Dominate the world

Chapter 924 The Fake Jiang Xiaobai

On Linlang Dongtian's side, a few people were still a little dazed, what's going on?

"What's going on here? Xiaobai, your second hand?" Li Chan asked in a low voice.

At this moment, Zhu Rong Dongtian beside him had retreated to one side, and there was no one around, and everyone resumed their title of Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head again and again: "I don't know, I don't know who this person is at all. Whether he is an enemy or a friend, anyway, let's wait and see what happens."

When a few people think about it, that's all there is to it.

Zhang Tianfeng pressed the palm of his hand. He looked at "Jiang Xiaobai" in the air with a serious expression: "Little friend Jiang, you are worthy of being the child of this year's luck. You dare to come here alone. Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Jiang Xiaobai" laughed, his eyes full of obscenity, he said coldly: "Why don't you welcome me? Then just kill me, it depends on whether you dare or not?"

Everyone on the island is confused, why?Can Jiang Xiaobai not be killed?Then what else to sacrifice?

Zhang Tianfeng said in a deep voice: "Oh, it seems that little friend Jiang knows a lot?"

"Of course, as a child of luck, I don't know the process of offering sacrifices. If I want to make sacrifices successfully, my cultivation level must be as high as possible, especially if I have reached the semi-sacred level. You can sacrifice now. If you leave me, hehe, you will definitely fail, at worst I will take a step first and wait for you on Huangquan Road, what is this God of War afraid of?"

Everyone was surprised, that was the case.

On Linlangdongtian's side, the real Jiang Xiaobai has a weird expression on his face. Does this mean he is deciphering it for himself?

"Then why did you come here?" Zhang Tianfeng shouted.

"Jiang Xiaobai" snorted softly: "It's simple, as the God of War of the Huaguo Martial Arts Department, I naturally came to fight with you. The God of this site believes that only in battle can the fastest increase in strength, you guys With so many people here, it is naturally the best place to fight."

As he spoke, the vitality on the surface of "Jiang Xiaobai" flickered, showing his realm.

"This god of war is currently at the peak of the sixth stage of the emperor level, and he almost broke through the seventh stage of the emperor level, so he sent your masters to fight with me. Otherwise, this god of war will destroy three more secret caves in the future. Don't doubt that this God of War can't do it, I'm happy to show you with practical actions."

"Jiang Xiaobai" had a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Don't try to keep me, I think Elder Zhang Tianfeng knows why, right?"

Zhang Tianfeng stretched his face and said: "If the son of luck blew himself up, the heart of the earth will be permanently damaged, and none of us will be able to become holy."

"That's right, as expected of the Great Elder of Ziwei Cave Heaven, he is knowledgeable, so whoever comes out to fight with me now, let this god of war weigh the level of your secret realm cave."

On Linlangdongtian's side, Jiang Xiaobai was both surprised and delighted. He didn't expect the son of luck to have such a deterrent power, which made him a little envious.

"Brother Pan, do you think I am the child of luck?"

Jiang Xiaobai was really confused. As always, Tai Chi Yuanpan didn't respond, which deepened the resentment in Jiang Xiaobai's heart a lot.

In the middle of the arena, "Jiang Xiaobai" was still showing off his power, without any fear, and he was really majestic.

"Don't hide it, I know that you have brought the so-called saint son and saint daughter with you this time, and let them come out to compete with me, otherwise this god of war will leave!"

Jiang Xiaobai looked angry and was extremely funny. The authentic Jiang Xiaobai himself hadn't challenged these people yet, but this faker challenged them first, and even named the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden by name.

"Xiaobai, this style really resembles you. Are you sure it's not you? You can't even trust us, right?" Zhao Chong asked in a low voice.

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Well, he is actually my twin brother, and I have been hiding him all this time. After hearing the plot against me, he couldn't help but take action for me. This explanation can ?"

"Really, but why didn't I know you have a twin brother?" Zhao Chong smacked the beard on his chin earnestly, and directly led Kong Xuan and the others away, and they asked in unison, "Do you really have a twin brother?" brother?"

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Okay, Xiaobai is teasing you. But this person, I think he is an enemy and not a friend. If he makes it like this, it seems that he is venting his anger for Xiaobai, but he puts Xiaobai on the edge. On the fire, there is no room for relaxation after that."

Jiang Xiaobai heheed: "I'm not afraid of this, I will do it if he doesn't do it, just to see what the origin of this person is."

On the other side, listening to the provocative words of "Jiang Xiaobai", Haotian couldn't help it.He flew out and shouted loudly: "Jiang Xiaobai, I, Haotian, are here to challenge you!"

"Well, how dare an emperor-level fifth-dan come out?"

Haotian said with a dark face: "It's enough to deal with you."

"Okay, if you can do ten tricks in my Jiang Xiaobai's hands, I will be raised by you!"

On Linlangdongtian's side, Zhao Chong and the others looked at Jiang Xiaobai with suppressed smiles. As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that Jiang Xiaobai had nothing to do with the impostor.Jiang Xiaobai gritted his teeth resentfully, "This bastard really wants to die, don't fall into my hands, he will be skinned and cramped."

Haotian was stunned, and said with contempt: "You don't need to be so rude, just be convinced."

"Fart, who am I, Jiang Xiaobai? I say one is one and the other is two. Do you think that what I say is nothing?"

Haotian frowned. He had heard of Jiang Xiaobai's name before, but he never thought that he could be so vulgar and rude. As the headmaster of a school and the elder of the Martial Arts Department, such words and deeds are really worthless.

Many people around are also talking about it, and there is a lot of contempt in their words.

Jiang Xiaobai calmed down now, this person is definitely not from the Martial Arts Department, let alone his friend.He came here this time to tarnish his reputation. Could it be that it was arranged by a certain secret cave?

In the sky, Haotian was already impatient, he said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, let's do it."

"Jiang Xiaobai..." Jie Jie laughed, took out a long sword, which looked exactly like the Taiji Star Sword, and slashed at Haotian with a sword.

"Xiaobai, is this the Seven Emotions Sword Art?" Li Chan asked in a low voice.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, this impostor actually used his own unique swordsmanship, and judging by his proficiency, if it wasn't for this level of improvement, he would have a much deeper understanding of swordsmanship, I'm afraid it might not be comparable to this one The counterfeiter has profound attainments in Qiqing swordsmanship.

As soon as the Qiqing swordsmanship came out, Haotian's ending was already doomed.Sure enough, after the seven moves, Haotian stepped back with sweat all over his face, his eyes full of horror.

"Hehe, this God of War swordsmanship is called the Seven Emotions swordsmanship, it can stir up your seven emotions, boy, what did you do that's so shady that you're afraid of being discovered by the elders?"

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