Dominate the world

Chapter 933 The Way Is Different

As soon as these words came out, all the sects in the secret realm were in an uproar. Rumors that Ziwei Mountain could not be climbed to the top had been circulating for countless years, but no one expected that someone would do it again.

"Could it be that you took the most difficult path?" Zhang Tianfeng shook his white beard, astonished to the extreme.


"Hahahaha!" Zhang Tianfeng suddenly burst into laughter, he pulled Haotian up, and said with a smile, "This is a chance, my Ziwei Dongtian is saved, Haotian, you did nothing wrong, on the contrary, you did a good job! "

Haotian took a deep look at Jiang Xiaobai, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart, but found that after what happened just now, he couldn't hate Han Qianyu at all, but felt that he owed him a little.

Cang Sheng was puzzled and asked: "Brother Zhang, is this token?"

Zhang Tianfeng said sternly: "The Ziwei token actually appeared in the hands of little friend Qianyu, which means that my Ziwei Dongtian seniors have recognized little friend Qianyu. In terms of the relationship with the Huaguo Martial Arts Department, our Ziwei Dongtian stands on the side of Han Qianyu." side."

Tian Quanzi's face changed drastically, he said coldly: "Brother Zhang, are you serious?"

Zhang Tianfeng said in a deep voice: "Our juniors dare not disobey the instructions of our seniors."

"Brother Cangsheng, what about you?" Tian Quanzi turned to look at Cangsheng.

Cangsheng Laodao thought for a while before saying: "I'm ashamed, I don't know, I need to think about it for a few days."

"Where's Xiangu?" Tian Quanzi asked again.

Bai Xiangu said calmly: "Kunlun has been known as the birthplace of the ancestors of the human race since ancient times. If there is any difficulty, it is natural to accompany the human race to fight against foreign enemies."

"Okay, what a good one to fight against foreign enemies." Tian Quanzi sneered, he stared at Han Qianyu bitterly, and suddenly said, "Has this kid really climbed Ziwei Mountain? Brother Tianfeng, don't be fooled by this sharp-tongued man." The kid lied."

Zhang Tianfeng frowned, and there was some dissatisfaction in his voice: "Brother Tianquan, you are questioning the success of my Ziwei order in the Ziwei Cave. This order is magical, and anyone who is destined can't get it."

"Don't dare, it's just that Ziwei mountain is not climbable. Everyone knows that this kid may have obtained the Ziwei order by chance. He heard that nephew Haotian mentioned Ziwei mountain, so under the name of Ziwei mountain, I will remember to climb up Ziwei mountain. There is a sky, but who discovered it?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, and looked at Tian Quanzi with contempt in his eyes. An old guy who has lived for hundreds of years is actually messing around, which is really a drop in price.

"The younger generation has the secret mirror, which deliberately blinds the secret, so there is no abnormality." Jiang Xiaobai explained, "Of course, I can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep. This junior will talk about the chance I got on the top of the mountain."

Hearing the sarcasm in Jiang Xiaobai's words, Zhang Tianfeng couldn't help sighing, Tian Quanzi's words were demeaning.

"You don't need to worry, little friend Qianyu. I have a question for you. If you really climbed to the top by the most difficult road, you should see some mysterious things? Can you describe it?"

Jiang Xiaobai said to himself: "Naturally, the peak is very desolate. The reason is that there is a magical plant. Where it exists, all plants cannot survive. It is a rattan plant, divided into nine branches, each There is a red fruit on each fork, which is very small, about the size of a thumb. I can only pick one. The junior wants to pick the second one, but feels a strong heart palpitation, which makes the boy dare not pick it again. near."

"That's right, that rattan plant is the sacred vine of my Ziwei Cave, the old man always thought it had disappeared, but I didn't expect it to grow on the top of Ziwei Mountain, but we didn't know anything about it, it's a shameless junior! "Zhang Tianfeng sighed, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with more and more affectionate eyes.

Tianquanzi didn't believe Han Qianyu, but he had to give Zhang Tianfeng a face. Since Zhang Tianfeng said so, it was inconvenient for him to doubt it.

"Okay, even so, we are cooperating with the Budo Department, but the Budo Department must show sincerity, right?"

Cangsheng Laodao nodded: "Brother Tianquan's words are correct. We will let go of our prejudices and cooperate with the Martial Arts Department. The Martial Arts Department should show some sincerity."

Bai Xiangu also nodded: "That makes sense."

Zhang Tianfeng frowned, and said, "Brother Tianquan, what you mean by sincerity is to let their Martial Arts Department hand over Jiang Xiaobai, right?"

Tian Quanzi smiled proudly: "That's right, if you die one person and save everything, you can get our help in exchange. If they still don't agree to this deal, it means they don't know the general idea."

Zhang Tianfeng shook his head: "In this case, how is it different from the sacrifice we discussed earlier to sacrifice the Son of Luck? Jiang Xiaobai means a lot to the Martial Arts Department, and I'm afraid they won't agree."

"Hmph, why do they disagree? It's just Jiang Xiaobai, so what if he's a genius like Han Qianyu? Is it possible that he can still compare to the three of us? What's more, there are hundreds of secret caves to help, not to mention There are too many, the four semi-sages have gained something, and Jiang Xiaobai was sacrificed in exchange for this kind of rich help. If the Martial Arts Department is not stupid, it should make a wise choice."

Jiang Xiaobai was annoyed, this old man is really shameless to the extreme.

"Well, boy, what are you laughing at? Could it be that you thought the old man would break his word!" Tian Quanzi shouted angrily.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and said: "The two parties cooperate, and your condition is to let the other party hurt himself as a general. Old man, what credibility do you think you have? Why do people trust you?"

"Bastard, do you dare to scold the old man?" Tian Quanzi exploded with energy, rushing directly at Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai swung his saber in one slash, and slashed three times in a row in an instant, exactly the three rounded swords of Ba Dao, Fengyun's sword, Cangsheng's sword, and Hongchen's sword.

Cut off with three swords, cutting off Tianquanzi's surging momentum.

"Good saber technique!" Cang Sheng said in amazement, "What kind of saber technique is this?"

Jiang Xiaobai saluted slightly, and said loudly: "This is the Ba Dao, where the Ba Dao is, and it will go forward without hesitation."

Zhang Tianfeng looked sullen, and he said in a cold voice: "Brother Tianquan, little friend Han Qianyu is carrying the Ziwei Token of our sect, so he is a distinguished guest of our sect. If Brother Dao wants to make a move again, Tianfeng will probably do so too."

Tian Quanzi's face darkened, and he flicked his sleeves vigorously. He asked himself that he was not Zhang Tianfeng's opponent.

"Differences do not conspire with each other, let's go!" Tian Quanzi called out, and everyone in the Big Dipper Cave followed quickly, followed by the Great Elder and left.

Some small forces that didn't want to get involved, let alone dared to meddle, also took the opportunity to slip away, lest they stay here and be forced to express their views. Both parties are big forces, and it's not good to offend anyone.They made up their mind to close the mountain after returning and never come out again.

Come when the catastrophe comes, anyway, the sky will fall and there will be a tall one to support it.

For a while, most of the participants left, and only chatted with more than 20 sects.Compared with those who left, they hoped to befriend Ziwei Dongtian more.

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