Dominate the world

Chapter 945 Sanctification of the Flesh

"Tian Quan, be careful, these puppets are not simple, their bodies should be sanctified." After all, Yao Guang is an old monster who has practiced for nearly a thousand years, and she can see the extraordinaryness of these puppets at a glance.

Tian Quanzi was as well-behaved as a quail in front of Yao Guang. He also looked vigilantly at the reminder of his uncle at this moment, and his expression gradually became serious. There are 49 people here, that is, 49 physical saints.

"Uncle, what should I do?"

Yao Guang thought for a moment and said: "Let's try it first, if it doesn't work, we might as well share this opportunity."

Tianquanzi shook his head helplessly, the situation was so helpless.

"Then Master, should I try it first?" Tian Quanzi begged for orders.

"be careful."

Tian Quanzi stepped forward carefully, and approached the 49 flesh-body saints step by step. When they were about ten feet away, the flesh-body saints who had been stunned like puppets moved.

A saint in the flesh came out and blocked Tian Quanzi's way.

Tian Quanzi was secretly pleasantly surprised, but luckily they didn't come out in a swarm, otherwise he was afraid that he would have to explain himself here.

Yao Guang shook his head, in this case, the plan to lure these people away would go bankrupt.

"Test his strength." Yao Guang shouted.

Tianquanzi didn't dare to keep it, and attacked the physical saint with all his strength.

He punched out, and the physical saint also punched out, so frightened that Tian Quanzi quickly withdrew his hand, and flew out an emperor soldier to block in front of him.

With a sound of ping-pong, the emperor's soldiers were smashed into pieces by the fist of the physical saint, and they came whistling with a strong wind. Tian Quanzi then made a move to block it. He felt his arms sink and his body fell down involuntarily. Flying back, he retreated seven or eight steps before standing still.

"Uncle, the power is extremely strong, it must be the sanctification of the body." Tian Quanzi confirmed.

Yao Guang frowned and said: "If that's the case, it will be difficult, let's test other aspects of him."

Tian Quanzi responded, not daring to get closer, and began to use various techniques, but these physical saints seemed not to know any other techniques, and just relied on their physical bodies to resist.But relying on his strong body, most of Tian Quanzi's attacks were useless.

The domain is completely useless, it can't trap the physical saints at all, but the spiritual sense is still somewhat effective, Tian Quanzi secretly heaves a sigh of relief, and finally found the flaws of these physical saints.

But the next moment, to his dismay, another physical saint came out, and the two unceremoniously joined forces.

"Hold on, let's see how many people you can get involved." Yao Guang scolded without making a move.

Tian Quanzi's face turned dark, but he had to persevere. After about 5 minutes, Tian Quanzi finally got used to the attacks of the two flesh-body saints, but the aura of the two flesh-body saints suddenly changed, and the attack became violent in an instant. All of a sudden, he immediately fell into a disadvantage.

The bodies of the two physical saints flickered with some golden light, their defense power was greatly increased, and their attack power was also greatly enhanced.Especially with some resistance to divine thoughts, Tianquanzi saw that the situation was not right, and asked for help in a panic: "Master, save me."

Yao Guang stepped forward quickly, but saw two physical saints walking out directly.She didn't dare to go forward again, and stood still ten feet away, but saw the two new saints in the flesh also retreated.

"Uncle Master?" Tian Quanzi was in a panic, and in just such a moment, he was in danger. Just a distraction, he was immediately rubbed on the arm with a fist, and a large piece of flesh and blood was blown away.

Yao Guang waved out two streams of vitality, attracting the attention of two physical saints, Tian Quanzi quickly rolled on the spot, and finally rolled back.

However, the two physical saints who were fighting against him did not attack again, but walked back instead.

"Thank you uncle for saving me." Tian Quanzi thanked.

Yao Guang shook his head: "This is going to be difficult. We only have 5 minutes. You can restrain two people. I can restrain four people at most. Maybe not all of them. We need help."

Tian Quanzi also said with regret: "It seems so now."

Obviously the heart of the earth is not far away, but unfortunately they can't get it, which is really annoying.

"Without the strength of a semi-sage, I can't survive a move in front of these physical saints. It seems that I need to call on those old guys." Yao Guang shook his head, "Send a message to Ziwei Qiankun and the others."

"Yes!" Tian Quanzi, as the Great Elder of Beidou Cave, naturally had contact information of other sects, and soon he sent out messages one after another.

In the dark, Jiang Xiaobai gave Bai Yu and Lan Yeqing a look, and the three stepped back carefully.

The secret mirror can deceive the secret and cover the figures of the three of them, but it can't resist the investigation of the two seven artifacts, and they will definitely be exposed by then.

"Why don't we use the celestial mirror to obtain the heart of the earth?" Lan Yeqing was unwilling to retreat.

After a while, the semi-sage from the greater secret realm Cave Heaven will come, so where will she be?

"We have no choice but to hide in the dark and wait to fish in troubled waters. Besides, do you think Tian Quanzi and his uncle don't know we're here?" Bai Yu snorted softly.

Lan Yeqing asked inexplicably: "What? They know."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Of course they know that we came first after all, but they pretended not to know, and waited for us to use the magic power of the heaven and earth mirror to deceive the world to obtain the heart of the earth, so that they can get the heart of the earth from us. It's much easier to snatch it than to snatch it from the hands of 49 physical saints."

"Ah—" Lan Yeqing finally realized, "It's so sinister."

Bai Yu sneered: "Don't take these old bastards for granted, otherwise we will definitely be the ones who suffer."

The three of them backed away a little bit again, and hid in a place that was not easy to detect.

On the other side, Tianquanzi and Yaoguang are also transmitting sound.

"Uncle, Jiang Xiaobai was not fooled."

"Hmph, he must be hiding here. These physical saints blocked us, and naturally blocked him. Don't be afraid, when those people come, just use the other six of the seven artifacts to summon him and sacrifice them together Yes. Didn’t you say that he already has the strength of a semi-holy? Although he is not a semi-holy, it is enough.”

A trace of resentment flashed in Tian Quanzi's eyes: "Exactly, this little thief is doomed today."

Huaguo Martial Arts Department, there is still a day's schedule away from here, a flying boat flies rapidly through the sky, suddenly the flying boat pauses, and a figure appears.Several streaks of light directly broke through the void and flew towards the extreme north.

In other places, one after another, the old men were dispatched one after another, rushing towards the extreme north in unison.

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