The realm broke through the fifth stage of the emperor level, Jiang Xiaobai quickly checked the attributes.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Realm: Emperor Level 9th Dan ([-]%)

Cultivation Method: Taoist Scripture Volume 50 ([-]%)

The fourth stage of Bajiu Xuangong (55%)

Skills: so close to the end of the world (67%)

Seven Emotions Swordsmanship (71%)

Golden Dragon Sword Qi One Foot (99%)

Ba Dao (100%) comprehends the third sword, Hong Chen Yi Dao

Avatar: Domain (60%)

Jiang Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction, and his strength has once again improved in all directions, especially after comprehending the third sword of the Ba Dao, Hong Chen Yi Dao.In this way, there will no longer be any constraints on the three-knife chain, and the power is not comparable to the simple superposition of the power of the three knives.

In one fell swoop, Jiang Xiaobai rushed to seven thousand feet and had to stop again.

There was no road ahead, and if it wasn't for the mountains above his head, Jiang Xiaobai would have thought he had reached the top of the cliff.At this time, he seemed to have come to a sealed building. If he wanted to continue going up, he could only take the elevator, but he didn't have the elevator key.

Looking at the mountain peak floating completely above his head, Jiang Xiaobai smiled wryly.

Do you need to fly up by yourself?But let alone flying right now, he is considered amazing if he can jump a foot.

"Gua, Gua—" A familiar voice sounded.

Jiang Xiaobai looked in surprise, and saw a group of cranes, more than a dozen of them, spreading their wings and soaring.

It turns out that this is the way!

Jiang Xiaobai walked slowly towards the cranes, which immediately caused some cranes to repel them, spread their wings and fly away, but a few remained unmoved.

After all, he had contact with the crane before, Jiang Xiaobai was not in a hurry, he slowly released a trace of Daoist spirit, and slowly approached the crane.

Sure enough, these cranes looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a little more affection, and one of them walked over boldly.

Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed, his movements became more light and careful, he came to the crane, and gently stroked the crane's snow-white feathers a few times.

He took out the corpse of the strange snake from before, and the crane's eyes lit up, and he swallowed the snake meat into his mouth in one gulp.

"Gua, Gua—" the crane called a few times, looking very comfortable.

Jiang Xiaobai said softly: "Then crane, can you take me up?"

The crane fluttered its wings a few times and half-kneeled down.Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed, saluted the crane, and then climbed onto the crane's back.

The crane spread its wings and quickly flew towards the mountain peak in the sky.

When he came to the mountain peak, Jiang Xiaobai jumped down and felt that he had reached eight thousand feet.

"I didn't expect that this road would still need a crane to carry it. Maybe this is a chance. If you don't like the crane, then you really let your infinite mana power go, and you will be powerless."

Jiang Xiaobai became more careful, remembering that he was attacked by a monster at eight thousand feet before.

"Aww—" Before climbing up for a long time, a white tiger with wings soared down like an eagle and grabbed Jiang Xiaobai on the cliff.

The whole body of the white tiger is pure white, with a holy aura, but there is no mercy in the bloody mouth.

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and shot out a golden dragon sword aura, adding wings to the white tiger, and he would not be the opponent of Shenlong after all.

Sure enough, as soon as the golden dragon's sword energy came out, a golden dragon was transformed into a golden dragon, which bravely rushed towards the flying tiger.

The white tiger roared, feinted a few times, and ran away quickly.

Jiang Xiaobai let out a big laugh, and continued to go upwards. On the next path, he encountered many monsters again, some of them were those legendary beasts, dragons, phoenixes, Qiongqi, etc. Jiang Xiaobai had a steady mind and did not do anything move.

After stumbling all the way, he finally rushed up and surpassed nine thousand feet.

Gradually, a fish-belly white appeared in the eastern sky, and the red sun was about to rise.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to neglect any longer, and quickly climbed up, the golden light in his eyes shone brighter, the flood in front of him was rushing for thousands of miles, Jiang Xiaobai just ignored it, and let the flood hit him, smashing his body into pieces.

Then, he rushed headlong into the sea of ​​flames, letting the fire cook the oil, burning him into a skeleton.Then he entered the frozen land again, and his whole body was frozen into pieces, which scattered all over the ground.

Continuing to go upwards, Jiang Xiaobai put away the Tianji mirror instead, and he found that his eyes were enough to see through all illusions, and his whole body was dazzling with golden light.

Finally, Jiang Xiaobai rushed to the top, a red light shone in Dongtian, and a purple air swept across like ripples.

Jiang Xiaobai sat cross-legged without thinking, and at the same time practiced Taoist scriptures and Bajiu Xuangong, letting the rushing purple energy sweep across his body.The mighty purple energy cannot be captured, only let it stay willingly.

"Ding, capture a trace of the majestic purple energy." The prompt sounded from the Tai Chi disc.

Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed, his hard work finally paid off.

"Ding, you have already collected alien star souls, purple water chestnut fruits, and awe-inspiring purple energy. Please collect a Dao flower, which can be fused into a Dao seed."

Jiang Xiaobai murmured, "The seeds of the Dao? Brother Pan, what's the use of this thing?"

Taiji Yuanpan explained: "The seeds of the Great Way, after germination, spinning, flowering, and fruiting, can form a Great Way fruit. With a Great Way fruit, there is no need to refine the heart of the earth, and it can even feed back the heart of the earth , to promote the birth of more saints on the earth."

Jiang Xiaobai was so shocked that he almost didn't fall off the cliff with joy.

The heart of the earth was mentioned in "Zhou Xia Ke's Travels", which is also called the heart of the stars in the universe. Of course, the heart of the earth is only the worst kind of planetary heart.

Zhou Xiake has a crazy guess, that is, the reason why it is difficult for a planet to have a holy master is because a star heart is needed to become a holy master.But only after being sanctified can one break out of this planet, so it is impossible to obtain the planetary heart of an outer planet.

Therefore, it is the local planet that often suffers. Once the heart of the local planet is taken away, the potential of the planet will be severely damaged. It will take thousands of years in the short term, and tens of thousands of years in the long term.

"Brother Pan, thank you very much." Jiang Xiaobai said gratefully, and bowed deeply to the void.

As a person on earth, Jiang Xiaobai certainly does not want to become a saint, but he has caused serious damage to the earth. That is no different from a white-eyed wolf. Even if he becomes the ruler of the universe with great achievements in the future, he will inevitably regret it.

And as long as the Harmony Flower is found, the fate of the Earth's Heart being looted will inevitably be broken.

At this moment, a crane suddenly roared towards Jiang Xiaobai, and when it flew over Jiang Xiaobai, it opened its mouth wide, but a token fell down.

Jiang Xiaobai caught the token and looked at the crane, but saw the crane soaring upwards, soaring into the sky, as if it had stepped into another dimension.

"Well, Ziwei Order?"

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