"Hey, foreign enemies are about to invade, but we have civil strife first. How will we resist foreign enemies at that time, catastrophe is coming, catastrophe is coming!"

The female elder who persuaded her before left with a sigh, and after returning to her cave, she quickly summoned a female disciple.Not long after, the female disciple quietly left Beidoudongtian, and rushed all the way to the Huaguo Martial Arts Department.

In the extreme north, Jiang Xiaobai regained his vitality and flew to the heart of the earth.Soon, he found the secret note left by Bai Yu and found it.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's healthy and energetic appearance, Bai Yu asked suspiciously, "Are you okay? Why did the people from Beidou Cave suddenly retreat?"

Before Jiang Xiaobai could speak, Lan Yeqing exclaimed in surprise: "You defeated Tian Quanzi?"

She thought about it, and there was only one reason, even though she found it incredible, she still asked.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled slightly: "I underestimated my strength a little bit, and seriously injured Tian Quanzi. Fortunately, that old guy ran fast, otherwise he would have lost his life."

Bai Yu was overjoyed, and excitedly grabbed Jiang Xiaobai: "Now you have the strength to rival the half-sage?"

He was sincerely happy for Jiang Xiaobai, the strength of the Martial Arts Department was still too weak, even with Tong Fangyuan, a semi-sage sitting in command, and Gongsun Long, who was at the eighth-level emperor level, the strength of the Martial Arts Department was still too weak.

Now that Jiang Xiaobai has the strength to rival the Bansheng, the pressure on their Martial Arts Department has been greatly relieved.

Lan Yeqing stared at Jiang Xiaobai with burning eyes, her eyes were full of envy, she bit her lips tightly, even though the blood flowed out, she didn't realize: "I must be holy, I must be holy!"

Jiang Xiaobai said: "Okay, let's go to the Heart of the Earth first, this time I have completely offended Beidou Dongtian, I think they will not let me go, and they will even blame the Martial Arts Department, we need to go back quickly. "

"That's right, there's something wrong here, we have to go back quickly." Bai Yu echoed, and he glanced at Lan Yeqing, "Miss Lan, I'm afraid you've been waiting so long, lead the way."

Lan Yeqing said with a sneer: "It's worth waiting for more time if you are destined to go side by side with Jiang Zhanshen."

At that moment, the people from Beidoudongtian retreated, and the three of them didn't need to be as cautious as before. Lan Yeqing identified the direction, and then chose a path.

Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu turned left and right following Lan Yeqing, and they actually walked into a paradise with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded secretly. The breath leaked out from the Heart of the Earth is vitality, which nourishes the whole earth. How could the real location of the Heart of the Earth be a desolate ice field? Such a paradise is what it should be!

Lan Yeqing explained: "The restriction in this place is not very powerful, even if it is forcibly broken, it will not take much time, but it will have a huge impact on the restriction of the heart of the earth. The people in the cave were chased away."

With a smile on her face, she flattered her: "Perhaps this is the benefit of Jiang Zhanshen, the son of luck."

"You don't need to flatter me. Since I promised you, as long as conditions permit, I will naturally help you." Jiang Xiaobai said lightly.

Lan Yeqing chuckled and said, "Naturally, who doesn't know that Jiang Zhanshen has something to say, and you always do what you say."

She continued to lead the way, Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu smiled and continued to move forward.

But soon, all three of them realized that something was wrong. This place didn't look very big, but when they flew up, they realized that it was extremely vast, and it felt a little far away.

After flying for a while, about half an hour, the three were shocked to find that they had hardly advanced much.

"Is this so far away?" Jiang Xiaobai was a little speechless, he didn't expect to fall into this kind of space formation.

This kind of formation must contain the profound meaning of heaven and earth, and it is in line with the natural vitality. It is almost impossible to break it by force. If there is no solution, it may take a lifetime to pass.

Lan Yeqing had already said before that once a strong attack was made, it might have an unpredictable impact on the seal of the Heart of the Earth. Who knows whether it will be good or bad?

If it was in the past, the impact would not be too big, but now it will cause huge harm. They need to be extremely cautious, otherwise they may advance the catastrophe of the earth.

"Everyone, don't worry, the more incomprehensible the formation, the more obvious clues will be left behind." Jiang Xiaobai comforted the two, saying that Bai Yu is fine, and Lan Yeqing is already blushing anxiously.

Bai Yu nodded. He also read the array book, which is indeed the truth.

"Wait, that corpse!" Bai Yu shouted, pointing to a bone in front of him.

The three of them had also discovered it before, but seeing one or two corpses in this kind of place is not really a surprise, so the three of them didn't care, but thinking about it now, a corpse appears here, maybe there is something hidden behind it. clue.

It was a rather tall white bone, the skin and flesh had already melted away, but the bone was still shiny, and upon careful inspection, there was fluorescence flowing on the white bone.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up with golden light, and he looked up and down at the bone. Suddenly, he grasped falsely with his palm, and a token flew over from under the bone.

"Lingxu?" Bai Yu called out the writing on the token.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "It is the Lingxu Cave, it seems that we have found the right place. This bone should be the predecessor of the Lingxu Cave, but why did it die here? Was it backlashed? Or is there something here? Danger?"

Bai Yu nodded: "Let's be careful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the white bone jumped up suddenly, and the bones of his hand stretched out to grab Jiang Xiaobai.

This grasping force was heavy, and it actually possessed the power of the eighth heaven of the emperor level. Jiang Xiaobai reacted very quickly, and kicked the bones away.

"Xiaobai, give him the token." Bai Yu said suddenly.

Jiang Xiaobai had no doubts about Bai Yu, and casually threw the token back to Bai Gu. Bai Yu took a step forward, and casually shot out a burst of vitality, which was indeed Linlangdongtian's skill, Lingxu Jue.

The white bone caught the token and seemed to be about to leave, but suddenly stopped, turned the white bone and stared blankly at Bai Yu.

Although the white bones have lost their eyes, but the pair of deep eyes and concave bones give people the feeling of looking at people.

With a sound of gada gada, Bone actually opened his mouth, and then a voice came out.

"Are you a disciple of Lingxu Cave?"

Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu looked at each other, and said in unison: "See you, senior, we are disciples of Lingxu Cave."

Lan Yeqing also cleverly took out the ancient book and wiped it casually, revealing the hidden pages in the ancient book.

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