Jiang Xiaobai laughed out loud.

Tian Quanzi shouted angrily: "You bastard, what are you laughing at?"

Zhang Tianfeng and Cang Sheng Laodao looked at each other, they were both full of helplessness, they had known Tian Quanzi for many years, so they naturally knew Tian Quanzi's temper, he was a real stubborn bull, going all the way to death.

Usually, he followed Tian Quanzi a bit, but he didn't expect that when he met Han Qianyu, he would dare to fight Tian Quanzi.

"I laugh at you, Senior Tianquanzi, for being too ignorant!" Jiang Xiaobai said unceremoniously and contemptuously, but after thinking about it, he swallowed his shameless words.

"You are so brave, you bastard, you really have some talent and you are gone, do you think the old man dare not kill you?" Tian Quanzi shouted loudly, his voice was like thunder.

Some timid warriors fainted on the spot, and even some big forces retreated again and again, lest they accidentally get hurt by Chi Yu.Instead, young people looked at Jiang Xiaobai with complicated eyes, excited and full of admiration.

Haotian was completely dumbfounded, so were the six holy sons and saintesses, and everyone was dumbfounded. Han Qianyu dared to face the elder who was almost half holy?

So mighty and domineering!

Zhao Chong smiled wryly in his heart, it really was the Jiang Xiaobai he knew, with that fearless character.

Jiang Xiaobai made quick calculations in his mind. In terms of influence, he is of course far inferior to the Great Elder of Beidoudongtian. Once Tianquanzi ascends the heights after today, many forces, big and small, will surely gather under his command.And with Tian Quanzi's hatred for the Budobu, the Budobu is absolutely dangerous.

Therefore, Tianquanzi's prestige must be disintegrated today, or at least these people should have other choices.

"Qian Yu, don't be afraid, we will support you in whatever you do." Zhao Chong said suddenly, and he stretched out a hand.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart warmed, and he really was his good brother, and he also stretched out his hand to hold Zhao Chong's hand tightly.

"Maybe we will die here today?" Jiang Xiaobai sniffed and said softly.

Zhao Chong smiled brightly: "As you said, where the Tao is, there is a duty!"

"That's right, where the Tao is, it's an incumbent duty!" Bai Yu stretched out his hand and held the palms of the two of them.

Hands stretched out one by one, from Li Chan, Kong Xuan, Zhang Chulan, Lin Xiao, Xue Linger, and the palms of the eight people were tightly pressed together.

"Today we live and die together!" Kong Xuanlang said.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of countless people, some voices of ridicule and contempt sounded, but more people's eyes were reddened, and their hearts were agitated and their pride burst.

"It's no wonder Linlang Dongtian can rise again, not just Han Qianyu!"

Many members of the older generation sighed in admiration, this kind of trust is no longer seen in their sect.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded to the seven of them and withdrew his hand. He turned to look at Tian Quanzi, his eyes were as bright as stars.

"Senior Tianquanzi, the younger generation is of course afraid of death, but what is more afraid of is that countless Li people will be displaced, that countless children who are waiting to be fed will lose their parents, that the young people who fought to the death on the front line will die in vain, and that those old people with gray hair will die in vain. Send black-haired people. And these are mortals that you look down on, they may not be as powerful or talented as us, but their feelings are as sincere and passionate as ours, and they would rather die than surrender."

Jiang Xiaobai turned around and looked at all the caves, he patted his chest heavily, and said loudly: "Just now I asked Senior Tian Quanzi whether he was a mortal, and he dared not answer. If someone asked me, I will I will answer without hesitation that I am also a mortal, I am no nobler than anyone else, and I will not dare to look down on mortals."

"The catastrophe is coming. Everyone knows that people from alien planets are about to invade. So what should we do? Senior Tianquanzi said that you must first settle down when you are fighting against the outside world. I beg you all to think about it carefully. Is this really true? ? As the descendant of the former Lingxu Dongtian, I, Han Qianyu, control the Tianji mirror among the seven artifacts. My responsibility is to protect our foundation and resist foreign races. I would rather die than regret it!"

"Is it important to fight with the outside world, especially the enemy of the Huaguo Martial Arts Department under the threat of alien invasion? Knowing that the enemy is coming, we still have to compromise our strength? If I really want to die, I hope it will die in the Under the weapons of aliens and aliens, instead of dying in the hands of fellow earthlings, otherwise I will have no face to go to Huangquan to see my ancestor."

"We don't need to trust the people of the Martial Arts Department. The big deal is to divide the territory with them. They resist theirs, and we resist ours. Isn't that wrong? Do we have to fight to the death and let the aliens take advantage? Or Senior Tianquanzi regards those mortals as slaves and livestock, would you rather be with foreign enemies than slaves?"

The scene was silent, only Jiang Xiaobai's words shocked the audience.

But gradually, people began to discuss, and the voice became louder, louder, and chaotic.

Jiang Xiaobai exhaled, and blinked at Zhao Chong and the others, the effect was good.

"Dare to ask Tian Quanzi, what I, Han Qianyu, is wrong!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted loudly, directing the general.

Countless eyes, either indifferent, indifferent, suspicious, or adoring, all fell on Tian Quanzi's face, as if there was an invisible pressure, which made Tian Quanzi's hair stand on end for a while, and his back felt cold.

Zhang Tianfeng and Cangsheng Laodao looked at each other, and they both saw the horror in each other's eyes. These words are heartbreaking!

If Tian Quanzi doesn't deal with it alone, and Han Qianyu's accusation is confirmed, the old friend's reputation will be greatly damaged, and even Beidoudongtian will be cast aside.

Tian Quanzi's cheeks flushed with anger, and he shouted: "Boy, I think you are deceiving the public, you may have colluded with Jiang Xiaobai from the Ministry of Martial Arts, and you have already fallen into depravity, so you To be able to rise in a short period of time, you are clearly the lackey of the Huaguo Martial Arts Department!"

Zhang Tianfeng and Cang Sheng Laodao closed their eyes at the same time, they knew that their old friend was over, this coping was too bad.

Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed in his heart, he stepped out from behind Cangsheng Old Daoist and came to Tianquanzi.

"I, Han Qianyu, swear that I am definitely not a lackey of the Martial Arts Department, otherwise I, Han Qianyu, will be hacked to death. I just want to find a way for everyone to die, and the suffering of the collapse of the cave, we Linlang Dongtian, have already tried After that, the pain inside is beyond your imagination."

"Do you guys know why I know that person is an alien? Because our Linlang Cave has nothing. In order to have the resources to practice, I had to go overseas to fight sea beasts, break through life and death, and escape from death many times. This point Junior sister Lan Yeqing from Tanlang Secret Realm can testify for me that she and I discovered the alien visitor."

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