This sword pierced Jiang Xiaobai in half, and the figure of Tian Quanzi emerged, only to realize that what was pierced just now was just an afterimage.

What a fast speed, what an exquisite phantom!

Tian Quanzi was taken aback, he didn't notice when Jiang Xiaobai changed his figure at all.

Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed in his heart. When he looked at the attribute panel before, he saw the domain 100%. He didn't think much of it at the time, but now he realizes the meaning of the domain reaching the full level.

Tian Quanzi had already entered his domain, but the half-holy Tian Quanzi was completely unaware that he had been enveloped by Jiang Xiaobai's domain.

Of course, the other party is a semi-holy after all, and Jiang Xiaobai found out that he can't hurt the other party, but he can suppress the latter's cultivation, but he will definitely be discovered by Tian Quanzi, so it's not as good as the current situation.

"It seems that Beidou Dongtian's swordsmanship is also very ordinary. Why don't you experience my star swordsmanship." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and slashed, and a small star appeared in the void, quickly solidified and then moved towards Tian Quanzi Smash it.

Tian Quanzi's eyes, which had been squinting slightly, suddenly widened. He really felt the pressure of the stars, maybe a little less, but he already had the power of the stars, and more importantly, a little bit of the power of the star soul.

Jiang Xiaobai also didn't know that the little star soul he added inadvertently into the domain made the transformed stars have real star power, scaring the experienced Tian Quanzi.

Tianquanzi didn't want to believe it, but he had to believe it.However, many years of experience still made him not choose to retreat immediately, but slashed at the meteorite with a sword.

"Ding!" A crisp sound sounded, and the little star shattered into a mess of rocks and merged into the void.

Tian Quanzi felt his qi and blood surge up, although the backlash was not too great, but his heart throbbed uncontrollably.It's also because he is conceited and lofty, and he doesn't want to know Jiang Xiaobai, otherwise he would have known that Jiang Xiaobai had done a trick with a holy god and was selected as a star soul.

After all, a star soul can only be obtained by a saint-level master, and a half-sage can barely be regarded as a half-saint. He has already initially grasped the power of some saints, so he is naturally sensitive to the star soul.

Tian Quanzi had no time to be surprised, the previous star was extinguished, and with Jiang Xiaobai's sword slashing out, another star shone out.

Unwillingly, Tian Quanzi slashed with his sword again, and the moment the star was shattered, he was finally sure that this tiny star really had the power of a star soul.

How can this be?

Jiang Xiaobai swung his sword again and again, and small stars appeared one after another. The strength of the semi-saint is quite terrifying, so naturally, he will wipe out some of his vitality first.

After Tian Quanzi split a few small stars, he no longer carried them hard. It was not difficult to break the stars, but the backlash of the star soul caused the vitality in his body to be unstable for a while, and the loss was huge.

"Boy, how come there is a star soul in your swordsmanship?" Tian Quanzi asked angrily.

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, and suddenly realized that he was still doubting, wasn't it just splitting a few small stars, saying that the stars were a bit too much, at most they were meteorites, Tian Quanzi actually showed such difficulty.

He thought Tian Quanzi was pretending to be tricky, waiting to plot against him, but it turned out that it was Xinghun who made meritorious deeds.

Naturally, Jiang Xiaobai hastened to input star souls vigorously. These star souls were all obtained when he got the Zhou Tian Xingchen formation, and there were more than a dozen of them.He used some to blend into the Dao seeds, and left half of it, which is now just used to fuse the stars transformed from the star swordsmanship.

Anyway, they are all in their own field, and resources will not be wasted at all.As long as Tian Quanzi didn't break through his domain, he would be completely invincible.

Suddenly, Tian Quanzi stopped attacking, his whole body shone brightly, and a mellow force spread from his body, attacking Jiang Xiaobai's domain, making a light impact sound.

"Sure enough, it's no wonder your illusion is so real. It turns out that the old man has already fallen into your domain. But you underestimate the half-saint, and all the ghosts and ghosts in the sanctuary are just tricks that don't stand on the table."

Tian Quanzi swung his sword triumphantly and slashed somewhere in the void.

Jiang Xiaobai frowned involuntarily, the sword actually cut into his domain.

Tian Quanzi was even more surprised. He used half-holy supernatural powers with this sword. Even if the sword couldn't shatter the opponent's domain, it was enough to cut some cracks and couldn't be used again.

But with the sword just now, he found that Jiang Xiaobai's domain was round and full, and the sword seemed to be slashed on a round ball, and he couldn't find the point of force, and was easily pushed away.

His heart moved, and he said in amazement: "The domain is perfect?"

As the descendant of Beidou Dongtian, he has naturally heard of some special supernatural powers, such as the infinite power of the mind, sanctification of the body, and the great perfection of the domain.

But those have long been reduced to legends, mostly word of mouth, and there are almost no records about this in the classics, and he just took it as a joke, the fantasy of some martial arts monks.

After all, the domain is transformed by the sublimation of the physical body, spiritual thoughts, and vitality. To complete the domain, you first need a balance of the three, which almost wiped out [-]% of the monks.

After that, the field still needs to be continuously tempered, comprehended, and sublimated. There are many difficulties, but it is only theoretically feasible.Not to mention emperor-level eighth-dan masters, it is difficult to achieve Dzogchen even in the field of semi-saints or even saints.

Generally speaking, [-]% of the level that can make the domain tyrannical to Dzogchen belongs to Tianjiao, and [-]% may not fail to reach it, but [-]% has been rare since ancient times, let alone [-]% Dzogchen.

But now, he finally saw a person with a great perfection in the field. Unfortunately, this person was his enemy.

"Boy, you are indeed a genius. You are worthy of being the son of luck, but the old man is a semi-saint after all, and your realm is still a little bit worse. If you want to take down the old man, you still can't do it." There was no arrogance in Tian Quanzi's tone, Jiang Xiaobai became an opponent of the same level.

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled lightly: "Really, no one has done it, but it doesn't mean I can't do it. What's more, such a challenging thing, I want to give it a try."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai didn't hold back his hands anymore, and with all his strength, he frantically rushed towards Tian Quanzi.

"Boy, you're so ruthless." Tianquanzi shouted angrily, his temper became irritable, and he fought Jiang Xiaobai.

Far, far away, everyone in Beidoudongtian looked at the direction of the two people's battle at the same time. They felt two tyrannical forces. Even at such a long distance, they still felt extremely shocked!

How can it be?Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai of the Huaguo Martial Arts Department already has the power to fight against the semi-saints?

Everyone in Beidoudongtian panicked.

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