Zhang Tianfeng said softly: "Little friend is very talented. He is already at the fourth stage of the emperor level at a young age. The future depends on you."

"The younger generation is ashamed." Yang Tao said excitedly, he was praised by Zhang Tianfeng, and he will become famous today.

Zhang Tianfeng shook his head secretly, he had already decided in his heart that if this kid didn't change, he wouldn't have any great prospects, no wonder he would be thrown out by the sect as an outcast, but he had to answer this topic.

"The old man has lived for so many years, experienced many hardships, and deeply understands two truths. The first is not to underestimate anyone, and the second is not to take anything for granted."

Zhang Tianfeng said in a deep voice: "Which of you can be sure that after offering sacrifices to the Son of Luck, the catastrophe will be sealed?"

Zhang Tianfeng glanced at everyone, and said seriously: "Do you know what the Great Calamity is? Why did it involve the Son of Luck? And why was the Great Tribulation sealed? Or, can the Son of Luck really be sealed? Luck What if the Son of Destiny is unwilling? Can we catch him, and is the forced sacrifice useful? After so many years, the world has changed drastically, can the legend of the Son of Destiny still be fulfilled?"

Jiang Xiaobai felt relieved for a while, that's right!After all, the great elder of a great power has a different vision. If you sacrifice yourself, you can seal the catastrophe. This is a feudal superstition at all!


Zhang Tianfeng asked a lot of questions, but everyone was dumbfounded, and no one answered for a while.

In fact, they have all thought about these problems, but they just dare not think deeply.Anyway, if the sky falls and there is a tall one to hold it up, we can just muddle along and make a fortune in silence.This is also the case, during this period of time, the weaker the forces, the more busy they are robbing people and resources, and they are hoarding crazily to deal with the catastrophe that will follow.

Zhang Tianfeng swept his mind across the crowd, shook his head involuntarily, and had already guessed the general idea of ​​the crowd.He also knew in his heart that these guys were unreliable, if it wasn't for the message from his uncle telling him that the catastrophe was extremely dangerous, if he didn't deal with it well, Ziwei Cave might be destroyed, so he didn't bother to pay attention to these guys.

"Senior Zhang, this junior still has something to say. Seniors' questions will make this junior alert, but before answering these questions, we can sacrifice Jiang Xiaobai from Huaguo Martial Arts Department first, and then look at the future situation. .” In the silence, Yang Tao’s voice sounded again.

Many disciples from Ziwei Mystic Realm stared at them with hatred, and a junior interrupted and questioned the elder's words repeatedly, which made them feel ashamed.

Haotian was the first one who couldn't bear it anymore, he might not even be able to speak in front of the Great Elder, how dare a junior of a small force dare to be rampant?

"I'm in Haotian, and I've met all the seniors!" Haotian was upset, but he still made a full gesture, bowing in groups to cover every aspect, showing grandeur.

The elder brother of Ziwei Cave, the head of the top ten arrogances who are now well-known, but the elders present did not dare to pretend to be arrogant, and everyone returned the salute one after another.

Haotian said leisurely: "Junior Brother Yang, please be calm and don't be impatient. This alliance is of great importance, so I, the genius of Ziwei Cave, invites all forces, no matter how big or small, to come to my Ziwei Cave for a gathering. It is to discuss an ending plan. I also had the audacity to beg the elders to be a bystander. I was fortunate enough to listen to the opinions of the seniors. I was even more frightened in my heart. I was afraid that I would say something childish and ridiculous. Brother Yang, don’t you think so? ?”

Yang Tao's face darkened, Haotian's words were clearly mocking him!

"Brother Haotian is right!" Jiang Xiaobai praised loudly, without giving Yang Tao any face.

Haotian smiled slightly, happily accepted Jiang Xiaobai's assist, and was about to say a few words of humility, when he finally noticed Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation, and couldn't help shouting out: "Emperor-level sixth stage, when did you break through? ?”

He was completely dumbfounded. The day before yesterday, the emperor level was four, yesterday the emperor level was five o'clock, and today it is the emperor level six?

Is this cultivation? This is flying!

Haotian's cry drew everyone's eyes towards him. Looking at Jiang Xiaobai's sixth-level cultivation base, all the elders of the sects, big and small, were also shocked.Especially those who had only made friends with Jiang Xiaobai the day before yesterday and yesterday, their eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

Haotian was suspicious, but he found the answer consciously. Could it be that Han Qianyu has swallowed the Immortal Flower, so his strength has greatly improved?But after thinking about it, Haotian became happy again. Doesn't this mean that Han Qianyu wasted most of the efficacy of the Immortal Flower?

In other words, I am temporarily behind Han Qianyu in terms of realm, but in the future, I will far surpass him in terms of chances of becoming a saint?

A smile quickly formed on Haotian's face, and he cupped his hands and said, "Brother Qianyu, congratulations! No, I have to call you brother, haha, brother Qianyu's talent is really extraordinary, Haotian admires it!"

Jiang Xiaobai saw through Haotian's mind at a glance, and he happily let Haotian think so.He bowed his hands modestly in return: "Brother Haotian, you are welcome, all this is thanks to you."

Since Haotian guessed so, Jiang Xiaobai simply confirmed Haotian's guess.

Sure enough, Haotian laughed even more joyfully, and was humbled again, receiving praise from everyone.

Not far away, Zhang Qian and Long Daozi from Beidoudongtian and Qiankun Secret Realm exchanged glances. There must be a problem between Han Qianyu and Haotian.

Even Zhang Tianfeng looked over, but at such an age, he was already at the sixth stage of the emperor level, and could be regarded as a holy son in any secret cave.He was also a little bit regretful, it's a pity that Lingxu Cave was in despair, otherwise, this kid's strength might have to be improved by a level or two.

In the future catastrophe, it is bound to play a greater role, but now it can only be a pity.

Yang Tao stood on the side blankly, watching Jiang Xiaobai just standing there casually, but became the focus of everyone's attention, and the seniors he looked up to surrounded the latter.

As for himself, he seemed to be abandoned by others, no one would remember him anymore, his cheeks were burning hot, and his heart was even more maddened with jealousy.

"Junior dare to ask Senior Zhang!" Yang Tao suddenly shouted loudly, drawing everyone's attention back, "Senior hasn't answered Junior's question yet?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned, staring at Yang Tao with scrutiny and surprise, even the people in the Great Desolation Secret Realm stared at Yang Tao dumbfounded, is this kid crazy?

An old man's face was extremely dark. It was his instruction to ask Yang Tao to interrogate them on their behalf. Who knew Yang Tao would be so crazy. Is he courting death?Don't harm the sect if you seek death!

"Bastard, what are you talking about, come back quickly." The old man came out, slapped Yang Tao on the forehead, and dragged him back.

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