Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were also red. Although his current identity was fake, he had no pretense of respect for these seniors in Lingxu Cave.

Jiang Xiaobai knelt down, with an extremely serious expression: "Patriarchs, you can rest assured that the Lingxu Cave will come out of the mountain again from today, and the younger generation will protect the Lingxu Cave with their lives and carry it forward!" Master Tianzhen said loudly : "Okay, okay, the future depends on you. Brothers, let's fight to the death again today to break a way for the disciples of the younger generation, go!"

Everyone in Lingxu Dongtian rushed up, fearlessly rushing towards the Xuanyuan family on the opposite side.

"Follow me." Master Tianji protected the three of them and rushed forward with them.

The two sides fought extremely fiercely, and soon the flesh and blood turned into bones, and the flesh and blood grew again on the bones, and then they were thrown into the battle again.

In this battle, the sky was dim and the earth was dark, and blood flowed like rivers.

Gradually, the recovery speed of the two white bones became slower and slower, and it took a long time to be able to breed flesh and blood again after turning into white bones.But these people still charged without hesitation, and it turned into a war of bones.

Finally, the bones were shattered, and even the strength to gather together was gone, and the battlefield became quiet, full of depression.

Master Tianji pushed Jiang Xiaobai and the three of them out of the battlefield with all his strength, waved his hands, and the flesh and blood burst into pieces, turning into bone powder and flying away.

Standing on the edge of the battlefield, Jiang Xiaobai said with heavy emotion: "Actually, both Lingxu Dongtian and Xuanyuan World are respectable people. This war has exhausted their years of savings, and they will not be able to rise any longer. Know how many years later."

"Maybe this is their last battle, and there will be no chance to wake up again." Bai Yu also said softly, he took out a handful of incense from the storage ring, and distributed it to Jiang Xiaobai and Lan Yeqing, piously At the location, I bowed three times to the ancient battlefield.

"Let's go, we can't let them down." Jiang Xiaobai packed up his heavy heart and walked forward.

Lan Yeqing looked at Jiang Xiaobai's back, pursed her lips, but said nothing.

Bai Yu whispered, "This Miss Lan is so jealous."

Jiang Xiaobai also secretly laughed: "Look at her performance later, the cooperation just now was quite good, and it's okay to share some benefits with her."

"I just don't know if she is trustworthy, otherwise, with her talent and character, joining the Martial Arts Department would be a great help."

The road after that was much smoother, and they clearly felt that the vitality ahead was getting thicker and thicker. There were faint streams on the ground, and what flowed inside was liquefied vitality.

"If we can practice here for a period of time, our cultivation will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and there will be no bottleneck at all." Bai Yu said with emotion.

Of course, he also knew that time was not waiting for him, and perhaps it would not be long before the people from Beidoudongtian would catch up.

At this moment, in a certain small cave, a light flashed, and an old woman quietly appeared.

"Master Uncle Yaoguang." Tian Quanzi rushed to see him, a little overjoyed, he didn't expect that Uncle Yaoguang would come here in person.Although they are both semi-saints, he is only a newcomer to the semi-saint, and Master Yaoguang has been in the semi-saint realm for thousands of years, and his skills are very different.

"Take it." Yaoguang took out a purple-red elixir, and almost instantly, the fragrance filled the entire cave.

"Seven Star Pill?"

Tianquanzi was full of surprises, but still refused: "Uncle, this is your life-saving elixir, and it has a huge impact on your achievement of the holy level..."

"Without the heart of the earth, no matter how perfect the elixir is, it is useless. But right now, we have a chance to win the heart of the earth. We should give it a go. Are you sure you know where the heart of the earth is?"

Tian Quanzi hurriedly said: "Uncle, this disciple can be sure, and Jiang Xiaobai's sudden appearance also shows that this disciple has found the right place, so he had no choice but to show up."

Yaoguang nodded: "That's right, then quickly take the pill and let's go."


Tian Quanzi quickly took the Seven Star Pill, but in just a few breaths, his internal energy recovered completely and all his injuries disappeared.


The two punched at the same time, a space appeared, and the two entered together. Half an hour later, the two appeared at the place where the Big Dipper Cave was.

"Uncle, look there, it is definitely the passage for them to enter."

"Yes, let's go!"


"That's right, even people from the Xuanyuan Family and Lingxu Cave will be affected. How could the person who sealed the Earth's Heart for the first time be absent!" Bai Yu exclaimed angrily. The monster, who knew it finally saw the heart of the earth, but was blocked by a wave of forces.

This group of people gave the three people the feeling that they were people from the Lingxu Cave, but these people had almost no personal consciousness, just like puppets.

Lan Yeqing suddenly said: "Maybe this is the revenge of the heart of the earth, they sealed the heart of the earth, and the heart of the earth turned them into such living dead, without wisdom, without freedom, without reincarnation, eternal life To live is to die."

Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu couldn't help but shudder. If this is the case, the heart of the earth is really cruel enough.

"Xiaobai, maybe Miss Lan is right. Whoever said that the heart of the earth has no consciousness of its own. Maybe it didn't have it before it was sealed for the first time, but after being sealed twice in a row, it also has its own consciousness. I have my own anger." Bai Yu was startled suddenly and reminded.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, if this is the case, then the situation after them will be even more dangerous.

The Heart of the Earth is now unstoppable, and it will not be forced by any seal in a few months at most. Since it can be born on its own at that time, how can they allow them to snatch its energy?

"Then what should we do?" Lan Yeqing shouted, this was what she was most concerned about.

"Cold salad." Jiang Xiaobai replied casually, "Now we are going to break through the protection of this group of people."

Bai Yu smiled wryly and said, "Why, they may not have spiritual intelligence, but their physical bodies are solid and have been nourished by the heart of the earth for thousands of years. I even guess that their physical bodies may have been sanctified?"

Physical sanctification?

Jiang Xiaobai nodded solemnly: "Bai Yu, maybe you're right. I have a feeling that these people's bodies are stronger than mine. It's very possible to become holy."

"Then, what should I do?" Lan Yeqing asked again, she suddenly felt that she was hopeless.

"Hey, someone is coming, hide quickly." Jiang Xiaobai said, he raised his hand and shot out the secret mirror, covering the breath of the three of them.

Two streamers of light quietly appeared, they were Tian Quanzi and the old lady Yaoguang from the Big Dipper Cave.

"That kid Jiang Xiaobai isn't here?" Tianquanzi asked in surprise.

"Sure enough, it is the heart of the earth. I feel it is very real, and it is full of energy. It is bound to become holy after absorbing it, and even more than one person." The old woman shook her light and said ecstatically.

Tian Quanzi was startled, and then became ecstatic. He asked himself that he would not dare to compete with Uncle Yaoguang, and he was also vigilant not to be jealous of Uncle Yaoguang. Unexpectedly, he was hit by a pie falling from the sky.

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