Dominate the world

Chapter 936 New situation

Lan Yeqing followed, and she smiled coquettishly: "I won't go back to the sect anymore, please take care of me from the Martial Arts Department during this time."

"Whatever, as long as you don't violate the law, no one will trouble you." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Lan Yeqing laughed and said: "Well, the little girl will wait for the good news from the young master."

Jiang Xiaobai returned to the Martial Arts Department, went straight into Yuxu Palace, and relayed what Lan Yeqing said to Gongsun Long and Tong Fangyuan.

"Sanctification? How can it be so simple." Tong Fangyuan sighed, "Little girl is overthinking, but the secret realm of the spirit void is really amazing, it is so bold, it is a pity that it failed in the end."

Gongsun Long rubbed his chin, and said seriously: "There should be something in that book, Xiaobai, you'd better get all the hidden content in that book. The current things are not enough to explain anything."

Jiang Xiaobai hummed: "I will pay attention to it later."

Then, the three of them talked about cultivation. Now that Jiang Xiaobai's level is already very high, many issues can be discussed with the two of them.After some discussions, Jiang Xiaobai benefited a lot.

The elders of the Martial Arts Department handle the outside affairs, so Jiang Xiaobai simply stayed in Yuxu Palace for ten days.Practice with Qin Feng, fight against each other, teach Tong Xiaoyu, chat with his parents, and live a leisurely and enjoyable life.

But in the outside world, the wind and clouds are already surging.

After all, the news that aliens were about to invade the earth was known to all. Huaguo's Martial Arts Department had already prepared for it. Although some chaos occurred in some places, it was quickly suppressed.

But other countries fell into huge chaos, and in the midst of the crisis, various hidden secret caves were born, quickly appease the people, gained a huge reputation, and then recruited disciples, forming a huge wave power.

In three months, until the beginning of winter, except for China, all the caves and secret realms have basically controlled all countries, forming an era when the sects are in power.

The country of Hua is still stable, and has entered the era of national cultivation. Countless young disciples have broken through the realm again and again, and then they are recruited into the martial arts department, the military department, and various martial arts universities.The masters have also consolidated their cultivation and are advancing towards a more advanced stage.

And with the emergence of the secret realm of the sect, Han Qianyu's reputation in Linlangdongtian began to resound all over the world, and he and Jiang Xiaobai from the martial arts department were also called the peerless twins of the world.

The most resounding at the moment is the present world of each sect, Beidou, Ziwei, Qiankun, Demon, Sun God and other secret realms have become known to everyone.

Soon, a news broke out that the elders of the various sects will visit the Huaguo Martial Arts Department to discuss the important matter of resisting aliens.


In the Martial Arts Department, Jiang Xiaobai finished several months of retreat and walked out of Yuxu Palace.

Knowing that the First Elder will leave the customs today, many elders and disciples of the Martial Arts Department waited in the back garden, hoping to pay their respects to Jiang Xiaobai, whose reputation is growing day by day.

Because of the revival of vitality, even though it was early winter and the weather had already cooled down, the flowers in the garden were still in full bloom, colorful and very beautiful.

"I don't know what realm the Great Elder will reach. I heard that he was already at the sixth stage of the emperor level before. Now that more than three months have passed, will he become a saint?"

"How is it possible? Even with the talent of the Great Elder, it is absolutely impossible to become a saint. Didn't you listen to the rumors outside? If you want to become a saint, you need to absorb the heart of the earth."

"That's right, with the great elder's selflessness, how could he murder the earth in order to achieve himself?"

"But in the past few months, things have really changed. Those secret realms of the sect are really abominable. They even came up with the trick of drawing money from the bottom of the pot. Now other countries have fallen into their control. We Huaguo is under too much pressure."


In the past few months, under the deliberate guidance of the major sects, some countries have once again started to provoke the country of China. The nature is so bad that it is outrageous.If it weren't for the strong suppression of the Ministry of Martial Arts, the military might be as powerful as a mountain, and the deterrent countries would not dare to make any changes, fearing that a global war would have already been triggered.

What's even worse is that many sects have issued assassination orders, targeting the high-ranking members of Huaguo's Martial Arts Department. After a few months, almost half of the middle and senior members of the Martial Arts Department have been replaced.

In the void, Jiang Xiaobai listened quietly. During this period of time, it seemed to everyone in the Martial Arts Department that he was retreating, but in fact, he also turned into Han Qianyu from time to time and went out to assassinate some enemies.

Only a month ago, after the Martial Arts Department finally got the Daohua, he really started to retreat.It took a month, and he finally fused Zi Lingguo, Hao Ran Zi Qi, Star Soul and He Dao Flower into a Dao Seed.

After becoming the seed of the Dao, his realm broke through two stages in a row in the first time, and entered the eighth stage of the emperor level, and his strength in all aspects increased greatly.If the seeds of the Dao want to bear the fruit of the Dao, they need to go through four processes: germination, spinning, flowering, and fruiting.

Now the avenue seed in his body has grown into a small tree, and small flower buds have appeared on the branches and leaves, which are about to open.But the effect of the subsequent practice and meditation was greatly reduced, so Jiang Xiaobai left the customs.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Realm: Emperor-level eighth-dan (21%)

Cultivation Method: Taoist Scripture Volume 83 ([-]%)

Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu fifth level (31%)

Skills: Chasing stars and chasing the sun (1%)

Star swordsmanship (1%)

Golden Dragon Sword Qi Three Feet (63%)

Void Knife (1%)

Avatar: Domain (100%)

Avenue Seeds (10%)

Jiang Xiaobai's figure appeared, and everyone immediately cheered.

"The Great Elder is out."

The voice was full of joy, and it spread thousands of miles in an instant.A series of figures flashed quickly, it was Bai Yu and other elders.

"Hello, everyone." Jiang Xiaobai said kindly, and waved his hands at the crowd. He felt the respect of everyone.

"Everyone has worked hard!"

"It's not hard, we are still waiting for the Great Elder to lead us to repel those sect secret realms and repel the aliens."

"Great Elder, we will always stand by your side!"


"Okay, okay!" Jiang Xiaobai comforted everyone, and Bai Yu also helped to soothe everyone's emotions. He has always supported the Martial Arts Department, so he naturally knows that the members of the Martial Arts Department have been aggrieved in the past few months.

It took a while for Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu to walk out of the crowd.

"How?" Bai Yu knew that Jiang Xiaobai was cultivating the Dao Seed.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Successful, after that, we need actual combat drills, and then let the seeds bloom and bear fruit."

"Okay, we'll rely on you." Bai Yu said excitedly, "You don't know that we've heard a lot of news during this time, and the forces headed by Beidou are vigorously searching for the heart of the earth."

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes turned cold: "They really dare!"

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