"Hey, Qianyu boy, you have offended Tian Quanzi very much this time. The old guy is very small-minded, and you will be in big trouble in the future." Cangsheng old man joked.

"Don't be afraid, the junior has you and senior Zhang as guardians." Jiang Xiaobai said naturally.

Cang Sheng Lao Dao hehe: "Who said I will protect you?"

"Senior didn't leave?" Jiang Xiaobai blinked.

Cangsheng Old Daoist smiled, suddenly regained his composure, and asked, "Do you really trust that Jiang Xiaobai?"

Jiang Xiaobai was amused, isn't this nonsense?Of course I believe in myself.

"Yes, I trust him very much, and I am willing to guarantee him with my life, but it is only during the period of resisting alien invasion. But when we resist the alien invasion, I will probably fight him again, not my death It is he who dies!"

Cangsheng Laodao nodded, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai's eyes with more appreciation: "You can see clearly, so I am relieved. But the sacrifice of the son of luck has been passed down since ancient times, and there are many people who believe it. The people headed by Tian Quanzi will definitely not give up easily, that kid may be assassinated more often."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "Of course, but if Jiang Xiaobai can't escape those assassinations, it can only prove that he is not the person we need, and the Ministry of Martial Arts cannot be trusted."

Zhang Tianfeng also nodded: "Qianyu, you are right, but you need to pay attention to your own safety, Daoist Brother Tianquan, sometimes it is too easy to pretend to be horny, I am afraid that he will attack you."

He thought for a while and said, "Why don't you just stay in my Ziwei Cave to practice during this time?"

Jiang Xiaobai bowed gratefully and said: "Thank you for your kindness, senior, but this junior thinks that the flowers grown in the greenhouse cannot withstand the blows of wind and rain. Just like the junior said that Hua Guo Jiang Xiaobai, the junior is also the same. If the junior is assassinated later, That's because the juniors don't have that luck, everything is empty talk."

"Moreover, the junior still has too many things to do, not only to improve his strength, but also to prepare for the enemy, so the junior can only reject the kindness of the senior."

Appreciation flashed in Zhang Tianfeng's eyes, and he praised: "Good!"

He glanced at Haotian and the two holy sons and saints and said: "You have all heard what little friend Qianyu said, remember to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, you must know that there is a mountain as high as another, you should learn from Qianyu. "

"Yes, Great Elder." The three of them responded in unison. After today, Han Qianyu's name will surely spread all over the world, and he will become a bright spot with Jiang Xiaobai of Huaguo Martial Arts Department.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly leaned forward and said: "Seniors have praised me so much, Qianyu should learn a lot from them. Whether it is Brother Wuyou's benevolence or Fairy Xuanxi's unyielding, the younger generation admires him very much. And since seeing Brother Haotian On the first day, Qian Yu received the selfless care of Brother Hao Tian, ​​we are good brothers."

The faces of the three of Wuyou looked much better, and they also hurriedly became humble.

"By the way, Qian Yu, you are not married yet, right?" Zhang Hongsun asked suddenly.

The saintess Xuan Xi's cheeks flushed instantly, and she said coquettishly: "Grandpa?"

Zhang Hongsun laughed and said, "What's so embarrassing about that? Everyone saw how he fought to the death for you before."


what happened?

Why don't I know it myself?

Jiang Xiaobai looked blankly at Changsun Hong, then at Zhang Tianfeng, and finally his eyes fell on Haotian.

Haotian felt that he owed Han Qianyu a lot of favors, he smiled and said: "Brother Qianyu, why are you so embarrassed, didn't you say that the foreigner hurt the person you care about the most that day, and Xuanxi was fighting with that person before, everyone But you can see it very clearly, haha."

"Well, brother, you said so." Bai Yu said suddenly.

Li Chan immediately glared at Bai Yu fiercely, but she also understood what Bai Yu meant. A trace of loneliness flashed in her eyes, and she echoed: "Brother, you did say it before, and you said it before entering the Dragon Market. Come on, you still ask who is the beautiful fairy next to our grandson Hong?"

"Oh—" Haotian elongated his voice, and laughed.

Elder Sun Hong's face was full of smiles, Xuan Xi's cheeks were extremely red, and she lowered her head to play with the hem of her clothes.

Zhang Tianfeng also chuckled, Han Qianyu has already proved his potential, even if he is not a saint in the future, he will at least be a demi-saint, such talents are scarce in Ziwei Cave.

The old Taoist Cangtian laughed loudly: "Brother Tianfeng, I see that the old man will have a wedding in a short time."

Jiang Xiaobai sighed softly. When he heard Li Chan's words, he understood the meaning of Bai Yu and the others. If he could form a good relationship with Ziwei Dongtian, it would be of great benefit to him and to the Ministry of Martial Arts. .

But he doesn't want that!

Jiang Xiaobai clasped his hands and said, "Senior laughed at me. This junior thinks it's not the time to talk about this. Aliens are about to invade, and the future is destined to be full of wars. Life and death are hard to tell. Let's wait until the foreign enemies are repelled."

The grandson Hong nodded. As Xuan Xi's grandfather, he had the most right to speak. Hearing that Han Qianyu rejected their intention, he gave Han Qianyu an even higher look.

The elder brother of Linlang Dongtian and the son-in-law of Ziwei Dongtian have completely different meanings to Tian Quanzi, and he believes that Han Qianyu will not be unaware.

"That's right, you have a responsibility. You, the future grandson-in-law, have confirmed it. You won't mention it until after the alien invasion is repelled."

Now that Changsun Hong had said that, the others naturally stopped talking and started talking about other things.

A day later, Jiang Xiaobai bid farewell.

"Senior, junior will try to contact Jiang Xiaobai in the future to facilitate our Martial Arts Department. If there is any progress by then, junior will notify you as soon as possible."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work Qian Yu, you still have to be more careful in the future." Zhang Tianfeng said, standing beside him was Cang Sheng Lao Dao, Changsun Hong and Xuan Xi were also on the list.

"Senior Brother Qian Yu, be careful." Xuan Xi still couldn't help calling out.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, and he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you Fairy Xuanxi for your blessing, I will."

After speaking, Jiang Xiaobai led Zhao Chong and his party to break through the space and leave Ziwei Cave.

A group of eight people kept changing direction, sometimes to the east, sometimes to the west, and even covered the sky completely with the sky mirror, and spent five days before finally returning to the Martial Arts Department.

A group of people went directly into Yuxu Palace and told everything about it.Jiang Xiaobai ignored the follow-up, also to avoid suspicion.

After only resting for two days, Jiang Xiaobai did not expect a person who was absolutely unexpected for him to come to his door.

When the appointed time came, Jiang Xiaobai arrived at a restaurant, and saw Lan Yeqing, whose mouth was full of constriction.

"Should I call you Elder Jiang, or Brother Qianyu?"

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