Along the way, Jiang Xiaobai and Haotian discovered that many disciples of Ziwei Cave were trying to climb Ziwei Mountain.However, no one discovered them by using the magic power of the Heavenly Secret Mirror to deceive the heavenly secrets.

"Hey, brother Qianyu is curious, right?" Haotian said with a smile, he sold the mountain gate without hesitation in order to promote the immortal flower and become a saint.

"It's just that there is nothing to gain from Ziwei Mountain. As long as you climb all the way up, your cultivation will be greatly improved. It is rumored that if you can watch the sunrise from the top of the mountain, you can even get a trace of awe-inspiring purple energy."

Jiang Xiaobai's mind trembled violently, and he said in a trembling voice, "Awesome Ziqi?"

Haotian smiled: "Brother Qianyu is really knowledgeable and talented, even Haoran Ziqi knows it."

Jiang Xiaobai's understanding of the awe-inspiring purple energy also comes from "Zhou Xiake's Travel Notes". It is the first ray of crape myrtle fairy energy that can be felt on the earth. It only appears once a month, and it has the effect of reborn.In particular, there is a hint of awe-inspiring artistic conception. It is rumored that the artistic conception will be manifested after being sanctified, and with the awe-inspiring purple energy, no matter what kind of artistic conception is formed, the power will increase by [-]%.

"I don't dare to do it, I just saw it in a book occasionally." Jiang Xiaobai said modestly.

Haotian waved his hand: "Don't think about that, it's almost impossible to get."

"Why?" Jiang Xiaobai asked quickly.

Haotian laughed and said: "Everyone who has heard of the great purple energy will ask this question. I asked my master at the beginning, and he told me that if you want to get the magnificent purple energy, you need to climb to the top of Ziwei mountain. But you can't Take the usual paths, those have been walked by people, and you can only have a chance to see them if you climb to the top from the path that no one has climbed. But my Ziwei Cave has survived for more than ten thousand years, and I have only opened up thirteen paths in total. Passage, that's all."

"In the past 3000 years, no one has climbed to the top again, so brother Qian Yu, don't think too much about it."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled: "That's, that's, a bird in the hand is worse than a hundred birds in the forest. Let's take it easy. It's a great opportunity to get the Immortal Flower."

"That's right, brother Qianyu is in a good mood." Haotian said with a smile, "Let's go up the mountain."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't say any more, he just kept his hope for Haoran Ziqi deeply in his heart.After getting the Immortal Immortal Flower this time, I will definitely come and climb again.

A trace of fear surged in Haotian's heart, this Han Qianyu surprised him repeatedly.At Longxu back then, because he had important responsibilities, he suppressed the urge to make a move, but he also left behind to observe the movement of Linlang Cave Sky.Junior brother reported that Han Qianyu stayed in Longxu for a long time before coming out.

And before Junior Sister Qingxue reported back that the strength of Linlang Dongtian and his party had soared. Thinking about the two, it is not difficult to guess that Han Qianyu got a great opportunity in Longxu.

If it wasn't for the promotion of Immortal Flower, and there was no other suitable candidate, he would never have drawn Han Qianyu into the game.Now he told Haoran Ziqi that the opportunity to climb to the top was a foreshadowing. He was very clear about such an opportunity, but any ambitious Tianjiao would not let it go.

He deliberately concealed the danger of Ziwei Mountain. Ziwei Mountain is infinitely close to ten thousand feet. The rewards of climbing to the top are huge, but it is also very dangerous. Over the years, I don’t know how many seniors have been injured on the way to the top of Ziwei Mountain. .

More importantly, without practicing the Ziwei Cave Sky skills, the difficulty of climbing to the top will be doubled out of thin air!No matter how talented Han Qianyu is, Haotian is [-]% sure that once Han Qianyu dares to climb Ziwei Mountain, he will definitely die.

Jiang Xiaobai naturally didn't know the calculations in Haotian's mind, but he was already used to being cautious.The more enthusiastic Haotian was, the more vigilant he became in his heart. He followed behind Haotian, staring at Haotian's foothold, not daring to be careless.

"Hey, Double Ninth Stone? Brother Haotian, can I take it? You also know that our Linlangdongtian is too poor, and there is a great lack of material." Jiang Xiaobai said with a cheeky face. Wouldn't it be foolish not to take advantage now? !

Sure enough, Haotian's face froze, and he said with a sneer: "This is brother Qianyu's chance, you can take it as much as you want."

He was already bleeding in his heart, Chongyang Stone, a natural treasure, was extremely rare even in Ziwei Cave, but he just didn't see it, and Han Qianyu took advantage of it.

Double Ninth Stone, as the name suggests, is a natural gemstone with strong yang attributes. It has many uses. The most common practice in the practice world is to use it as a formation point, which can enhance the concealment effect of yin attribute formations, and can also strengthen the yang attribute. Powerful, wonderful uses.

And for Ziwei Dongtian, it can be used to assist in cultivation, just like a piece of Double Ninth Stone that was as big as just now, enough to assist him in his cultivation for half a year.He is now at the fifth stage of the emperor level, and if he has that Double Ninth Stone, he is sure to break through the sixth stage of the emperor level within three months.

But now, it was snatched away by Han Qianyu.

Afterwards, Haotian obviously slowed down a lot, and he paid close attention to the treasures around him.

Jiang Xiaobai was amused in his heart, but his movements were not slow at all. Relying on his strong spiritual thoughts, he collected all kinds of treasures all the way, only to see Haotian feel extremely painful.

Although the treasure in Ziwei Mountain is not his, it can be his!

After a thousand feet, Jiang Xiaobai obviously felt a weight on his body, as if something heavy was on his shoulders, and he looked towards Haotian.Haotian also turned his head: "Brother Qianyu found out, a thousand feet is a hurdle, be careful."

"By the way, the road ahead will be much more dangerous. Let's not be distracted from searching for treasures on the road, and go up the mountain wholeheartedly."

Jiang Xiaobai was amused in his heart, but he responded straight away: "Naturally."

After all, this is Ziwei Dongtian's territory, it's better to be a little restrained, he doesn't want to really piss off Haotian, the harvest before is quite rich.

"As expected of the Ziwei Cave, it's no wonder that it is known as the first blessed place in the world. Compared with our Linlang Cave, it is too far behind." Jiang Xiaobai pretended to be disappointed and sighed.

The corners of Haotian's mouth twitched, and he comforted: "I believe that under the leadership of Brother Qianyu, the Linlang Cave Sky in the future will surely be able to reproduce the glory of the Lingxu Cave Sky in the past."

"I hope." Jiang Xiaobai stopped talking and quickly followed.

Two thousand feet, the body was once again under great oppression, but he could still bear it.However, Haotian's body had to emit some light, and he said with emotion: "Brother Qianyu has such a powerful body, but I have to practice my skills."

After three thousand feet, Jiang Xiaobai's breathing became short of breath. He didn't dare to perform the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu with all his strength, for fear of revealing any clues.

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