Dominate the world

Chapter 912 Haotian Visits

Now that the hypocrisy and deceitfulness of both parties have been ripped off, it is bound to be much more difficult in the future.

"Nothing!" Jiang Xiaobai smiled, his eyes were murderous, "Those who offend my Martial Arts Department, kill! Those who offend my country, kill!"


Infected by Jiang Xiaobai's murderous intent, everyone shouted in unison: "Kill!"

Murderous intent surged on the surface of the sea, and many fishes dived one after another, not daring to come up again.

Xue Ling'er rubbed the long sword in her hand, and couldn't help feeling a little excited.These days, apart from playing with Tong Xiaoyu in Yuxu Palace, she was also taken by Gongsun Long to tour the entire Hua Kingdom. Gongsun Long didn't say much, but all kinds of insights opened her eyes, and she felt a sense of belonging in her heart .

Today, she no longer regards herself as a person in the secret realm, she is proud of Huaguo.Whoever dares to invade the country of Hua will be killed back without mercy.

"By the way, how is senior Qin Feng?" Zhang Chulan asked.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Xue Ling'er, Xue Ling'er smiled and said, "Brother Qin is fine, and now he has recovered his human form, but sometimes he still loses control, so Grandpa Tong didn't let him out. But Grandpa Tong said , Brother Qin is lucky, maybe in the future he will really have a chance to escape from the clutches of that holy divine sense."

Zhang Chulan and Zhao Chong exchanged glances, and both heaved a sigh of relief.

Along the way, many people died in endless battles, and there are not many friends who are still alive today.

"Don't worry, senior Qin Feng will make it through." Jiang Xiaobai comforted, "Everyone, be careful too, we've reached the end of the road."

Fog gradually began to rise in front, an island was looming, and a stream of light flashed by, but it was a young woman, she floated lightly in front of everyone, and asked politely: "Dare to ask, but Han Qianyu from Linlangdongtian, Mr. Han and his party?"

Jiang Xiaobai walked up to the people, cupped his hands at the young woman, and said, "Fairy, you are welcome, it is our Linlang Cave. I would like to ask, what is the name of the fairy?"

The young woman's cheeks were slightly red, and she said softly: "My lord, you are being polite. You can't call me a fairy. You can just call me Qingxue. By the way, there are too many people here today, and the hospitality is not good. Excuse me, Mr. Han, please come with me?"


Passing through the heavy fog, a large island appeared in front of everyone.

It is not so much an island as it is a mountain.On the surface of the sea, the mountain cannot be seen at all. Only through the mist can we find the majesty of the mountain, which is not inferior to Mount Everest.

Streams of water flowed cleanly, giving off traces of vital energy. When you smell it lightly, there seems to be a fragrance in the air, which makes you articulate, breathe into your stomach, and feel refreshed.

Although the mountain is high, it is green and blue as far as the eyes can see. The green ones are trees, the blue ones are water, and the red ones are flowers. Cranes are flying in the mountains, rainbows hang obliquely, and waterfalls are clustered. It is so beautiful.

"What a paradise." Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help admiring.

"Thank you Mr. Han for your compliment." Qingxue said joyfully, her eyes were full of pride, she pointed to the red flowers in the mountain and said, "Look at those crape myrtle flowers, they are all the best we cultivated carefully, Mr. Han came at the right time, Now the crape myrtle flower is in full bloom, if you like it, you might as well stay for a few more days to appreciate it."

As she spoke, her cheeks were a little red again, and she secretly glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, full of love.

Zhao Chong bumped into Jiang Xiaobai with his shoulder, his brows and eyes were full of flirtatiousness, and the others couldn't help but want to laugh too.

Jiang Xiaobai glared at Zhao Chong, but couldn't help but smile inwardly. He didn't expect to use Han Qianyu's body to attract the girl's heart, and he was a little speechless.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't know that in the cultivation world dominated by the secret cave, his reputation is second only to a few arrogance.People with good deeds even made up the statement of the top ten talents. Jiang Xiaobai's disguised Han Qianyu ranked fifth, but he was only under Ziwei Haotian, Xuanxi, Beidou Zhangqian, and Qiankun Longdaozi. .

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai was also on the list, but he was at the bottom of the list. After the incidents in the Seven Kills Secret Realm and the Yellow Sand Secret Realm, Jiang Xiaobai was directly kicked out of the list and became the executioner in the secret realm cave .

"Young master, we are here, please rest in peace, Qingxue is leaving."

When Qingxue walked away, Lin Xiao chuckled: "Brother Qian Yu is so handsome, look at how fascinated this little girl is."

Jiang Xiaobai laughed and said: "Then how about I help you build a bridge and match the line, with Brother Xiao's demeanor, the beauties will definitely linger!"

"Hmm!" Li Chan lowered her voice.

Lin Xiao quickly shut up, they all knew that there was some ambiguity between Jiang Xiaobai and Li Chan, and it was indeed a bit weird to talk about love affairs with Jiang Xiaobai in front of Li Chan.

"It's been a hard journey, everyone, let's rest first. There are still two or three days before the meeting, and we may not know what will happen tomorrow. We'd better recharge our batteries first." Bai Yu said with a smile on his face. Everyone went down a step.

Everyone responded quickly and went back to their rooms.

Jiang Xiaobai and Li Chan smiled and went into the house.Li Chan's face darkened, and she complained: "What a joke!"

His cheeks turned red suddenly, and he hurriedly pushed away an empty room and walked in.

Jiang Xiaobai sat cross-legged and began to exercise.At their level, they no longer need to sleep. Even if they are very sleepy, they can be refreshed immediately with a little exercise.

He checked the properties of the moment.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Boundary: Emperor Level 99 ([-]%)

Cultivation Method: Taoist Scripture Volume 40 ([-]%)

The fourth stage of Bajiu Xuangong (45%)

Skills: so close to the end of the world (57%)

Seven Emotions Swordsmanship (61%)

Golden Dragon Sword Qi One Foot (89%)

Ba Dao (99%) is about to comprehend the third sword, Hongchen Yidao

Avatar: Domain (50%)

Jiang Xiaobai is quite satisfied. Overall, he is making steady progress.But it is also obvious that the speed of progress has slowed down, which is inevitable. After all, the more you go up, the more difficult it is.

After one night, Jiang Xiaobai precisely opened his eyes at the moment when the red sun was rising.

A familiar long laugh came, but it was Haotian from Ziwei Cave. As a landlord, he naturally knew of Jiang Xiaobai's arrival and rushed over early in the morning.

"Brother Qianyu, how did you rest overnight?"

Jiang Xiaobai pushed the door and walked out, cupping his hands and said politely: "Brother Haotian is too polite, he rested quite comfortably. The Ziwei Cave is really extraordinary and deserves to be the top of all the caves. Congratulations to Brother Haotian, you have successfully broken through to the emperor's cave. Level five."

Haotian waved his hands modestly, but the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't stop showing.

"Brother Qianyu is the real arrogance of heaven, and it seems that he is about to break through the fifth stage of the emperor level. My cultivation level is not worth mentioning."

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