Dominate the world

Chapter 923 Jiang Xiaobai Arrives

"Senior Zhang, the sect is unlucky to have such evil disciples. You are laughing at it. This is definitely not what we mean. Please forgive me, senior." The old man bent down and begged in a fawning manner.

Zhang Tianfeng smiled and said: "A newborn calf, I naturally don't have the same knowledge as the juniors. But I still have to teach it well in the future. The Great Desolation Secret Realm was famous back then, so don't let the unscrupulous juniors ruin the reputation of the secret realm."

"Senior said yes, what senior said is true!" The old man slapped Yang Tao on the head again, feeling terrified in his heart. Senior Zhang Tianfeng actually used the word "shameless", obviously really angry.

Yang Tao was completely stupefied at the moment, he finally realized what he had done, he knew that he was finished, and he was afraid that he would be imprisoned in a secret realm for the rest of his life.

They are all masters of observing words and expressions, and none of the people who were noisy before dared to say anything more, lest they wait for Zhang Tianfeng's thunderous wrath.

Zhang Tianfeng was also furious, he had a good alliance, but he didn't talk about anything, but he was almost disturbed by a junior.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Zhang Tianfeng's voice became severe, and he realized that he still had to put up his airs, otherwise another boy from Yang Tao would appear, and today's meeting would not be able to continue.

He glanced around the crowd, and said in a deep voice, "I'd rather believe what the son of luck said. Maybe we can give it a try. But we can't rest assured, we still need to make follow-up preparations."

Everyone nodded, this is a big policy, even if you don't say it, everyone will do it.What's more, specific things are treated in detail. Maybe after offering sacrifices to the son of luck, maybe the catastrophe will end here.

As a result, the atmosphere suddenly improved a lot. A group of people talked about Jiang Xiaobai, the son of luck, or scorned or ridiculed, or lamented or pitied, and so on.

Jiang Xiaobai was very angry when he heard it, so he knew that he couldn't place his hope on the kindness of these people.In the eyes of this group of people, his life is completely unimportant, and he is used by them at will, without considering right or wrong, kindness, as if it is just a name, a prop.

"Brother, are you okay? They are all bad people." Xue Ling'er comforted softly, she especially felt the same way, that's how the people in the Gemini Secret Realm treated them.

Li Chan and the others looked over with concern, and Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "It's okay."

After speaking, Jiang Xiaobai stood up, coughed lightly, and said loudly: "Elders, can you listen to the boy."

The shadow of a tree, the name of a person, hearing that it was Han Qianyu speaking, people gradually quieted down, waiting for him to speak.

Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands at Zhang Tianfeng and said, "Senior, this junior also agrees with beheading the so-called son of luck, but I still don't understand the specific details. I hope that senior will not hesitate to teach me."

The Nine Dragon Seal of the Xuanyuan Family is now in the Ziwei Cave, Zhang Tianfeng naturally has a pleasant attitude towards Han Qianyu.

"Well, Haotian thinks highly of you, can you tell me your point of view?"

Jiang Xiaobai said loudly: "It's like this, how should we capture that devil Jiang Xiaobai? After all, that devil's whereabouts are uncertain, there are only two fixed places, one is the Martial Arts Department of Huaguo, and the other is It's Qilu Wuda..."

"Then send people to guard the two places. Once we find the trace of the devil, we just show up." In Ziwei Cave, an elder said casually.

Zhang Tianfeng nodded: "So, it's doable!"

"But there are many people and students in both places. If we make a move, will it hurt the innocent?" Jiang Xiaobai made a hesitant look.

A long laugh sounded, but it was an elder who came to Beidou Cave, he chuckled lightly and said: "Little Qianyu, you are a woman's benevolence, some injuries are acceptable, after all, we are doing righteousness."

"That's right, Elder Huang's words are very kind. We will do righteousness and punish the devil. Even if our hands are dirty, our Dao heart will not be disturbed."

The elder of Beidoudongtian smiled and bowed his hands to the latter, as if he was not alone in his way.

Jiang Xiaobai was furious in his heart. These people were really hypocritical to the extreme, which made him want to vomit.

He looked at Zhang Tianfeng: "Senior, what do you think?"

Zhang Tianfeng sighed and said, "Old man, I know that you don't want to hurt the innocent, but for the sake of righteousness, we should use thunderous means. This is not about cruelty, but about righteousness, and it is an incumbent duty."

"Hahahaha, what a place of righteousness, there is no shirk, you guys in the secret realm of the cave are so hypocritical, it makes people despise!" A voice suddenly resounded through the world, the voice was full of contempt and evil spirit.

Everyone in Ziwei Cave looked around in astonishment, and for a while they couldn't find out where the sound was coming from.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help rubbing his ears, why is this voice so familiar?

He looked back, only to see Zhao Chong, Kong Xuan and the others staring at him strangely.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Xiaobai was startled and shouted hastily.

Bai Yu suddenly slapped him, Jiang Xiaobai blocked it casually, and was about to question him when Bai Yu said, "It's a real person, not a phantom."

"Little... Senior Brother Qian Yu, don't you think this voice is familiar?" Zhao Chong asked with his eyes squeezed.

"Yeah, I feel very familiar, but I just can't remember whose voice it is."

Li Chan rolled her eyes and said, "Isn't that the voice of Jiang Xiaobai!"

As if telling the truth with one word, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized, isn't it, isn't this his own voice!He finally understood the weird eyes of several people, and he explained helplessly: "How do I know what's going on?"

At this moment, Zhang Tianfeng slapped somewhere in the sky: "Friend, since you're here, show up."

Bo's life sounded softly, the space shook, and a figure flew out.Tall and tall, with handsome cheeks, a pair of sword-shaped eyebrows slanted into the temples, full of heroic spirit, it is none other than Jiang Xiaobai from Huaguo Martial Arts Department.

"Everyone, it's really hard work. You actually want to get rid of me so deliberately, hehe, you guys are really ashamed!"

"What, this person is Jiang Xiaobai, who killed Jiang Xiaobai in the Yellow Sand Secret Realm with one sword?"

"You are still so young, is your strength so strong?"

"What realm is he, why can't he see clearly?"

"Hmph, he is the son of luck, with many secret techniques, we can't see that his realm is normal."

The crowd suddenly started talking, and all forces were ready to defend.They plotted against Jiang Xiaobai here, and he broke in alone. This kind of courage is really terrifying, and I am afraid that his ability is equally astonishing.

They don't want to be accidentally attacked and killed by Jiang Xiaobai!

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