Dominate the world

Chapter 927 The Furious Jiang Xiaobai

For some reason, Xuan Xi suddenly remembered Jiang Xiaobai's advice, her cheeks turned red, and she forcibly changed the subject: "Grandpa, do you think there is something wrong with this person? Mr. Han said he was a fake, that he It's not Jiang Xiaobai at all, is it true?"

For this granddaughter who has depended on each other since childhood, the eldest Sun Hong knows too well, and the little girl is obviously hiding something in her heart.

But remembering that his granddaughter had just experienced a catastrophe of life and death, it was too late for him to take care of her granddaughter, so why would he question her?

He said softly: "Grandpa doesn't know, let's see the result of their fight."

In the sky, Jiang Xiaobai took out the full moon scimitar, and slashed at the visitor from outside the sky.The latter repeatedly raised his sword to resist, but found that his opponent's strength was extremely tyrannical. At the same level, even those pure-blooded monsters might not be able to match.

Everyone was stunned. "Jiang Xiaobai", who had flaunted his power before and ignored the saints and saints, was thrown back again and again by Han Qianyu.They also saw that Han Qianyu didn't use any precise knife skills at all, but relied on his physical strength to forcibly bully "Jiang Xiaobai" on the opposite side.

"Say, who are you?" Jiang Xiaobai slammed it and asked.

He doesn't mind cleaning up these holy sons and saints and giving them an unforgettable painful memory, but what this bastard has done is too much, and he doesn't want to bear that kind of blame.

The extraterrestrial visitor was beaten back again and again, and waves of panic surged in his heart.From the eyes of the opponent in front of him, he didn't see any expression of awe or fear, only anger and disdain.

He couldn't believe how that weak, ordinary-talented boy could become the current arrogance.With such a physical body, such spiritual thoughts, and especially the purity of vitality, he reviewed all the geniuses he had ever seen, and was shocked to find that the opponent in front of him turned out to be the strongest.

"Boy, I am the Great Elder of the Martial Arts Department of Huaguo, the God of War Jiang Xiaobai, how dare you..."

"Dare your mother!" Jiang Xiaobai slashed at him with a knife.

He was so angry that he dared to slander his reputation at this time.Lao Tzu Jiang Xiaobai's dignified generation of war gods has always been weak against the strong, outnumbered and outnumbered, and challenged by leapfrogging. This bastard pretended to be someone who was not good, and even pretended to be him.

It's fine to pretend to be him, if you don't have that strength, why don't you just pretend to be a loser?

Jiang Xiaobai was so angry at the moment, he completely forgot that if he hadn't made the move, the foreigner would still be pretending to be quite similar.

"Mr. Han Qianyu is mighty, what kind of god of war in the Huaguo Martial Arts Department is a piece of shit in front of you."

"What is the great elder of the Huaguo Martial Arts Department? In the hands of the real geniuses in our Dongtian Secret Realm, he is nothing more than a chicken and a dog."

"Jiang Xiaobai, when you were showing off your might, did you ever think about the embarrassment you are in now, haha, this is called the report of the present world, Mr. Han Qianyu is mighty."


Jiang Xiaobai's fists were clenched tightly, and each knife was as fast as a knife. He used brute strength to slash wildly. The secrets of super masters are also ignored.

Since his debut, when has Jiang Xiaobai been insulted like this?

Below Linlang Cave Sky, Zhao Chong and the others mourned silently for the foreign visitors. You say it's not good to pretend to be someone else, but you want to pretend to be Jiang Xiaobai. They know that Jiang Xiaobai's grievances will be revenged.

Now it's all right, the more the onlookers yelled, the harder Jiang Xiaobai would be beaten. If this continues, it's no surprise that he died here.

"Say, tell, tell, who are you?" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes turned red, and he roared angrily.

The visitor from beyond the sky spat out a mouthful of blood, and the old injury recurred.

He hated Han Qianyu anxiously in his heart. When he was in meditation to heal his wounds, he was harmed by this despicable boy and a woman.As a result, he managed to recover some of his cultivation and temporarily suppressed the injury, but the old injury from being beaten by this kid recurred.

Could it be that this kid is his own curse?

The aliens were all confused.

Where Ziwei Cave is located, Zhang Tianfeng asked in surprise, "Is this Jiang Xiaobai injured?"

He was a little shocked. He had also paid attention to the Martial Arts Department of Huaguo, and he also knew that Jiang Xiaobai's talent was extraordinary, and he had gone through their hundreds of years in just a few years.In his opinion, Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation at the sixth stage of the emperor level is already very remarkable, but now he realizes that this kid's strength is probably far beyond the sixth stage, and he was just injured.

"Grand Elder, this person may not be Jiang Xiaobai." For some reason, Xuan Xi suddenly felt that what Han Qianyu said was right, the person opposite was probably not the Grand Elder of the Martial Arts Department Jiang Xiaobai.

Changsun Hong asked doubtfully, "How do you say, Xi'er, do you know something?"

Xuan Xi shook her head: "I just think Mr. Han Qianyu shouldn't have lied. From his evaluation, it seems that Jiang Xiaobai of Huaguo Martial Arts Department has a very high opinion."

Zhang Tianfeng nodded: "Perhaps what Han Xiaozi said is right. That son of luck is unassuming, but he dared to fight to the death, but now this one is obviously ruthless, and he is already searching for a way out."

Jiang Xiaobai also saw that the visitor wanted to escape, he only hesitated for a moment before changing his mind, he couldn't let this bastard go.

First, Jiang Xiaobai's undefeated reputation cannot be lost. Once the news here gets out, it will be a huge blow to the Martial Arts Department and even the entire Hua Kingdom.

Second, there are quite a few people who know about this. Lan Yeqing knows it, and Xuan Xi knows it too. They probably can't hide it anymore. Instead of exposing it in the future and making people complain, it is better to expose it now and give Lin Lang The cave sky brushes up the prestige.

Third, I just see this bastard is not happy!

Jiang Xiaobai would never admit that the last one was the most important, so he became more and more ruthless.

"Bastard, boy, back off. Believe it or not, the god of war blew himself up. I'm the son of luck." The visitor from beyond the sky was completely panicked. He felt the murderous intent from Jiang Xiaobai, and the guy opposite had murderous intentions towards him.

Jiang Xiaobai slashed down again with a knife, and shouted angrily: "Explode yourself, if you have the guts, let me blow yourself up, if you don't blow yourself up, I am your grandfather!"

The people in the secret realm below burst out laughing, not only did they not find Han Qianyu's vulgar words vulgar, but they felt extremely relieved.

"This is the Martial God of War, haha, it's too bad, blow yourself up!"


Sure enough, there was no shortage of spectators anywhere, and many younger generation disciples clamored loudly, their voices were uniform, and they did not have a bit of momentum.


It would be really strange for him to blew himself up. Even if he survived by luck, he would never be able to recover his current cultivation level.

"Hmph, you're still pretending to me at this time, I have already seen who you are, do you think you are still a saint?"

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