Arts Department to support more young people, not to get the protection of the Martial Arts Department. The younger generation must dare to break through, even if It’s okay to cause trouble, and we old guys will naturally clean up the mess.”

There was a sneer on the corner of Bai Yu's mouth: "Why do those mysterious caves say that you, Jiang Xiaobai, are the son of luck, and you need to sacrifice yourself to save them. Why do they do what they say, why do they dare to steal our children, Why dare to show off in front of our warriors, whoever gave them the right, just because they are hermits, returning from the void?"

"This sky is the sky we broke through, and this land is the land we conquered. In times of crisis and poverty, we persevered step by step, crossed the river by feeling the stones, and came here with an open mind. Now they want super treatment, but also To get our offerings, joke!"

"For this kind of people, there is only one attitude and that is to kill. If you are afraid of killing, if you are ruthless, they will naturally be sensible and learn to treat others equally. Only then can we understand what this so-called son of luck is all about. Otherwise After all, we are only played by them in the applause, aren't we?"

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