Lan Yeqing guided the way, and Jiang Xiaobai resorted to chasing the stars and chasing the sun, leading the two of them to fly quickly, and arrived in the extreme north three days later.

The larger the earth, the colder the North Pole.Especially now that it is the eastern sky in the northern hemisphere, the temperature has dropped below minus fifty or sixty degrees.

Of course, this severe cold is nothing to the three emperor-level masters, but the cold wind here is quite a headache.The sky was full of ice and snow blowing along with the cold wind, and the vision was extremely poor.

The golden light in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes was shining, this is the supernatural power gradually revealed after entering the fifth level of Bajiu Xuangong, which is enough to see through many falsehoods.

"The people from the Big Dipper Cave are in front, Lan Yeqing tell me how to go after that?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Lan Yeqing's expression was serious. All kinds of supernatural powers Jiang Xiaobai showed along the way made her more and more afraid of Jiang Xiaobai, but she also hoped to become a saint so that she could control her life.

"Just thousands of miles ahead of them, they have gone astray now, but it will take half a day at most to react. We need to hurry up."

Bai Yu snorted softly: "According to our information, that old fellow Tian Quanzi was among the group of people. If it wasn't for the weirdness of this place and the failure of his spiritual sense, he might have discovered us long ago. If he wants to speed up, unless Be tough with Tian Quanzi. It has been a few months, who knows if Tian Quanzi has stepped into the ninth stage of the emperor level and has become a semi-sage?"

Lan Yeqing stared at Jiang Xiaobai with burning eyes and said, "Young Master Jiang, if the little girl's prediction is not bad, you should have the strength to fight against Tian Quanzi now, right?"

"It's not the same. Although the semi-sage is also called the ninth-level emperor, it is completely different from the eighth-level emperor. It has already begun to have the power of the holy level, so it is called a semi-sage. I may be able to fight with him." Fighting, but absolutely unable to protect the two of you."

Lan Yeqing yelled without hesitation: "Then please ask your son to lure Tian Quanzi away, and Mr. Bai and I will break in with our own strength."

Bai Yu said: "Although the perception is not clear, I am sure that there are at least three emperor-level eighth-level masters over there. Isn't Miss Lan afraid of death?"

"I'm afraid, but since we've come here, we have to gamble, Mr. Jiang, what do you think?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Bai Yu, who nodded and said, "Don't worry, we can hold on."

"Okay! Then I'll go, be careful." After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he carefully detoured to other places, and then jumped up suddenly, attracting the attention of Beidou Dongtian.

"It's Jiang Xiaobai!" Soon, Jiang Xiaobai was recognized by the people from Beidoudongtian, and they chased after him yelling.

"Leave them all to me, and be careful that the enemy will divert the tiger away from the mountain." A majestic voice sounded, and Tian Quanzi flew up, chasing Jiang Xiaobai quickly.

Jiang Xiaobai was already very familiar with Tianquanzi, of course as Han Qianyu.The moment Tianquanzi flew up, Jiang Xiaobai was sure that Tianquanzi had indeed become a semi-sage.

In recent months, vitality has become more and more abundant, and some places have even reappeared fountains of vitality.According to the explanation given in the ancient books of the Mystery of the Spirit Void, this means that the heart of the earth has matured to the limit, and the restriction that sealed him is about to be broken, which caused the vitality contained in it to erupt again.

But for the dark and peaceful universe, the earth today is like a fruit that is about to ripen, with a fragrant fragrance, waiting for others to pick it.

It was also based on this that Tian Quanzi finally broke through the bottleneck that had imprisoned him for many years, and became a semi-sage in one fell swoop.

Tian Quanzi was extremely fast, but he found that he had only shortened the distance with Jiang Xiaobai slightly, and the latter's movement skills were extremely fast.And he also sensed that Jiang Xiaobai's cultivation had reached the eighth stage of the emperor class, which made him astonished, but also filled with deep fear in his heart.

Jiang Xiaobai is too genius, let him wait a little longer, let alone subdue Jiang Xiaobai, he may not be his opponent.He activated the forbidden technique without hesitation, his body turned into a streamer of light, and quickly chased after him.

Jiang Xiaobai felt the movement behind him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fighting in his heart.He has admired the power of the semi-sage for a long time, but he wants to experience how powerful it is.

At that moment, Jiang Xiaobai stopped fleeing, suspended in the air, waiting for the arrival of Tian Quanzi.

Two seconds later, Tianquanzi came whistling with a hurricane. His five fingers were like hooks, and he grabbed Jiang Xiaobai's head. He was so powerful that Jiang Xiaobai didn't pay attention to him at all.

"Boy, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and if there is no way to hell, you break in. Take your life."

Jiang Xiaobai directly drew his sword out of its sheath, and performed the star swordsmanship.

The sword was as fast as a shooting star, shining like a star, more than fierce, and even more powerful, it directly pierced the void, and stabbed towards Tian Quanzi's palm.

Tian Quanzi was startled, he felt the strength of the sword, the tip of the sword hadn't come yet, but his whole body was stabbed by the imposing momentum, and the vitality that had already been extremely stable in his body was shaken at this moment.

Without thinking, Tian Quanzi quickly stopped.

With a soft chirp, Tian Quanzi felt pain in his palm. He looked down and saw a small hole in the palm of his hand. Fortunately, he withdrew his hand quickly enough, otherwise he might be pierced.

He hastily stepped back a few steps, with a solemn expression, not daring to show a trace of contempt.

"The Great Elder of Beidou Cave, Son of Heaven?" Jiang Xiaobai shouted proudly.

Tian Quanzi clenched his palms tightly and said coldly, "Not bad!"

"Very good. I killed an emperor-level sea beast when the emperor was promoted to the emperor level. I think this is a fine tradition. Therefore, killing a demi-saint before being promoted to a demi-saint sounds natural."

Tianquanzi laughed back angrily: "Boy, I was careless just now, do you really think you have the strength of a semi-saint? You were supposed to be sacrificed after you became a semi-saint, but now it seems that you may not survive that It's been a day."

With a clang, Tian Quanzi drew out a long sword, pointed the sword point at Jiang Xiaobai, and he shouted contemptuously, "Use all your unique skills, or you won't have a chance in the future."

"Then let's see what happens." Jiang Xiaobai took a step forward, stabbing Tian Quanzi's throat with the Tai Chi Star Sword.

Tian Quanzi's body suddenly dimmed, as if he had merged into the void, and his whereabouts could no longer be seen.Jiang Xiaobai's sword was extremely fast, but it still pierced an empty space.

"Oh, in the Big Dipper, Tianquan is located at the junction of the handle and the spoon, and is the darkest star among the seven stars. I think this is your supernatural power, darkening?"

A golden light shone in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, and he walked around the world.

"Hmph, the kid has some knowledge, but it depends on whether you can find the old man." Just after the words fell, a long sword appeared on top of Jiang Xiaobai's head, stabbing down quickly.

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