Dominate the world

Chapter 942 The Ancient Battlefield

Bai Gu stretched out his hand to grab it, and Lan Yeqing suddenly felt that he could no longer control the ancient book.

"Leave it to senior." Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly said via voice transmission.

Lan Yeqing no longer insisted, let go of the control of the ancient books, and let the ancient books fall into the hands of the bones.Bai Gu flipped through it, threw the ancient book back, and said, "Come with me."

Bone turned around and flew towards the depths, Jiang Xiaobai and the three hurriedly followed.

The bone's speed was not fast, but Jiang Xiaobai and the three were pleasantly surprised to find that the scenery was moving back quickly, as if avoiding the previous secret technique of close proximity.

After flying for a while, I came to a big tree.

The three of them are not weak in knowledge, and there is hardly anything that surprises them in today's world, but this tree has completely subverted the cognition of the three of them.

How thick is this tree, at least hundreds of kilometers in diameter, but how tall is it? Jiang Xiaobai found that he was emitting divine thoughts, but he couldn't detect it at all.The light does not shine on the top of the big tree, and the white clouds in the sky are just floating on the trunk of the big tree.

In the sky above, thunderclouds billowed, but the divine thunder could not land at all, halfway down, it had already been absorbed by the big tree.

"You don't want to climb trees again, do you?" Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, he really didn't want to climb any more.

But he saw the bone step into the big tree step by step, and his figure disappeared.

"Let's follow." Lan Yeqing shouted, and followed without hesitation.

"This woman is very kind." Bai Yu praised and followed her.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and also stepped into the big tree.He discovered that a special technique was spontaneously operating, it was the secret technique of the Lingxu Cave, and it was specially learned in order to dress up the Linlang Cave, but he didn't expect it to be effective here.

Passing through the big tree, the three of them had a little resentment in their eyes. Fortunately, the three of them knew some skills in the secret realm of the spirit void, otherwise they would have been blocked from the big tree.

And even if they climb for hundreds of years, they will not enter the real secret realm.

This is a vast space. Compared with the paradise outside, this is the real paradise.Opportunities full of vitality will turn into dew. Along the way, flowers are in full bloom, spiritual springs of vitality are gushing, and cranes are flying, which makes people feel refreshed.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, his eyes shone with golden light, and he looked up to the sky, it was a blurry but full of aura.

After a brief identification, Jiang Xiaobai understood what it was, it was Dao Yun, and it was extremely pure, derived from the heart of the earth.

Lan Yeqing is a clever ghost, seeing Jiang Xiaobai looking into the void, she flew over immediately, opened her mouth to swallow, and then was supported, and vomited out.

Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu couldn't help laughing to themselves, they each stretched out their hands and grabbed a ball of Dao Yun and swallowed it into their mouths.

"These things are based on strength. The stronger the strength, the more it can accommodate." After swallowing two balls, Bai Yu found that he couldn't absorb more.

Jiang Xiaobai absorbed more than a dozen groups in a row before stopping. Lan Yeqing was extremely jealous. She absorbed too many groups, but only kept one group in the end.

"Miss Lan, why should you be angry, such a group of dao rhymes is already a great opportunity, I believe that if you meditate and cultivate in the future, the chances of becoming a semi-sage in the future are very high."

Jiang Xiaobai pointed out, along the way, this woman changed him a lot.Maybe Lan Yeqing is cruel and untrustworthy, but he is dedicated to the Tao, especially his persistence and fighting spirit, which he appreciates quite a lot.

He asked himself that if he hadn't obtained the Taiji disc, he might be another Lan Yeqing now.Without chance, without luck, you can only fight to the death, there is no other second way.

"Hehe, I made Jiang Zhanshen laugh." Lan Yeqing laughed at himself.

"I really didn't mean to laugh at you. On the contrary, I admire you. Of course, believe it or not, let's continue. The bone has gone far." Jiang Xiaobai pointed forward, and the bone had already gone deep.

The three quickly followed.

The white bones led the three of them to a battlefield. The battlefield was so huge that it had been reduced to ruins, and the bones were scattered all over the place.But with the arrival of the three of them, these bones unexpectedly combined quickly, forming two opposing forces.

The white bones directly merged into one of them, and then charged towards the other side with the other white bones.

Ding ding bang bang, the two bones fought.

"What the hell is this? What kind of enmity is it that makes them fight after death?" Lan Yeqing asked suspiciously.

Bai Yu said in a deep voice: "Obviously, one party is from the spiritual void, and the other party, if my guess is correct, should be from the Xuanyuan family."

Jiang Xiaobai echoed: "That's right, the Xuanyuan family paid a huge price to seal the Earth's Heart, and Lingxu Dongtian wants to break the seal of the Earth's Heart, isn't the two sides sworn enemies? "

Lan Yeqing suddenly realized: "Then who are we helping? The bones just now obviously brought us to help."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled wryly: "It stands to reason that we are here to break the restriction, but at the same time we have to continue to seal it, which is similar to inflating a balloon to prevent it from blowing up because it is too inflated, but we cannot Open the opening wide, and the balloon will fly."

"Huh?" Lan Yeqing didn't understand at all.

But Bai Yu understood. He analyzed: "We still need bones to guide the way. Let's help Lingxu cave to the sky."


Jiang Xiaobai flew into the battlefield immediately, and the two quickly followed.

"Be careful."

Jiang Xiaobai had just entered the battlefield, and suddenly felt his field of vision change. The bones he saw outside the battlefield turned into living, flesh-and-blood people at this moment.

Moreover, their clothes are different, hairstyles, weapons, etc., are all very different, as if they looked like they were alive.

Bai Yu and Lan Yeqing couldn't help screaming, the scene in front of them completely exceeded their imagination, they had the illusion of traveling through time and space.

"Come here quickly." The voice should be the bones from before, and he beckoned the three of them to pass.

The three of Jiang Xiaobai flew over, came to the back of the battlefield, and stood behind the bones.

"Linlangdongtian Han Qianyu pays homage to all the patriarchs." Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly bowed and saluted. He only glanced at them, and he saw nine semi-sages, and countless emperor-level seven or eight dans.

On Lingxu Dongtian's side, there are more than 200 people in total, and those with the worst realms are all at the fifth stage of the emperor level. Their strength is shocking.Jiang Xiaobai also understood why Lingxu Dongtian had the courage to try to turn the sky back.

Knowing the feat of Lingxu Dongtian, Jiang Xiaobai admired Lingxu Dongtian from the bottom of his heart, and this greeting expressed his sincerity.

Although he didn't understand what Jiang Xiaobai meant, Bai Yu and Lan Yeqing were both intelligent people, and they both hurriedly followed him to meet him, naturally they were Linlang Dongtian.

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