Dominate the world

Chapter 935 The Ambition of Sanctification

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and sat down opposite Lan Yeqing.

"You are so brave, you dare to come here alone, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Lan Yeqing giggled: "He is much less courageous than Mr. Jiang. Mr. Jiang circles around the three quasi-sages all by himself, without any submissiveness. Instead, he stole the limelight. The little girl is really admired."

"Tell me, what do you want?" Jiang Xiaobai didn't bother to make excuses, and asked directly.

A flash of excitement flashed in Lan Yeqing's eyes, she stared closely at Jiang Xiaobai's eyes and said: "I want to become a saint!"

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help laughing: "I think so too."

"Master Jiang must be able to become a saint, isn't he?" Lan Yeqing's eyes were burning, and his tone was extremely affirmative.

Jiang Xiaobai laughed at himself: "I don't know where your confidence in me comes from, but I can tell you with certainty that sanctification is extremely difficult, and even I don't have much confidence. Miss Lan, you believe me wrong people."

Lan Yeqing refused to give up, her face was livid, and she gritted her teeth: "I must become a saint. This is my ideal and the meaning of my life. If you don't fulfill my son, I will reveal your secret even if I die. Come out. And once the young master’s secret is exposed, those pretentious sects will no longer cooperate with your martial arts department, and even go to learn Sanxian Island to hide from the world, and the people who will suffer heavy casualties will only be the ordinary people you cherish.”

"You can try." Jiang Xiaobai's voice was calm and soft, as if he was chatting with a friend.

But inexplicably, Lan Yeqing felt a strong murderous intent, as if awakening a giant beast, which could tear her apart at any time.

"Then kill me."

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but startled, Lan Yeqing's ten light-white hands were clenched livid, obviously frightened, but still dared to persist.

"Are you really not afraid of death?" Jiang Xiaobai's voice became harsh, full of deterrence.

Lan Yeqing casually took out a dagger and stabbed it into her chest. She spat out a mouthful of blood, twisted her neck and looked at Jiang Xiaobai: "I came to you with only two results, one is sanctification, One is death."

"Okay, it seems that there are still a few bloody people in the sect, so tell me your reasons." Jiang Xiaobai said, giving Lan Yeqing a high look in his heart, this is a ruthless person!

A flash of excitement flashed in Lan Yeqing's eyes, without drawing her dagger, she said quickly: "The reason is very simple, just read this book."

Lan Yeqing threw out an ancient book, while she sat aside and healed her wounds as if no one was there.Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Lan Yeqing, who smiled coquettishly: "Maybe I should ask you to be my woman?"


Jiang Xiaobai opened the book and said in surprise, "This is an ancient book from Linlang Cave."

His divine sense was strong, and he scanned the entire book in a flash, but unfortunately, he didn't find anything useful.

"Yes, I cheated it from Han Qianyu. I thought it was an ancient record, so I didn't pay much attention to it, but after I found out that the young master was pretending to be Han Qianyu, the youngest daughter became more concerned. Why didn't the young master pretend to be someone else, but to pretend Where is Han Qianyu?"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled: "It's just a coincidence, Miss Lan, you are too suspicious."

Lan Yeqing smiled: "There's nothing wrong with being suspicious, otherwise I wouldn't read those classics again. In the end, I really discovered a secret. Coupled with a certain secret technique of Linlangdongtian, this book is the There has been a miraculous change, Mr. Jiang, please take a look."

With a wave of Lan Yeqing's palm, an extra page suddenly appeared in the previously mediocre book.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, and he wanted to grab the pages of the book, but Lan Yeqing dissuaded him: "It's useless, this is completely transformed by a secret technique, it doesn't exist."

Sure enough, Jiang Xiaobai realized that he had missed something, so he stopped struggling and carefully read the contents of the suddenly extra page.

After two seconds, the pages of the book disappeared, and it returned to the previous ancient book again.

"Master Jiang, have you seen it? This is not the first time to sacrifice the son of luck. Before Xuanyuan Dao of the Xuanyuan family, those caves have already sacrificed once. This is the third time, but according to the prediction in the book This time, if it remains the same, it will be earth-shattering if it changes, and it will explode the luck suppressed by the previous two sacrifices. I think Mr. Jiang knows better than me what the consequences will be then?"

Jiang Xiaobai felt a bitterness in his heart, and just when he thought the situation was about to get better, another hidden danger broke out.

"Is there a solution? I believe Miss Yilan's mind, you won't think that this news can let me help you become a saint?"

Lan Yeqing chuckled: "Of course not, there are many secrets in this ancient book."

Lan Yeqing changed her technique, and wiped the ancient book with her palm again, and there was another page in the ancient book.

Jiang Xiaobai looked intently, there were many handwritings on the extra pages this time, but it said that Lingxu Dongtian was about to do a big event.

"Lingxu Dongtian wanted to change the world? But it led to its demise?" Jiang Xiaobai was surprised.

Lan Yeqing smiled, and wiped the ancient book with her palm for the third time, her technique changed again, obviously she didn't care about being remembered by Jiang Xiaobai.

Another page appeared, with very little content on the page. The general meaning is that they failed and suffered the backlash of luck. The Lingxu Dongtian was finished, and the younger disciples were ordered to change their names and surnames. Dodged a disaster.

"Looking at it now, Lingxu Cave hasn't escaped that catastrophe after all, even the gate has been replaced, giggling." Lan Yeqing laughed.

Jiang Xiaobai still doesn't understand Lan Yeqing's reliance, all the secrets are in this ancient book.

"The little girl doesn't lie to the young master. There are a total of nine secret secret pages hidden in this book, and the last page mentions the method of cracking, that is, the child of destiny becomes holy. But with the previously suppressed spirit Luckily, the two of them can be sanctified, the little girl naturally dare not take the opportunity of the young master, but only ask the young master to give the little girl a hand after he becomes holy."

When it came to what he really wanted, Lan Yeqing's tone couldn't help trembling.

"You all swear that I am the child of luck, but what if I am not? I just have another chance?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Lan Yeqing chuckled and said, "Young Master Jiang was just joking, you are not the child of luck, so who could it be? Who can achieve extraordinary things at the age of Young Master, with countless opportunities?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered: "Don't have too much hope, otherwise the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

"I'm willing to take a gamble." Lan Yeqing also restrained her smile and said forcefully.

"Then I hope you succeed. As for me, I never depend on others for my future. I only rely on myself." After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he strode out.

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