The old man rolled his eyes, he glanced at his current body, and said bitterly: "Yes, but if you let me go, I'm already harmless to you."

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai answered in one gulp.

"Keep your word?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and said, "I am the grand elder of the Martial Arts Department of Huaguo, and the number one God of War in Huaguo doesn't even bother to lie to you."

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, and happily reported the address. Jiang Xiaobai sent the old man on the road with a sword. Looking at the old man's staring eyes, Jiang Xiaobai spit on him: "For people, I keep my word. Beast, but not so, who told you not to be a good person, but to be a beast!"

After a short rest, Jiang Xiaobai rushed towards the place where the old man broke the news.

Sure enough, the old man didn't lie, and people from the secret realm never let him down in terms of betrayal.

The terrain here is dangerous, if not for someone to point it out, most of them would not be able to find it here.

Perhaps that was also the case, the formation of the Yellow Sand Secret Realm only separated the rushing yellow sand, and its power was average, so Jiang Xiaobai easily broke through the formation and walked in.

I don't want to think that the sky is full of yellow sand outside, but the formation is green and green, and there is even a huge lake, surrounded by beautiful mountains and water, which is like a spring-like scenery all year round.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, and he felt a strong vitality from these mountains, which was much higher than the outside world, even compared to Penglai Xiandao.

Just as no one was paying attention to him, Jiang Xiaobai flew towards the mountains.Seeing spiritual springs erupting from these mountains, he followed the source of the spiritual springs until he came to a forbidden area.

"Who breaks through the gate, don't you know that this is a forbidden area?" An old voice came from the forbidden area.There was a strong power in his voice, and it was obvious that this old man had a very high status in the entire Yellow Sand Secret Realm.

Two thirteen or fourteen-year-old boys flew out to check. They were not very old, but their strength was not weak. They even had the level of the second stage of the Emperor Realm.

The two sensed their surroundings, cast helpless glances at each other, and prepared to go back. From their point of view, there was no one outside.

The rules of the Yellow Sand Secret Realm are strict, and you cannot enter the forbidden area. Once you are caught, your cultivation will be abolished and you will be thrown into the Snake Valley. If you can't order it, who dares to come here.

The moment the two boys turned around, Jiang Xiaobai made a move. He knocked them on the back of the head, knocking them unconscious.After all, the two boys were young, otherwise he would never let it go.

"Oh, who broke into my secret realm of yellow sand?" The restraint was put away, and an old man with a yellow beard came out.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't hide any more, and said loudly, "Jiang Xiaobai from Huaguo Martial Arts Department!"

The old man with yellow beard shrank his pupils, and without thinking about it, there was a loud roar, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't stop him, allowing the latter to alert everyone in the Yellow Sand Secret Realm.Now that he's here, he has no intention of letting go of the people in the Yellow Sand Secret Realm. It doesn't make any difference whether he is a fool or a fool.

"When you're done screaming, come over and die." Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

The strength of the old man with yellow beard is not weak, at the level of the sixth stage of the emperor, but the degree of solidification of the breath is only stronger than that of the elders of Penglai Xiandao.Standing in front of the old man, Jiang Xiaobai felt a sense of being crushed.

He was not afraid at all, this time he ran here alone, one is to kill the Yellow Sand Secret Realm, and the other is to sharpen his strength.

Grinding in battle is the fastest way to improve your strength. The more difficult the situation is, the greater your potential will be.

"Good boy, you are so arrogant, you want to die!" the old man with yellow beard yelled, his five fingers clasped together, and his fingertips turned golden.

Jiang Xiaobai's speed was extremely fast, and the speed of the old man with yellow beard was not weak. There was a cloud of yellow sand covering him, forming a protective umbrella, but when he attacked, the yellow sand would also move with him, which was very strange.


The two exchanged palms.

Jiang Xiaobai backed away slightly, and the old man with yellow beard swayed, but the yellow sand on his body was pulled so hard that it almost left his body.

"Hmph, I heard that Jiang Zhanshen's physical strength is extraordinary, comparable to a monster, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that. In front of my Huangsha skills, you are dead."

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and said, "I thought that having a tortoise shell would be powerful, wait until your tortoise shell is broken with at most three punches!"

turtle shell?

The old man with yellow beard was furious: "You are courting death!"

He waved his hands again and again, and the yellow sand on his body swept towards Jiang Xiaobai's body like vitality following his control.Just like the drizzle is silent, the spring breeze is invisible, enveloping Jiang Xiaobai's whole body in an instant.

"Haha, young man, die." The old man with yellow beard said excitedly, "Tighten!"

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt his body tighten, as if being strangled by a snake, and it was still tightening.

"Ridiculous!" Jiang Xiaobai was not afraid at all, he used his eighty-nine profound arts with all his strength, his whole body was full of yellow light, and his whole body turned golden.No matter how hard the old man with the yellow beard tried, Jiang Xiaobai remained motionless without any harm.

"You're already exhausted, I haven't used any strength yet, break!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

The golden light bloomed on his body, and his vitality burst out.The golden light shone like a sharp knife piercing through the yellow sand, turning the latter into a tattered fishing net riddled with holes.

With a puff sound, the yellow sand was no longer as agile as before, and turned into yellow sand and fell to the ground one after another.

"My Qiankunsha?" the old man with yellow beard shouted, his face full of distress.

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai's ears moved, someone was about to arrive. He pulled out the round moon scimitar: "Two knives from me, I'll send you up."

"Fengyun slashed you to serve as a tiger's minion, and the common people slashed you to harm the common people!"

Although it was only two swords, under Jiang Xiaobai's serial attacks, the two swordsmanship was like an invincible hot wheel, turning smoothly, extremely fast, full of power, and even more awe-inspiring to kill.

The old man with yellow beard tried his best to block the two sabers, and he cried out in his heart. Without the supernatural power of Huangsha, he lost [-]% of his energy.

Face is not as important as life!

"Golden Dragon Sword Qi, cut!"

A burst of sword energy erupted, and a golden dragon was transformed into midair. The growler chased after the yellow-bearded old man who was fleeing for his life. The latter turned around and saw a huge dragon's mouth. The next moment he felt When the vision went dark, the whole person was swallowed by the golden dragon.

Boom, boom, Jinlong's body exploded.

After two breaths, the golden dragon disappeared, and the tattered body of the old man with yellow beard exploded out.At this moment, there is almost no half piece of complete flesh on his body, his facial features are incomplete, and his body is covered in blood.

But after all, it is the cultivation base of the sixth stage of the Emperor Realm, the strength is tyrannical, and it has not died yet.

Jiang Xiaobai walked up to the old man with yellow beard, and kicked down like a thunderbolt.

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