Unable to help, Jiang Xiaobai was in awe.

He bowed deeply to Bai Yu, and said gratefully: "Brother Bai Yu said, what he said made me suddenly understand. It is indeed time for us to show our swords. Use our strength to establish our status, so that they have to share information , no longer set up barriers to cultivation techniques, and no longer dare to have the slightest mentality of being superior to others. Only then will we be able to truly find a solution, instead of being taken away by others."

Bai Yu smiled: "After destroying the Seven Kills Secret Realm this time, I will find a secret realm to practice swords alone. I encourage more people to go out and show the demeanor of my Huaguo Martial Arts Department."

"Okay, we can compare at that time." Jiang Xiaobai shouted, only feeling the pride in his chest, and the suppressed mood was finally released. He really worried too much before.

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go down and make arrangements first, the three elders still have something to say to you."

"Thank you to the three elders. Xiaobai went astray before but didn't know it. I'm ashamed." Now that he was awakened, he naturally understood that it was the three elders who awakened him through Bai Yu's mouth.

Xie Guanying smiled: "I've said it all, the Martial Arts Department is your home, and it will tolerate you forever. Don't talk about it, as long as your mind is relieved, there is a piece of news, Senior Gongsun asked me to tell you, you brought it back That pill has been refined into medicine."

"Oh, what kind of elixir is that, and how effective is it?" Jiang Xiaobai asked quickly, that elixir was obtained by Jiang Xiaobai breaking the elixir furnace in Longxu, and it was actually sealed in the furnace, which is obviously very effective .

Xie Guanying said in a deep voice: "This elixir is not simple. It can greatly enhance the strength of the user, enough to increase the realm by one to three random small realms, but it is a one-off. Once you take the elixir After that, after twelve hours, the skills will definitely be exhausted. If you are lucky, you can survive by chance, but if you are unlucky, you will explode and die directly."

"This..." Jiang Xiaobai was dumbfounded, he didn't expect it to be like this.

Northwest Emperor Cang smiled: "This is not bad, especially in the desperate situation, when the battle reaches the most critical moment, it can play a decisive role."

Jiang Xiaobai sighed: "That's right, it's just that I hoped it would be a pill that heals wounds and even harmlessly improves one's cultivation, but I didn't expect... I'm a little disappointed."

Duan Hong said with a smile: "Don't worry about this. Our Martial Arts Department doesn't have collections. There are still some alchemy recipes. It's just that there was a shortage of various natural materials and earth treasures, which made them waste products, but now the vitality has recovered, and the world Great changes have taken place, all kinds of wonderful flowers and grasses emerge in endlessly, and we have collected a lot, especially those precious herbs and seeds you brought back, most of them have survived in Yuxu Palace and Biyou Palace, and the harvest is very great."

"Oh, that's good." Jiang Xiaobai said happily.

What the future catastrophe will be, according to his understanding, the major secret realm caves may not know, but at this stage, it is naturally the best choice to stock up on more pills and treasures.

"Xiaobai, the most important thing for you at the moment is to improve your cultivation and let Penglai Sanxiandao see your bargaining chip. After all, the development of the Martial Arts Department is much slower. Although there are many people, but the foundation is not enough, we need allies, especially Penglai Sanxiandao Allies like that."

Seeing Xie Guanying's solemn expression, Jiang Xiaobai nodded heavily.

Later, Jiang Xiaobai entered Yuxu Palace to meet Tong Fangyuan and Gongsun Long, two seniors, met his parents, chatted about some household matters, and asked about their current situation. Jiang Xiaobai flew out in the middle of the night .

All 22 people from the Budobu Department are here!

"let's go!"

With one order, everyone didn't take the Budobu flying boat or warship, the speed of those tools was already too slow.

They were all emperor-level powerhouses, and a group of them broke through the space together and went through the air.

Elder Fang Yan deserves to be No. 1 in the formation, and he has studied a set of walking methods from the formation book.The stronger the strength of the people in the same industry, the faster the speed.

In the younger generation, Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu are both at the fourth stage of the emperor class. Among the older generation, Xie Guanying and Xibei Cangdi have also reached the fourth stage of the emperor class. Most of the others have also reached the second stage of the emperor class, and their strength is strong.

A group of people walked through the air at a very fast speed. An hour later, they came to a series of steep mountain ranges and walked out from the void.

Bai Yu pointed to the bottom and said: "According to the news that came out, below is the controlling force of the Seven Kills Secret Realm. Break through that mountain, and the winding path inside is the core of the Seven Kills Secret Realm."

"Then kill!" Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Kill!" Everyone agreed in unison.

Below, in the Seven Kills Secret Realm, some people have already sensed the murderous aura from the outside world, and for a while, many people were frightened.

"What's going on?" Tian Chong, the lord of the Seven Kills Secret Realm, was in retreat before, but he couldn't sit still at the moment and had to come out.Seeing the chaos of the crowd in the secret realm, he grabbed a disciple angrily, scolded his head and face, and then shouted and asked.

The young disciple was so frightened that his body went limp, he hurriedly said: "I tell the lord, a wave of mysterious forces suddenly descended, and the person at the head seems to be Jiang Xiaobai."

"Huaguo Martial Arts Department?" Tian Chong was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered, "A group of weak chickens dare to come to my Seven Kills Secret Realm to play wild. It's really beyond their control. Go and tell the elders to tidy up their troops. I'll go out and see first. look."

The young disciple was stunned and shouted: "My lord, they are aggressive and full of murderous intent. I'm afraid it's..."

He slapped the young disciple on the face, blinding the latter, he dared not say more.

"My Seven Kills Secret Realm focuses on killing, why did I cultivate a disciple who is afraid of fighting like you, get out!" Tian Chong threw the young disciple away, and went on a rampage all the way, scolding the disciples again and again, and strode forward after opening the sect. walked out.

He flew up to the sky, looked at the people from the Martial Arts Department, and couldn't help but frown slightly, these people are not weak.But soon, he discovered that the strongest person coming was only the fourth rank of the emperor, and the awe in his heart disappeared.

Although the Seven Kills Secret Realm is not a big force, it has a long inheritance. In addition to his cultivation base of the fifth stage of the emperor, the two uncles are also the cultivation base of the sixth stage of the emperor.Moreover, they mainly focused on killing, and at the same level, their personal strength was half a chip higher. He didn't take Jiang Xiaobai and his party seriously at all.

"I, Jiang Xiaobai, don't kill the unknown, who are you? Report your name!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted carelessly.

Tian Chong was stunned for a moment, and instantly became furious. He yelled angrily: "What an arrogant boy, your grandpa and I are the Seven Kills Secret Realm Venerable..."

Jiang Xiaobai casually shot out a golden dragon sword qi, stepped forward with his feet and used the close-to-near sky movement, and had already arrived in front of Tian Chong, taking advantage of the moment Tian Chong dodged the golden dragon sword qi, he swung his sword from bottom to top , stabbed Tian Chong's body in half.

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