Looking at the Greedy Wolf Secret Realm, Lan Yeqing stood up, facing everyone's stares, she made a blessing, and said softly: "Seniors, senior brothers and sisters, what Brother Qianyu said is good, juniors can use Life is guaranteed. In order to arrest that person, the junior is still seriously injured, please take a look."

Her mind turned very quickly, and she immediately realized that she could get great benefits for the secret realm and herself, and directly gambled all her money.

She turned around and opened the back of her shirt, revealing the hideous and terrifying wound.

"That's right, this wound is extremely weird, and the power contained in it has only been seen on that alien visitor." Zhang Tianfeng announced in public after examining it.

Lan Yeqing pulled down her clothes, and said softly: "Although the wound hurts, this junior thinks it's worth it. Just like Brother Qianyu said, if you really want to die, this junior also hopes to die in a desperate battle with those aliens .”

After finishing speaking, Lan Yeqing sat down, obediently like a Jingmei fairy.

"Qing'er, you are a good boy, I am sorry for you." The elder of the Tanlang Secret Realm praised loudly.

All nearby forces, large and small, also praised repeatedly, and the Great Elder of Tanlang Secret Realm hurriedly exchanged greetings politely.

Cangsheng Laodao shot a beam of light, but it was a small box: "This is the secret medicine of the Qiankun Secret Realm, and it should be useful for your injuries."

Lan Yeqing tightly grasped the box excitedly, and saluted respectfully: "Thank you, senior, and junior Lan Yeqing is very grateful."

"Hehe, this is also your chance, little girl, practice hard, and the future will be your world."

Lan Yeqing hurriedly said: "Thank you for your encouragement, Senior Cangsheng, I will definitely work hard."

Jiang Xiaobai took a deep look at Lan Yeqing, this woman is really powerful, no wonder Han Qianyu was plotted to death before.Look at what she did just now, she gained fame and benefits, and even gave herself an assist.

"So!" Jiang Xiaobai's voice attracted everyone's attention, "Senior Tianquanzi thinks that the junior's collusion with the Martial Arts Department is just your private assumption, right? The junior is dedicated to everyone, to all the secret realms, and even to the entire earth. If the senior still thinks that the junior is bewitching the public with his evil words, then the senior will beat the junior to death, and the junior will never fight back."

Jiang Xiaobai turned around as he spoke, lowered his head, and tore off his clothes to reveal his back, as if he was letting Tian Quanzi deal with him.

Tian Quan was trembling with anger, although he was stubborn but not stupid, this action clearly meant that this bastard was plotting against him.But he knew that this kid was scheming against him, but he couldn't make a move. He knew that if he made a move, not only him, but the reputation of the entire Beidoudongtian would be ruined.

Not far away, Greedy Wolf Secret Realm.

Lan Yeqing's eyes widened all of a sudden, she looked closely at Jiang Xiaobai's back, and then tightly covered her mouth.

"This person is not Han Qianyu, he is a fake." She was horrified to the extreme. She had met each other honestly before, so she naturally knew the characteristics of the other person's body. She remembered very clearly that Han Qianyu had a mole on his back, but the person in front of him did not. , the back is as smooth as a girl.

"That's right, how could that idiot Han Qianyu have the current level of cultivation, and even forced Senior Tian Quanzi into a dilemma. Then who is this person?"

A flash of wisdom flashed, and Lan Yeqing suddenly realized that this person must be Jiang Xiaobai, the chief elder of the Martial Arts Department, and only the latter has such courage and talent, and he is even more courageous.

She turned her head quickly, and suddenly realized that it was useless for her to find out. She, who endorsed Jiang Xiaobai, once revealed Jiang Xiaobai's true identity, they would not be able to please them, and they would even be the first to be caught. implicated object.

And his own reputation was completely ruined, even if he did not die, he would be scolded as a coquettish bitch.

"Yes, I can't say it." Lan Yeqing rolled her eyes and suddenly revealed a look of joy, "Maybe we can get some benefits?"

"Master, what's wrong with you, your face is changing?" A female disciple beside Lan Yeqing asked in a low voice.

Lan Yeqing coughed lightly: "It's okay, I just think Brother Han Qianyu is very powerful."

"That's not it, big sister, look at the eyes of those fairies, you really want to fly out."

Not only the people in the Tanlang Secret Realm noticed, but also many male disciples. The eyes of the previously unattainable seniors and seniors looked at Han Qianyu with love, which made them jealous.

Tian Quanzi's raised hand was trembling, but he couldn't let it fall. He knew he was defeated, and the ridiculous thing was that this young man defeated him with just his mouth.

He sighed and put away his palms.

Zhang Tianfeng and Cangsheng Laodao also heaved a sigh of relief. They had already made preparations. Once Tian Quanzi made a move, they would definitely stop him.

Jiang Xiaobai also heaved a sigh of relief, the bet has won.

His heart skipped a beat, and now the situation was finally on his side. When he was chasing after the victory, he seemed to have accidentally thrown out a token.

There was a jingle, the sound was clear and loud, but it was enough to attract everyone's eyes.

"Ziwei order!"

Zhang Tianfeng yelled in disbelief, stretched out his hand and grabbed Ziweiling in his hand.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly put on his clothes and walked behind Cangsheng Old Daoist. Now everyone's eyes are on Ziwei Token, but don't Jie was secretly attacked by Tian Quanzi, then he will be in bad luck.

"This is not an ordinary crape myrtle token, but it was made by the founder of the sect back then. There were rumors back then that the crape myrtle token came out and the crape myrtle sect moved." Zhang Tianfeng grabbed Jiang Xiaobai over, his voice trembling uncontrollably. "Han Qianyu, how did you get this crape myrtle?"

Jiang Xiaobai pretended to be embarrassed, scratched his head, and turned to look at Haotian.

Haotian was feeling uneasy, seeing Jiang Xiaobai looking over, he ran out quickly and knelt down on the ground: "The unworthy disciple pays his respects to the great elder."

"Well, what happened to Haotian?" Zhang Tianfeng shouted.

Jiang Xiaobai interjected: "Senior, in fact, this is not brother Haotian's fault, but this junior's fault. I failed Brother Haotian's trust. If you want to punish you, punish me."

Haotian was startled, he didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to say that, he thought Jiang Xiaobai would tell about Shengxianhua.

"It's like this. Because of the Longxu party, Brother Haotian and I have become good friends. After I came here, Brother Haotian welcomed me and took me to visit the scenery of Ziwei Cave. Then I talked about Ziwei Mountain. Speaking of climbing to the top. That night, the junior felt so itchy that he couldn't bear it, so he went to climb the mountain secretly, so this is all the junior's fault, the junior failed to live up to brother Haotian's trust, ashamed, ashamed."

Zhang Tianfeng was surprised: "So you have reached the summit?"

"Fuck, luck."

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