Dominate the world

Chapter 911 Vitality Fountain

He didn't spare any strength for this kick, and he used the Taoist scriptures and Bajiu Xuangong with all his strength, which was powerful enough to split mountains and seas.

How could the old man with yellow beard resist, he instinctively raised his arms, but it was just a mantis arm as a cart, and there was a click, the old man with yellow beard exploded and his bones were shattered.

"you dare……"

In the distance, a frightened and angry voice came, Jiang Xiaobai held a sword in his hand, and with one sword, he chopped off the head of the old man with yellow beard.

"Go to hell!" The voice behind him exploded again, already very close.

Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward and turned around quickly. Although he was retreating, he was faster than the person who came.

"Jiang Xiaobai, the war god of the Hua Kingdom?"

At this time, he finally calmed down, even the Supreme Elder was dead, how could he be an opponent?

"You want to leave now? It's too late." Jiang Xiaobai activated the domain without hesitation, fixing the latter in his domain.

The latter struggled hard, but Jiang Xiaobai's strength at the fourth stage of Emperor Talent Realm could not struggle at all in Jiang Xiaobai's domain. He could only watch Jiang Xiaobai approach and send him back with a sword.

Jiang Xiaobai did not rush to wipe out the people in the Yellow Sand Secret Realm, but continued to rush towards the source of the spiritual spring.He had a faint feeling in his heart that perhaps there would be a huge harvest today.

Finally, Jiang Xiaobai saw a fountain of vitality. This fountain of vitality was a little thinner than the fountain of vitality when it was revived, but after the tide of revival of vitality receded, it was a priceless treasure.

"No wonder, the ancestors of the Yellow Sand Secret Realm chose such a bad place to build the secret realm. It turned out that all the reasons were this vitality fountain. I don't know how many years it has been gushing. The barren hills have become verdant, and the stagnant water has become agile and nourishing. Such a blessed place came out.”

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were filled with deep joy, this place could become the branch base of Huaguo Martial Arts Department in the future.It just so happens that this place is located in the northwest, and there is a martial arts department stationed here, which is enough to frighten Xiaoxiao here, killing two birds with one stone.

Jiang Xiaobai sent out the message, and then raised the Tai Chi Star Sword and the Full Moon Scimitar to kill the people in the Yellow Sand Secret Realm.

There must be innocent people here, but when an avalanche occurs, which snowflake is truly innocent?

The overall strength of the Yellow Sand Secret Realm is slightly higher than that of the Seven Kills Secret Realm, but in terms of personal strength, it is much weaker than the Seven Kills Secret Realm.Jiang Xiaobai's domain is extraordinary, his physical body is strong, his mind is surging, and his vitality is mighty. The people in the Yellow Sand Secret Realm have suffered a lot in the battle with Jiang Xiaobai.

After the support arrived, Jiang Xiaobai had already noticed it with his spiritual sense, and the people in the Yellow Sand Secret Realm couldn't surround him at all.There are fewer people, and they are not Jiang Xiaobai's opponents. Let's use the formation. Once the domain is released, all calculations will be in vain.

Want to force Jiang Xiaobai somewhere, Jiang Xiaobai's speed is so fast, the entire Yellow Sand Secret Realm is like entering a no-man's land for him.

A day later, except for a small half who escaped and a small half who surrendered, most of them were beheaded by Jiang Xiaobai's sword.

Two days later, people from the Martial Arts Department arrived, took over the Yellow Sand Secret Realm, and sent back more than 50 children.Compared with the Seven Kills Secret Realm, the people in the Yellow Sand Secret Realm treated these children much better, and sincerely regarded them as beginners.

It was also because of the face of these children that everyone in the Martial Arts Department did not kill them after all.

But it also forced everyone to agree that from today onwards, the Yellow Sand Secret Realm no longer exists, only the newly born Northwest Branch of the Martial Arts Department.

A large amount of resources, especially the foundation accumulated by Huangsha Dongtian for thousands of years, was loaded on the airship and transported back to the Ministry of Martial Arts. With these resources, the strength of the Ministry of Martial Arts and the strength of various universities in China will be significantly improved improvement.

Five days later, Jiang Xiaobai returned to the Martial Arts Department, and saw Bai Yu, who returned from injury, but with confidence and pride. It took him a long time, but he also destroyed a secret realm, but that secret realm was too far away, and the Martial Arts Department After looting all the details, he burned the latter into white ground.

The Ministry of Martial Arts shook, Huaguo shook, the whole world shook, and the entire cultivation world shook.

The Huaguo Martial Arts Department's successive attacks made all the secret realms dangerously frightened, and many weak sects announced the closure of the mountain one after another, so as not to get involved in the entanglement between the Martial Arts Department and the major forces.

Then, Xie Guanying issued a notice to the major secret realms. The notice contained various conditions and three chapters, announcing the arrival of a new situation for the Martial Arts Department and the practice world.

But at this time, Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu changed their appearance again, transformed into a group of people from Linlangdongtian, and went to the place of alliance in the practice world.

It was already midsummer, and the weather was much hotter. For emperor-level warriors like them, it naturally had no effect, but everyone's clothes also naturally became cooler.

They made a bamboo raft and drifted away, blowing the sea breeze, comfortable and unrestrained.

"Xiaobai, Brother Yu, what you two have done is so beautiful, I should make a point for you." Kong Xuan exclaimed loudly.

On the same day, he was retreating in the Confucian mansion, preparing to attack the fourth stage of the emperor's cultivation. Hearing the thunderous action of the Martial Arts Department, he was excited and proud, and he broke through the fourth stage of the emperor's realm in one fell swoop, and then rushed to the martial arts department. Department, happened to go together to participate in the alliance of the practice world.

Lin Xiao also praised repeatedly, his eyes full of longing, "It's a pity I didn't go, it's a pity!"

Zhao Chong also laughed loudly and said, "The annihilation of the three great secret realms is a warning to them. We are not a chopping board to let them take what they want. Let's see if they dare to be arrogant against us in the future!"

Guarding at Qilu Martial Arts University, Zhao Chong also had some dealings with those people, and someone from the secret cave unexpectedly came to his door to recruit disciples.In principle, he has no objection, just treat him as an exchange student. As long as the students are willing, they can naturally learn something new and different.

But those people's aloof appearance made him furious, if Lan Yingying hadn't held him back, he would have taught the latter a lesson.

Zhang Chulan was as calm as ever, and he said in a deep voice: "If the previous alliance was to deal with you Xiaobai, now it is bound to deal with the Martial Arts Department."

Li Chan nodded, and asked worriedly: "Can the Martial Arts Department hold on?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "Don't worry, the Martial Arts Department has already responded. Brother Bai Yu has a long-term vision. Today's Martial Arts Department is as strong as an iron barrel, and those people cannot be separated."

Bai Yu's expression was not at all relaxed: "We still have too little time, but with the background of the three secret realms, it is enough to support the Martial Arts Department for a while. But it is inevitable that the Martial Arts Department will be isolated. Maybe we will be targeted, we must not be careless."

Everyone nodded in unison, Bai Yu's words are old-fashioned.

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