"This is the strength of your Ziwei Cave disciples. I am too disappointed. Please invite those holy sons and saintesses to appear, otherwise you will disappoint me too much. Then I will directly challenge the older generation."

These words are too hateful, it is simply unbearable!

Many of the younger generation's Tianjiao jumped up, but their strength was not even comparable to that of Haotian, and they only wanted to humiliate themselves when they went out, and they were dragged back by their respective elders after only a few yells.

At this time, many people's eyes turned to Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaobai was the one with the highest level among the younger generation.

"Jiang Xiaobai" in the air also looked over, his eyes lit up suddenly, a flash of resentment flashed, and he said coldly: "Isn't this Mr. Han Qianyu Han? Do you have the guts to come out and give advice?"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows, he felt very clearly that this impostor had deep hostility towards him.

He saw my real identity?

Do you know that I am the real Jiang Xiaobai?

so possible?

So what happened?


But really want to compete with these guys?How can it be!He also wants to bring out some saints and saints!

Anyway, this Han Qianyu is just a vest, if it's a big deal, it will be discarded later, and it won't be embarrassing.Jiang Xiaobai simply ignored the yelling counterfeit and let the latter yell.

There was booing all around.

Many young people looked at Han Qianyu with a little more sarcasm in their eyes. This guy was praised for being extravagant before. What kind of talent is extraordinary, and he has the appearance of Zhongxing. The Lingxu Cave will reappear in his hands. In the face of the real threat Did he reveal his timid nature?

Even though Haotian is only at the fifth dan of the emperor level, he dares to fight. He is a master at the [-]th dan of the emperor level, but he dare not even fight, which makes people despise him.

Zhang Tianfeng shook his head slightly, and approached Changsun Hong, who disappeared in a flash.Those who discovered this scene were immediately excited. It seemed that Ziwei Dongtian was about to show its true background.

"Mice, I'll deal with you later." The counterfeit in the air looked down on Han Qianyu dressed up by Jiang Xiaobai, and looked at the side of Ziwei Cave, with a little more hope in his eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai became more and more confused. This counterfeit is definitely not due to jealousy or other reasons, but more like a personal enmity?But who did Han Qianyu have a personal grievance with?

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he glanced at Lan Yeqing in the crowd, only to see that the latter was hiding, obviously she also recognized who was coming.

This counterfeit is obviously that alien, but this time he even disguised himself as Jiang Xiaobai and ventured into Ziwei Cave alone.

Sure enough, art masters are bold!

Six streams of light flashed in the sky, and three men and three women floated down from the sky.The six people were divided into three pairs, and each came to the elders of Ziwei Cave, Beidou Cave and Qiankun Secret Realm.

"Worriless, Xuan Xi pays respects to the Great Elder, all elders."

In front of Ziwei Cave, a man and a woman bowed to Zhang Tianfeng and a group of elders.The two are not very old, Wuyou looks about 25 or [-], and looks ordinary. If you throw it in the crowd, you will blend in, and you won't see the slightest difference.But his cultivation is extremely solid, he is already at the level of seventh-dan emperor level, surpassing the younger generation.

The woman is extremely beautiful, her brows are even more charming, she is much younger, but she also has the realm of emperor level six.

Jiang Xiaobai was startled, he recognized this girl, she was clearly the granddaughter of Elder Hong, but he didn't expect the latter to be the saint of Ziwei Cave.He couldn't help looking at Haotian, but he saw Haotian's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

There was also a burst of discussion among the crowd.Among the top ten talents ranked before, Xuan Xi ranked second, and now everyone realizes that this ranking is a big mistake, and Xuan Xi's status and strength are far above Haotian.

The other two couples also met with the elders of Beidoudongtian and Qiankun secret realm, and reported their names, namely Yuzhenzi and Luoying fairy from Beidoudongtian, Li Jun and Yongxin fairy from Qiankun secret realm.

These four people are in the same realm, all of them are in the seventh-dan realm of the emperor level.

The crowd was completely excited. With these six holy sons and daughters, no matter how arrogant Jiang Xiaobai was, he would definitely not be able to please them.

"That's right, that's right, this is the real pride of heaven! The little girl's realm is slightly inferior, but her talent is the highest, especially her physique is extraordinary. If everything goes smoothly, you may still become a saint before them." Visitors from outside the sky commented one by one. , greatly appreciated Xuan Xi.

"Let's talk, who will go first!" shouted the foreign visitor.

Li Jun from Qiankun Secret Realm flew out first, and he cupped his hands at Wuyou: "Originally, the guest can do whatever he wants, but my little brother's hands are itchy, so I shot first."

Li Junfei went to the visitor from beyond the sky, and hooked his fingers at the latter: "Jiang Xiaobai, I am seventh-dan, and you are only sixth-dan. I will let you do three tricks. You should do it first."

The visitor from beyond the sky sneered: "You are overconfident, and you don't know why. Since you want to seek death, then this book God of War will help you."

He shook his sword, and his figure appeared in front of Li Jun, stabbing Li Jun's eyes with his sword.

Li Jun's feet grew lotuses step by step, and he stepped back continuously, easily retreating from the sword moves of the foreigner.He smiled proudly: "Is this the advanced swordsmanship of Jiang Zhanshen? I don't think it's surprising."

"Okay, I want you to have an eye." The visitor from the sky sneered, and his body suddenly disappeared into the void.

The next moment, Li Jun's face changed, his body flickered again and again, the long sword continued to block forward and back, clanging and clanging, but his body was still bursting with blood.

"Jun'er?" Xuanyuan Zheng, one of the top ten elders in the secret realm of the universe, called out worriedly, and he looked at the great elder, Cang Sheng, for help.

Cangsheng Laodao shook his head slightly: "He is the Holy Son, I can't do anything!"


"Look at Jun'er's fortune!"

Everyone was dumbfounded. The scene they expected to kill the Holy Son did not appear, but was violently beaten by Jiang Xiaobai instead.

"get out!"


With a scream, Li Jun clutched his left eye and fell from the sky, while the "Jiang Xiaobai" long sword in the air had an eyeball stuck in the blade, still dripping blood.

"Help him back." Cang Sheng Lao Dao sighed.

Xuanyuan was helping Li Jun back, but the latter seemed to have lost his vitality, limp on the ground, his face ashen.

"Hmph, but that's it, who's next?" "Jiang Xiaobai" in the air was still clamoring.

"Oops, stop Yongxin!" The old Taoist Cang Sheng just said it, but saw a beautiful figure in the air angrily stabbing at "Jiang Xiaobai" in the sky.

A few minutes later, Fairy Yongxin spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew back upside down. People from Qiankun Secret Realm rushed forward to help her, but saw that Fairy Yongxin, their saint, was already unconscious.

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