Jiang Xiaobai inspected the token carefully and found it simple and elegant, but he couldn't feel any power from it.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai still put away the token.He had a faint feeling that this token might be related to the future catastrophe, and he must not be able to appear in this world easily at the moment, or an inexplicable disaster might come sooner.

The scenery on the top of the peak is average, some are bare, and only one plant grows exceptionally strong.

It was a small rattan plant with nine branches, each of which grew a small red fruit.The fruit is not big, about the size of a child's glass bead, but the red one is exciting.

This is the peak, which itself represents mystery, and the magical plants growing here, of course, have incomparably mysterious and magical effects.

Jiang Xiaobai can now be sure, perhaps as Haotian said, the scenery seen on each summit is completely different, and the rewards are naturally completely different.

He came to the plants, carefully identified them, and found that the nine vermilion fruits seemed to be exactly the same, but he knew very well in his heart that these nine vermilion fruits were absolutely different.

A glimmer of hope flashed in Jiang Xiaobai's heart, but he still suppressed the greed in his heart.Don't think about taking all nine fruits, maybe uprooting them, that's probably courting death.

He chose a fruit and picked it just now, the latter automatically flew into his mouth, melted in his mouth, and flowed down the river.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly sat down cross-legged, he already felt an extremely hot breath rushing from his dantian.

In an instant, all limbs and limbs seemed to be filled with scorching hot magma, and Jiang Xiaobai's body was as hot as a roasted prawn, and his whole body was burning red.

The vitality soared rapidly, the spiritual sense also skyrocketed, and the physical body also rapidly expanded...

After a while, Jiang Xiaobai finally recovered his breath, and he collapsed on the top of the mountain, surrounded by sweat.

Jiang Xiaobai used a cleansing technique, and his body became clean again. At the same time, he adjusted his body attributes.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Realm: Emperor Level Sixth Stage (1%)

Cultivation Method: Taoist Scripture Volume 63 ([-]%)

The fourth stage of Bajiu Xuangong (99%)

Skills: so close to the end of the world (99%)

Seven Emotions Swordsmanship (100%)

Golden Dragon Sword Qi Three Feet (9%)

Ba Dao (100%) comprehends the third sword, Hong Chen Yi Dao

Avatar: Domain (70%)

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but swear, all attributes were strengthened, and even broke through the big realm of the fifth stage of the emperor's realm in one fell swoop, and directly entered the sixth stage of the emperor's level.The fourth level of Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu is almost complete, and it is about to enter the fifth level. The Seven Emotions Sword Art and Ba Dao are all perfect, and what is especially frightening is that the golden dragon sword's energy has soared to three feet, and its power has risen to a higher level.

What kind of treasure is this? It's too powerful, right?

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the plants in front of him, and couldn't help but stepped forward to pick another one.

Suddenly, a strong palpitation came to his heart, and Jiang Xiaobai backed away without hesitation, not daring to get closer.

"Hehe, one tree is enough, enough." Jiang Xiaobai sneered, turned and went down the mountain.

It was difficult to go up the mountain, but it was much easier to go down the mountain. Jiang Xiaobai flew down after taking a few steps.

Ziwei Cave is located in the forbidden area of ​​the Tianhou Mountain Ancestral Hall. A short old man's heart suddenly moved. He looked towards a virtual hill in front of him, but he didn't find any changes.

"Someone has climbed to the top of the peak, but the traces have been erased? Is this related to a secret? Or is it that the catastrophe is approaching, and even Ziwei Mountain is no longer stable?"

The old man sighed softly and regained his composure.

After Jiang Xiaobai landed, he found that it was only early in the morning, and many people hadn't woken up yet.

He returned to the courtyard without any haste, just as the bell rang on the island, Zhao Chong and others came out.

"The meeting has finally started, let's go." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"You have broken through to the sixth stage of the emperor class!" Bai Yu shouted, and Zhao Chong and the others realized that Jiang Xiaobai is now a master of the sixth stage of the emperor class.

Not to mention Bai Yu, even Zhao Chong and Li Chan are so jealous, they are the same person, how can there be such a big gap?

"How did you cultivate? Have you eaten the magic pill?" Zhao Chong asked.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled triumphantly: "No way, the talent is too good!"

"It's too shocking. After I go back this time, I'm going to practice in the Yellow Sand Secret Realm." Bai Yu shook his head again and again, he was really hit.After Jiang Xiaobai entered the fourth stage of the emperor class, it took him a little time, but he still kept up.

But he knew that he had exhausted his potential and needed to accumulate for a long time before breaking through again. Who would have thought that Jiang Xiaobai would break through again in just a few days, and directly crossed two ranks.

"Hey, if you compare goods, you have to throw them away, and if you compare people, you have to die!" Li Chan looked up to the sky and sighed.

Everyone laughed wryly, Xue Ling'er was amused, but even more amusing, these people's feelings are really good.

"Little... Brother Qianyu is the best." Xue Ling'er called with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai laughed loudly, rubbed Xue Ling'er's head: "You are so good."

"Stop talking, sad, shall we go?" Lin Xiao smiled wryly.

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and took the lead.

Ziwei Dongtian called everyone to come to the alliance this time, because of the different distances, it took a lot of time, last night, finally all the sect secrets arrived.

Qingxue's figure appeared, and she greeted Jiang Xiaobai joyfully, but she froze for a moment, and cried out, "Sixth stage?"

Li Chan patted Qingxue on the shoulder: "Stop talking, this is really a sad topic."

Qingxue nodded with a wry smile, her enthusiasm diminished a bit, it was too shocking.

Led by Qingxue, Jiang Xiaobai and his party came to the beach where the alliance was held. The place is huge, the scenery is even more beautiful, and there is no need to worry about being peeped. It is an excellent place to watch.

In the practice world, there is naturally a default ranking of strength.Jiang Xiaobai thought that Linlangdongtian, who had been lonely for a long time, would be ranked at the bottom, but he didn't want to be ranked in the middle and upper positions. It was not high-profile, but definitely not remote.

The leader is naturally the head of the house, Ziwei Dongtian.

Ten elders were dispatched from Ziwei Cave, all of them were powerful, and the worst one was at the sixth stage of the Emperor Realm. It seemed that the strength was not only not below that of Penglai Immortal Island, but even higher.

Jiang Xiaobai also saw an acquaintance among the ten elders, it was the elder Sun Hong whom he had met in front of Longxu.Looking at the position of the latter, it seems that the status in Ziwei Cave is not high, and they are almost standing at the end.

On the contrary, the girl who was with Changsun Hong before was nowhere to be seen, hiding somewhere.

"The Purple Myrtle Cave can be called the first in the strength of all the secret realms in the cave, it is really powerful." Kong Xuan praised.

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