Dominate the world

Chapter 926 Jiang Xiaobai makes a move

Everyone in the caves of each secret realm was stunned. No one thought that Jiang Xiaobai, the devil they were talking about, would be so strong that he easily defeated the saint son and saint daughter of the Qiankun secret realm.

One after another, they looked at the saints and daughters of Beidou Secret Realm and Ziwei Secret Realm, with hopes and worries.In the eyes of the four of them, it was a great pressure.

Chang Sun Hong looked at Zhang Tianfeng and said anxiously: "Grand Elder, please give an order not to let them take action."

Zhang Tianfeng shook his head with a wry smile: "Eldest grandson, I can't."

"Why?" Eldest Sun Hong said angrily, he cared about his granddaughter, and now he couldn't care about dignity anymore.

Zhang Tianfeng explained softly: "They are saints and saints, and they have planted a seed of sanctification in their hearts since they were young. Their exercises are different from yours. The purpose of cultivation is not to improve the state, but to nourish the seed. Seeds, let the latter germinate, spin, blossom and bear fruit, this is their Tao fruit, this is the foundation of their sanctification."

"So, they have to fight, failure is not terrible, as long as they stand up again, but they can't avoid the battle, it will leave regrets and demons, and the seeds will be incomplete, so it's a big loss. "

Eldest Sun Hong looked at Zhang Tianfeng helplessly, his expression getting more and more bitter: "But Xuan Xi is only 19 years old, and at the sixth stage of the emperor level, he will not be the opponent of that devil at all. And you heard the comment just now, He won't let Xuan Xi go."

Zhang Tianfeng sighed for a long time, and a trace of fatigue flashed in his eyes: "I was still careless. I didn't expect this Jiang Xiaobai to be so vicious. He came here this time to destroy their seeds. It's so tricky that even the old man It’s all counted in.”

"Then let's kill—" the eldest grandson said in a voice, with a fierce light in his eyes.

Zhang Tianfeng shook his head again: "Don't do it, it might be counterproductive. Don't worry, Xi'er will be defeated at most. If that kid dares to kill, I will make him regret it."

Chang Sun Hong responded helplessly, and turned his head to look at the two sides fighting in the sky.But seeing that the two saint sons and daughters of Beidoudongtian were kicked down, the devil did not kill him.

Xuan Xi gritted her teeth and was about to make a move when a soft voice sounded beside her ear: "Junior Sister, you are more talented, let Senior Brother go first."

Xuan Xi immediately understood that the senior brother was trying to consume the latter's energy and win more chances for her.

But unfortunately, within 3 minutes, Wuyou was beaten down.If it weren't for his quick dodge, the foundation of martial arts would have been almost broken.

"You're lucky, the little girl is yours, of course you don't have to compare." The visitor from beyond the sky said with a smile.

The people in the Dongtian Mystery Realm from all directions were dumbfounded for a long time. They all saw that these six holy sons and saintesses were not Jiang Xiaobai's opponents, but why did these people rush forward?

Some elders explained a few words, and everyone suddenly realized that someone finally understood the sinister intentions of "Jiang Xiaobai", and many people couldn't help but cursed.

"Brother Xiaobai, can you help this sister?" Xue Ling'er suddenly asked at Linlang Dongtian.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Xue Ling'er curiously, but seeing Xue Ling'er's anxious face, she explained: "It's like this, when Ling'er was fleeing, she was chased and killed by people from the Gemini Secret Realm, and it was this sister who rescued me. , Her aura is recorded in Juedao ruler."

"Alright." Jiang Xiaobai responded in one gulp.

Bai Yu was startled, and said in a deep voice, "Xiao Bai, this is not a joke."

Zhao Chong and the others shook their heads again and again. This impostor is so powerful. Although they have confidence in Jiang Xiaobai, they are not optimistic about Jiang Xiaobai either.

"Hehe, I didn't tell you who the impostor is before, but now I'm [-]% sure."

"Oh, who is it?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and said, "That visitor from outside the sky, the former saint. It is because his vision is high enough that he doesn't pay attention to the supernatural powers of these holy sons and saints. Did you find out that he dealt with these things?" It is easy for the Holy Maiden and the Holy Son to be dealt with Haotian, I think the specific reason is the so-called seeds."

At this time, the reason why the six must fight was also passed on, and they also heard about the sanctified seeds. Hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, there was indeed some truth.

"Then be careful." Li Chan encouraged.

Xue Ling'er looked at Jiang Xiaobai gratefully and shed tears.

"Don't be afraid, when will you see your brother Xiaobai doing something you're not sure about?" Jiang Xiaobai wiped away Xue Linger's tears, and arranged for Li Chan to help take care of him, and he flew up.

Everyone looked at Jiang Xiaobai who suddenly flew up in astonishment, not knowing what Han Qianyu in Linlangdongtian was going to do.

In the sky, Xuan Xi, who was fighting with the visitor from outside the sky, was also distracted for a moment, but the next moment she saw "Jiang Xiaobai" clawing towards her dantian with five fingers forming claws.

The moves are fierce, the movements are stealthy, and the speed is extremely fast. Judging from the posture, it seems that she wants to dig out her martial arts foundation.

"Your Excellency, you are so shameless that you want to steal Miss Xuan Xi's Dao Seed, so why pretend to be Jiang Xiaobai, the God of War in China?"

Jiang Xiaobai's figure flashed, and a sword grew out, blocking the palm of the alien visitor, "I think you would rather fight me than bully a girl?"

Jiang Xiaobai reached out with his palm and pulled Xuan Xi behind him, "Go down and rest, and leave the rest to me. It's not that you can't beat him, but this guy has a problem."

Xuan Xi was unwilling to retreat, she could be defeated, but she absolutely could not retreat.

Still a stubborn girl!

There was a smile on the corner of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth, and he said via voice transmission: "He used to be a saint, so your dao seed has no secrets in his eyes. It's okay if you don't use the dao seed, but if you use the power of the dao seed, you will lose Undoubtedly, do you understand?"

Xuan Xi's pupils dilated, she was astonished to the extreme, was she once a saint?How can it be.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Xuan Xi, the little girl looked surprised, but she looked a little cute.

"Okay, go down, or your grandpa will be worried to death. By the way, if you care about me saving your life, don't tell other people the news, even your grandpa. Of course, if you think it doesn't matter, I can't stop it either."

"Sister Xuanxi, come down quickly, brother Qianyu can beat him." Xue Ling'er also hurriedly shouted on Linlangdongtian's side.

Seeing Xue Ling'er, Xuan Xi's heart warmed, and she immediately understood why Jiang Xiaobaifei came to rescue her.Noticing Grandpa's worry, she didn't insist anymore, she said "be careful", and flew down.

The people from Ziwei Cave rushed to meet her, and Changsun Hong even anxiously pulled Xuan Xi into his arms: "It's fine, it's fine."

"Grandpa, Mr. Han said..."

"say what?"

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