Dominate the world

Chapter 930 Angry

Jiang Xiaobai felt Tianquanzi's anger, as if saying "yes" would bring disaster.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled slightly, raised his head, looked directly at Tian Quanzi, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "The younger generation told Jiang Xiaobai's past, not because he is inclined to him, but because he wants to find a better one." The solution. This junior dares to ask Senior Tianquanzi, do you have any better method?"

Tian Quanzi snorted angrily: "I don't have any for now."

Zhang Tianfeng and Cangsheng Laodao exchanged glances, and they were quite satisfied with Jiang Xiaobai's reply.

Cang Sheng said with a smile: "Brother Tian Quanzi, don't be angry, Qian Yu's words are quite reasonable. This matter is of great importance, the most fundamental thing is that we need to protect this planet, otherwise there will be no eggs under the nest, everyone must If you die for it, the sect will also be extinct, this is the bottom line that cannot be violated. On this basis, we will consider whether to cooperate with the Martial Arts Department."

"Hmph, I can't trust those people. If they completely obey our command, it's okay to save their lives. This is the old man's bottom line." Tian Quanzi said arrogantly.

Cangsheng Laodao smiled wryly, Tian Quanzi's words were tantamount to cutting off the basis of cooperation.

"Brother Tianfeng, what do you think?"

Zhang Tianfeng exhaled slowly, and said leisurely: "The old man has received the news from the master, this catastrophe must be done carefully, otherwise my Ziwei Cave will be destroyed."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Tianquanzi and Cangsheng Laodao changed drastically at the same time, and even Bai Xiangu in the Kunlun Secret Realm's expression sank, and she could no longer maintain her previous indifference.Jiang Xiaobai was startled, and quickly asked curiously, "Senior Zhang's uncle?"

"Oh, little friend Qianyu really doesn't know. That's the old man of my Ziwei Cave. He has studied astrology and divination. He doesn't speak easily, but once he speaks, he will hit the mark."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to be careless. This so-called prophecy meant that once Zhang Tianfeng made a decision, he would not change it, and he would go all out to implement it until he died.

"Senior, what do you mean?" The matter was so important that Jiang Xiaobai couldn't calm down.

Zhang Tianfeng shook his head lightly: "It's hard for me to make a decision. There is no doubt that Huaguo and even other countries are very powerful. The huge population base itself is a great power, but the question is, can they be trusted? If they believe Wrong, our sect world is completely doomed."

"Hmph, mortals are so sophistry. Look at their inventions. They are full of obscene skills. They don't cultivate themselves, but rely on external things. This is the wrong way." The fault of the Martial Arts Department.

Jiang Xiaobai cursed in his heart, isn't this bullshit?Before the vitality has not recovered, you have no vitality, no resources, no skills to cultivate, what to practice?What if we don't develop technology?Really standing and talking without back pain!

Bai Xiangu said softly: "Senior Tian Quanzi's words, the younger generation can't agree with them. Under the previous conditions, the choice of ordinary people is not wrong. Now that their vitality has recovered, don't they also embark on the path of cultivation again? ?”

"Hmph, this only shows their untrustworthiness. If you have milk, you are a mother. They are fickle and have no way in their hearts. What do such people pursue? In order to survive, they can easily abandon everything they believed in before. Think about their In the past, how many times have you recognized a thief as your father, how many times you have rebelled against civil strife, who knows if they will surrender again when the aliens come, girl, can you guarantee it?"

Bai Xiangu said to Boundless Heavenly Venerable: "Your junior dare not!"

"This is the end." Tian Quanzi spread his hands, "I don't want to have anything to do with those mortals at all."

Jiang Xiaobai is completely on fire, what happened to mortals?Have you eaten your family's food, drank your family's wine, or owed your family's debt?Ordinary people are untrustworthy, you are not an ordinary person, don't you just have a higher cultivation base?What are you pretending to be!

"Senior Tianquanzi, do you dare to ask if you have become an immortal?" Jiang Xiaobai asked carelessly.

Tian Quanzi blushed, glared at Jiang Xiaobai angrily, and shouted, "Boy, what do you mean?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Tian Quanzi flatly, and asked again: "May I ask if Senior Tian Quanzi has become a fairy?"

"Boy, say it again!" Tian Quanzi's face completely fell.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled slightly and said, "Is this question difficult? It's a question of yes or no. Could it be that seniors are afraid to answer it?"

Tian Quanzi said coldly: "So what if it is, so what if it is not?"

"If it is, don't eat the rice in the bowl and scold the mother who cooks. If it is not, the junior has nothing to say!"

"How courageous!" Tian Quanzi burst out with a tyrannical aura, and rushed directly at Jiang Xiaobai, "Boy, dare to humiliate the old man, you are looking for death!"

There was a loud bang, as if a huge wave in the ocean hit a lonely island.

Water splashes everywhere, mountains and rocks collapse and fly!

Jiang Xiaobai's body exploded and he backed away, flying for tens of miles, and bumped heavily into the restraint of Ziwei Cave, and then stopped.

A series of horrified eyes looked at Jiang Xiaobai who fell from the restraint, and saw that the latter wiped the blood from his mouth and flew back as if nothing had happened.

"Senior Tianquanzi, is this embarrassing?" Jiang Xiaobai said lightly.

"How courageous!" Tianquanzi was furious, and was about to strike again, when Zhang Tianfeng held him back, "Brother Tianquanzi, please calm down."

Cangsheng Laodao shook his body, stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and politely said: "Brother Tianquanzi, please calm down."

Jiang Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the two of them would stop them, otherwise he wouldn't dare to be so presumptuous.At that moment just now, he felt that the bones in his whole body were about to break, that is to say, his body was too strong. If it were someone else, he would be completely useless even if he didn't die.

The seven Zhao Chong flew over in a hurry, they protected Jiang Xiaobai, each took out their weapons, and pointed their swords at Tian Quanzi.

"Xiaobai, it's not exposed, right?" Bai Yu said via voice transmission.

"No, there is just a little dispute." Jiang Xiaobai also rumored to go back, signaling that everyone was fine.

Tian Quanzi snorted: "For the sake of Brother Tianfeng and fellow Daoist Cangsheng, let's forget about what happened before, but Qianyu boy, be careful in your words in the future, remember that disasters come from your mouth."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, now that Zhang Tianfeng and Cang Sheng Laodao are protecting him, Tian Quanzi can't do anything anymore, if he doesn't say some harsh words now, how can he have a chance?

It is definitely not his style to be afraid to speak out.

"Senior Tianquanzi, the younger generation naturally knows the truth that misfortune comes from the mouth, but the younger generation is more aware of the truth, and it is incumbent. You must know that our purpose is to protect the heart of the earth, even if you do not believe in Huaguo. You don’t need to be an enemy, just resist foreign enemies together!”

"Hmph, to fight against the outside world, one must first secure the inside!"

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