Dominate the world

Chapter 913 Immortal Flower

Perhaps because of his natural personality, Haotian was as polite as he was in Longxu that day.

At that time, Jiang Xiaobai was full of fear of Haotian, but now Haotian still gives him the same feeling, Jiang Xiaobai has a little more favorable impression of Haotian out of thin air.

"Brother Haotian?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Haotian nodded: "I'll take you to see some good things."

"Oh, then shall I say hello to my younger brothers and sisters?"

"No, there's no need for them to go. In fact, they can't get in either. Believe me, you will be surprised." Haotian said, putting his arms around Jiang Xiaobai's shoulders.

There is a Tai Chi disk in his body to protect him, and there is a heavenly secret mirror to warn him. Jiang Xiaobai was not afraid at all. He also put his arms around Haotian's shoulders, and the two walked away side by side.

While flying, Haotian explained: "Brother Qianyu should know that a mountain has many sides, and there are many ways to go up the mountain. There must be one that is the easiest, but there must also be the most difficult and dangerous."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, for this reason.

A flash of excitement flashed across Haotian's face, and he said: "But brother Qianyu, do you know that every climbing path in Ziwei Mountain in my Ziwei Secret Realm is like this, extremely difficult and dangerous, but once you climb it, it is very rewarding. Of course, so far So far, no one has climbed it completely, and no one knows what is on it. But..."

"Wait," Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly stopped Haotian, he asked curiously, "Brother Haotian, don't tell me that no one from your Ziwei Secret Realm has climbed to the top of this Ziwei mountain yet?"

Haotian saw Jiang Xiaobai's expression and knew that Jiang Xiaobai had misunderstood. He smiled and said: "Brother Qianyu, you misunderstood. I have climbed on other roads naturally, but from other relatively difficult roads, it is easy to get up. there is none left."

"How is it possible?" Jiang Xiaobai said in amazement, no matter how difficult it is, it will be difficult for an emperor-level master.

And with the strength of Ziwei Cave, which can even be respected as the Ziwei Holy Land, there must be semi-holy masters. Could it be that they can't climb it?

"Couldn't it be possible to be a half-sage?" Jiang Xiaobai tentatively asked, "Brother Haotian, don't tell me that you don't have a half-sage master in Ziwei Cave, maybe there is more than one, and they can't climb up?"

Haotian raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Jiang Xiaobai high, and said with a smile: "After all, it is the inheritance of Lingxu Dongtian. Others don't know the existence of half-sages. Yes, there are senior half-sages in Haotian Dongtian, but They can't climb it either. It seems that the higher the realm, the greater the pressure, and even their climbing height may not be higher than ours."

"Let's not talk about that, I came to see Brother Qianyu today because I wanted Brother Qianyu to do me a favor. After all, you have a celestial mirror in your body, so you should be able to climb higher, and by chance, I found two Fairy flower, isn't it good for you and my brother to have one flower for each of us?"

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes widened involuntarily, and his breathing became short of breath.In the "Zhou Xia Ke's Travel Notes" obtained in Longxu, there is a record of Sheng Xianhua. There are not many descriptions about Sheng Xian Hua, Zhou Xia Ke only left pictures, but he said one important thing.

I Ching washes the marrow, increasing the sanctification effect by [-]%!

The effect is so strong that it is like a elixir.

Even for Jiang Xiaobai, he is confident that with the Tai Chi Disc, the difficulty of becoming a saint is much less than that of others, but he is not sure whether he can become a 100% saint.The Tai Chi disc is too mysterious, the more he understands it, the more Jiang Xiaobai feels the terror of the Tai Chi disc.

But in this way, Jiang Xiaobai dared not rely too much while hoping. After all, Qin Feng is a lesson from the past.Qin Feng has a divine sense of a holy master in his body, if the Taiji disc is also a similar existence, or even a hidden danger left by a higher-level existence?

Now he can help Qin Feng, but who can help him then?

Therefore, he can rely on the magical power of the Taiji disc to continuously deduce the Yaozu's Eighty-nine Xuangong, but he is more inclined to practice the Taoism, and does not rely on the Taiji disc. Let's talk about the other volumes when we find them.

Therefore, in this way, the effect of the Immortal Ascension Flower is too great.

"But Brother Haotian, the Immortal Immortal Flower is so miraculous, why would you tell me? It's not that you are hypocritical, but if it were me, I would probably look for senior brothers and elders, etc. There must be some reason for this, right?" Jiang Xiaobai laughed.

Haotian chuckled, and he didn't hide anymore, he became serious: "Brother Qianyu, have you heard about the top ten talents in the cultivation world recently?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Congratulations to brother Haotian for being ranked first on the Tianjiao list."

"Number one?" Haotian sneered, "This name is very false, don't talk about anything else, let's just say Xuanxi, I'm sure I'm not her opponent, it's just that she hasn't done much before, so It’s just that outsiders don’t know. And outsiders don’t know a lot, such as the Holy Son and Saint Daughter, outsiders probably haven’t even heard of it.”

"Holy Son, Holy Maiden?" Jiang Xiaobai was really stunned, he had never heard such a title before.

Haotian sighed: "Anyway, I've said it all, let's say it together. The holy son and the holy daughter are the top talents in the caves of the secret realms, and their treatment is far beyond what I can compare. Do you think I entered the Longxu Is it fame? No, but I can sacrifice, but the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter cannot, because their only goal is to be holy!"

"Sanctification!" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt his throat dry up, "What about the talents of these people?"

"Extremely high, unimaginably high." There was a bit of resentment in Haotian's voice, "If I was not one of the candidates for the Son of God back then, I would not even know that there is still the Son of God. If the news about Shengxianhua is leaked, will I still have my share?"

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized that this is indeed the truth.

"Also, Brother Qianyu, you don't know the magic of our Ziwei Mountain. It is said that this is a fairy mountain, and it seems to be related to the fairyland, so different paths lead to different places. Like The two Ascension Flowers are the same, they will appear continuously for three days, but they will disappear after three days, and no one knows where the disappearing things go."

Jiang Xiaobai looked down at Ziwei Mountain again, his gaze was completely different.

"Today is the last day. In fact, I have given up, but I am glad that you are here, brother Qianyu. This is our last chance." Haotian's eyes were full of hope.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart is also burning, if what Haotian said is true, how can he not fight?

"So, Brother Qianyu?" Seeing the fiery look in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, Haotian knew that Jiang Xiaobai was moved.


"Okay, brother Qianyu really speaks quickly." Haotian shouted, his voice trembling a little more.

The two slipped away quietly, lest they attract attention.

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