Dominate the world

Chapter 915 Get Flowers

After fighting on the battlefield of life and death, he is too aware of the importance of retaining strength at all times, and throwing all his cards is courting death.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai start to exercise, Haotian was relieved, and he was also a bit clumsy. In his opinion, Han Qianyu might be physically stronger than him, but not by much.

At [-] zhang, both of them had a lot of shortness of breath.

Haotian cheered and said: "Hold on, the pressure on the physical body will be greatly reduced later, and the test of vitality will begin."

"Okay, I'm fine." Jiang Xiaobai pretended to be out of breath, which was also in line with his fourth-dan emperor level.

Sure enough, the pressure on the physical body in the following path has been reduced a lot, but the vitality has been rapidly consumed.

"Let's hurry up, the longer the delay, the faster the vitality will be consumed." Haotian said, and he speeded up after speaking.Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly followed, and the two of them climbed the cliff swiftly and nimbly like agile flying apes.

Speeding all the way, the two gradually climbed higher and higher. When they were nearly seven thousand feet, Jiang Xiaobai took out the Tianji Mirror without hesitation.

"Brother Haotian is really powerful, I can't bear it anymore, I'm ashamed, ashamed."

Haotian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he was only able to rush to the position of nearly eight thousand feet, if Han Qianyu could continue to go up, wouldn't he be going to the top?

Fortunately, he finally couldn't take it anymore.

Haotian also knew that Han Qianyu must still have reservations, but it should not be much, but his mouth was full of comfort: "After all, I have gained a little more cultivation, and brother Qianyu has already opened my eyes. Let's work harder, and those two A rising fairy flower is around nine thousand feet."

"Nine thousand feet?" Jiang Xiaobai's face changed suddenly, "Brother Haotian, is he joking with me? Even with the help of Tianji mirror, I may not be able to reach nine thousand feet, my realm is still a little lower."

Haotian cursed secretly in his heart, climbing to the top of Ziwei Mountain is a test of talent, and there are different pressures for different realms, and it has nothing to do with realms.

But he has already arrived here, so he is not willing to give up easily.

"Brother Qianyu, what can you do?" Haotian gritted his teeth secretly, this bastard clearly wanted to blackmail him.

Jiang Xiaobai gasped for a while and said, "Brother Haotian must have some other treasures on him, maybe my little brother should use it first?"

Haotian raised his head and glanced at the position of nine thousand feet, trying to hypnotize himself that everything is insignificant in front of Shengxianhua.

"Actually, I really have a treasure, brother Qianyu can try it." He also felt a little upset in his heart, so he directly changed his name to brother Qianyu.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't seem to hear it at all, he exclaimed excitedly: "Oh, what is it? Brother Haotian, take it out quickly, a little more treasure is a little more hope. Even if I don't need it, let me have something in my heart." Emboldened!"

Haotian nodded: "Brother Qianyu said that this is a protective talisman, which can withstand the full blow of the seventh-level emperor level. Brother Qianyu must use it carefully."

He could tell that this Han Qianyu didn't want to contribute any more because he didn't want to take any benefits.Giving anything is mostly meat buns to beat dogs, and there will be no return. Although this amulet is extraordinary, once he enters the sixth stage of the emperor level, even if he cannot beat the seventh stage of the emperor level, he will not be defeated. This talisman The utility is greatly reduced, and it is just used to send favors.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly took it, cupped his hands and thanked him: "Thank you, Brother Haotian, you have spent the money, don't worry, I'm going to risk my life, and I must pick the Immortal Flower."

Haotian held Jiang Xiaobai's hand excitedly, and the two looked at each other respectfully, Haotian nodded heavily: "I am absolutely assured of Brother Qianyu."

The two continued to climb up, Haotian stopped at eight thousand feet, and Jiang Xiaobai continued to climb up alone with the Tianji Mirror on his head.

The current pressure is all acting on the divine sense, Jiang Xiaobai feels his head is a little stuffy, and even a trace of illusion appears in front of him from time to time, which makes him almost go astray, even stepping on the ground, and almost falling down.

Not to mention himself, even Haotian who was watching from below was frightened, reminding Jiang Xiaobai to be careful.

"Brother Haotian, you didn't say that this place is full of illusions!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

Haotian blushed a little, he was defeated here before, his divine sense was suppressed, and he was completely powerless in the face of the illusion.

"Brother Qianyu, be careful, I will catch up with you after you succeed!"

Jiang Xiaobai let out a chuckle in his heart, his eyes were clear and bright, how could such an illusion stop him?The previous appearance was all faked.

Having practiced the art of refining spirits, Jiang Xiaobai's current sense of spiritual sense may not be very strong due to the state of the realm, but in terms of the degree of condensedness, even those in the seventh stage of the emperor level may not have his spiritual sense condensed, and these illusions cannot be aroused at all his state of mind.

Jiang Xiaobai deliberately slowed down his pace, and used the mirror of heavenly secrets to conjure up some illusions that he was stumbling but working extremely hard, and he began to wantonly collect treasures.

He felt that Haotian might not have lied, and that this Ziwei mountain might really come from the legendary fairyland or other places.He has never heard of many plant materials and so on, and there is no record in Zhou Xiake's Travel Notes.

Jiang Xiaobai also asked Brother Pan, but the latter didn't say a word, as if these things were out of Brother Pan's eyes.

But Jiang Xiaobai doesn't care about the Sanqi 21, put it away first, and then talk about it, it may have some magical effect in the future.No matter how slow the speed was, Jiang Xiaobai finally reached the nine thousand feet.

The wind suddenly rang, Jiang Xiaobai swung the round moon scimitar without thinking, and a snake with a severed head fell to the ground.Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and saw that it was a poisonous snake with four legs. It was not big, but it was extremely ferocious.

The venom in its mouth splashed onto the ground, and the ground was corroded to form a small hole.It is conceivable that if he was bitten by such a strange snake before, he would be seriously injured if he did not die.

"It's dangerous!" Jiang Xiaobai felt a flash of fear.

He put all his energy into it, and the speed became slower and slower, and finally came to the two Ascension Flowers. After identifying them again and again, Jiang Xiaobai was sure that they were the Ascension Flowers.

According to Haotian's reminder, Jiang Xiaobai carefully wrapped the two Immortal Immortal Flowers with his spiritual thoughts, and then wrapped the Immortal Immortal Flowers in a box made of two Wannian Xuanbingyu given by Haotian.

Looking up again, Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, should he continue going up?

At this moment, they have climbed more than 9000 feet, and it is enough to climb a few hundred feet.But after thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai still gave up, the time was wrong, even if he went up at this time, he still couldn't get that trace of awe-inspiring purple energy.

He calculated the time and it should be around midnight.

"Huh? Is it possible that this guy Haotian did it on purpose, because he was afraid that he would hide his strength and climb to the top of the mountain in one fell swoop, so he came to him in the early morning?"

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