Jiang Xiaobai said seriously: "They are at your disposal, and no one dares to say a word of disagreement."

Xue Ling'er nodded, she gritted her teeth, she was smart enough to understand that the people from the Gemini Secret Realm were throwing the blame, but unless she had the strength of Big Brother Jiang, she could only accept it that way.

"After all, they are from your Gemini secret realm, you can deal with them, but I will see them again in the future."

"Yes, thank you Miss Xue Ling'er for your generosity." The people from the Gemini Secret Realm quickly dragged the two away.

Xue Ling'er couldn't help crying anymore.

Jiang Xiaobai patted Xue Ling'er on the shoulder lightly, and said softly: "Xiao Ling'er, you did a good job, and after that you improved your strength, you can kill them all over the house, how can it be so easy to wipe out the disaster of killing your family?" of?"

"Well, Brother Xiaobai, that's what I think." Xue Ling'er said.

Li Chan glared at Jiang Xiaobai: "How did you teach people, Ling'er was spoiled by you."

Xue Ling'er wiped away her tears, and her voice was a little more determined: "Sister Li Chan, you don't have to protect me, I also know what will happen in the future, I will become extremely strong, and then fight side by side with you."

"Okay, we all believe in you." Kong Xuan said with a smile, and Lin Xiao and the others expressed their opinions again and again, looking at Xue Ling'er with eyes full of encouragement.

They heard clearly what the alien visitor said before, the catastrophe of the planet is coming!

They also finally understood that the so-called catastrophe was the invasion of aliens.

As long as you are a person on earth, you can't hide. If you don't grow up quickly, strengthen your mind, and improve your strength, when the catastrophe comes, everyone will die.

"Master Han, the Great Elder invites you to discuss the planetary catastrophe."

"Okay, please." Jiang Xiaobai gave Li Chan and the others a wink, and followed the people from Ziwei Cave.

Before they got close, a series of friendly names were blowing like a warm spring breeze.

Even the elders looked at Jiang Xiaobai very kindly. They estimated before that Han Qianyu now definitely has the fighting power of the seventh-level emperor.

As for whether there is anything hidden, they are more inclined to have it, which means that it is only Han Qianyu, and Linlang Dongtian already has first-class strength.

"Qianyu has met all the seniors." Jiang Xiaobai still maintained a humble appearance, which made people feel good.

"Okay, I'm not arrogant to win, good-natured." Zhang Tianfeng said with a smile, "Come on, let me introduce you to two seniors, this is Senior Tianquanzi, the Grand Elder of Beidoudongtian, and this is the Grand Elder of Qiankun Secret Realm. .”

Jiang Xiaobai was in awe, the strength of these two people was comparable to that of Zhang Tianfeng, and they were both top-notch masters who were almost semi-holy.He hastily bowed and saluted: "Qian Yu pays respects to Senior Tianquanzi and Senior Cangsheng."

"Haha, it turns out that a hero is born in a young age, please hurry up Qian Yu, maybe after a while, you and I will be equal in the same generation." Tian Quanzi said with a smile.

Cangsheng Laodao also stroked his long beard with his hand, and his face was friendly, Jiang Xiaobai dared not say it again.

"This is Fairy Bai from the Kunlun Secret Realm." Zhang Tianfeng introduced a Taoist nun again.

The realm of a Taoist nun is actually very high, but she is naturally one level lower in front of the three great elders, but her eighth-level emperor-level cultivation is also eye-catching.

"Qian Yu pays respects to Senior Bai Xiangu."

Bai Xiangu is holding a dust whisk in her hand, the air of fireworks is very light, her appearance is more peaceful, and her pair of wisdom eyes are full of calm charm.

"Young friend Qianyu, you are welcome."

Zhang Tianfeng sighed and said, "It's a pity that Tianyi Dongtian and Xuanyuan Family have already disintegrated, and it is difficult to reproduce the glory of my seven great powers when they were at their peak."

Tianquanzi and the others all said it was a pity.

"Okay, now you all understand the situation. According to the analysis of the current situation, the future catastrophe should be the invasion of foreign enemies, intending to seek the heart of our earth. If you have any ideas, please express your opinions."

Jiang Xiaobai thought to himself, it was as expected as he had guessed, he didn't speak, and in terms of status, it wasn't his turn to speak.

Unexpectedly, it was Bai Xiangu who spoke first: "Wuliang Tianzun, the old man has overstepped, but now the foreign enemy is clear, maybe we can unite with the Martial Arts Department to fight against the enemy together. We have no grievances with the Martial Arts Department, so why bother to make a big killing?" What about sin?"

Cangsheng Laodao sighed softly: "Xianguzhai's benevolent heart, intended to save all living beings, is admirable. But things are not that simple. We have formed an opposing situation with the Ministry of Martial Arts. Now we want both sides to let go of their grievances. Extremely difficult."

"That's right." Tianquanzi echoed. He is the oldest man, and his face is a bit permeable. At this moment, he is crowded together because of his thoughts. He said in a deep voice, "If there are foreign enemies to invade, those ordinary people can To do something, we don’t need to rely on us to be the main force.”

He changed his tone: "But with a huge base, they will rise quickly even if they are hit hard, but what about us? Once injured, perhaps tens of thousands of years of foundation will be ruined by us people hands."

The faces of several people became solemn, Tian Quanzi was right.

"Little friend Qianyu, what do you say?" Zhang Tianfeng asked.

Jiang Xiaobai coughed lightly and said, "The seniors have all considered well, and the junior can't give any general advice. It's just that the junior got a message from Senior Xuanyuandao after entering Longxu."

"Oh?" The four of them looked at Jiang Xiaobai in surprise, they naturally knew Xuanyuandao, the son of destiny.

"What message?" Tian Quanzi asked.

Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice: "Senior Xuanyuandao didn't leave many messages, only two words, wrong!"

Seeing the suspicious eyes of the four people, Jiang Xiaobai swore without hesitation: "Four seniors, this junior swears on the reputation of Linlangdongtian, and I dare not tell half a lie, otherwise my Linlangdongtian will be wiped out by my Han Qianyu." hands."

Seeing that Han Qianyu made such a poisonous oath, the four of them looked even more solemn.

"Then Senior Xuanyuan means that the act of offering sacrifices back then was wrong?" Bai Xiangu questioned.

Tian Quanzi shook his head: "It's hard to say, he may say that the act of offering sacrifices was wrong, or it may be that the process of the seniors was wrong, or some steps were wrong, we can't be sure."

Zhang Tianfeng asked again: "Qianyu, which side do you prefer?"

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't help but said: "I tell the four seniors that Qian Yu once had a battle with Jiang Xiaobai, and Qian Yu admired him very much. He said a lot of new ideas, protecting the family and the country. , protect ordinary people, everyone is equal, regardless of high or low, etc., Qian Yu thinks there is actually some truth."

Tian Quanzi frowned, and his tone was a bit harsh: "Then you tend to cooperate with the Martial Arts Department?"

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