Huaguo Martial Arts Department, Xie Guan rushed towards Yuxu Palace in a hurry, An Zi, who was arranged in each of the secret caves, sent back the news, and all the elders and half-sages of the caves were dispatched together.

After entering Yuxu Palace, he saw Duan Hong was there, and Duan Hong opened his mouth and said: "The people of Beidoudongtian discovered the heart of the earth, and their great elder Tian Quanzi and Su Lao Yaoguang have already rushed away."

Xie Guanying suddenly understood why those half-saints were dispatched.

"I already know the news about you." There was a flash of light in front of the two of them, and Tong Fangyuan appeared next to them, with a displeased expression on his face, "Damn, things are getting serious now, you guys guard the Martial Arts Department well, old man go too."

In the deep ocean, a piece of news suddenly came, and an old whale suddenly turned into a human form.

"Hmph, Tong Fangyuan, an old ghost, sent me a message? He wanted to swallow wolves and drive tigers away, but whoever said that I can't take down the human race in one fell swoop, hehe. Come on, please go and invite all the semi-sages, our soldiers will send out Far North."

All of a sudden, the earth was full of wind and clouds, and a group of demons danced wildly, all rushing towards the extreme north.

A day later, streams of light flashed, and old people appeared in front of everyone.

Jiang Xiaobai held his breath, Bai Yu also did not dare to be careless, Lan Yeqing suddenly felt a little regretful, she felt that maybe she should leave.These people in front of her were too terrifying, anyone could easily crush her to death.

She saw Zhang Tianfeng, the Great Elder of Ziwei Cave, and beside him was an old man. Seeing Zhang Tianfeng's respectful appearance, she knew that this person should be the real trump card of Ziwei Cave, who had already become a semi-sacred old man for many years.

The old Daoist of the Qiankun Secret Realm also came, and he also became a half-sage. He was accompanied by a young man, but his quaint aura showed that the latter was absolutely extraordinary, and he was obviously the top half-sage of the Qiankun Secret Realm.

The Great Elder and the Half-Saint Elder of the Kunlun Secret Realm have also arrived. There are already four of the former seven sects, and the strength of the eight Half-Saints is shocking.

In addition, there are also seven semi-sages from various sects, who are naturally inferior to the four major sects in terms of strength, but they should not be underestimated.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, Tong Fangyuan had arrived.

"Hahahaha, the human race is gathering again, how can my monster race and sea race be absent?" A long laugh sounded, and then more than 20 half-sages of the monster race and sea race walked in.

Quickly, the human race gathered and confronted the monster sea race.

"Who notified the Yaozu and Haizu, and why did they come here too?"

"What's the point of talking about it now? Besides, we monitor their movements, why don't they monitor ours?"

After a brief discussion, the two sides confronted each other.There are 15 people on the Human Race side, and there are slightly more half-sages from the Monster Race and Sea Race, a total of 23 people.

"Hey, if you human beings are smart, get out of here quickly, or we will destroy you." The Yaozu party took the lead in shouting.The mainland was originally their base, but it is a pity that they have been beaten and retreated in a row over the years, and they have to take shelter of the Sea Clan. They are the most angry at humans, and they wish to kill all humans.

"Damn, a race that is still alive, dares to be arrogant to us. You bastards can't even beat the Martial Arts Department, and you dare to be arrogant with us. You really don't know how to live or die." A half-sage in the cave cursed disdainfully.

The Yaozu who spoke out was upset, he glanced sideways at Dongtian Bansheng and said: "What are you, you are also worthy of talking to Uncle Diao, do you have the guts to come out and fight?"

"Come on, come on, who is afraid of you, in ancient times you were just mounts and food for drinking, but now you have become arrogant." Dongtian Bansheng shouted, and directly pulled out a big knife, the big knife was blood red, and the aura was awe-inspiring. .

The humans and the beasts have absolutely no intention of restraining them, and even intend to promote the battle between the two parties.

"Monster, I remember Guo Huai from the Greedy Wolf Secret Realm beheaded you." The old man exploded in temper, and swung a big knife to slash at the monster.

Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu looked at Lan Yeqing in unison, but saw that Lan Yeqing was looking at Guo Huai with deep hatred in his eyes.

"The Greedy Wolf Secret Realm is just a middle-level force, how could it be possible to cultivate a semi-holy? You are very curious, right?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and Bai Yu sighed softly, needless to say, it was another grudge.

"That's because this old thief has sucked the blood of our Lan family for more than 300 years!" Lan Yeqing gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice, "My Lan family has an extraordinary physique, but every girl must have a purple yin energy. Our daughter has always been the furnace of this old thief."

"Hehe, I wasn't reconciled, so I took the opportunity to sneak out, looking for opportunities, but I met Han Qianyu, I fell in love with him, and gave him my Zicha Yuan Yin Qi, but unfortunately he Wanting to pick me up... don't talk about it, I went back to the secret realm, the old thief was furious, killed my mother in front of my sister and me, and then imprisoned my sister."

Lan Yeqing had tears in her eyes: "Now this old thief has become a semi-saint. There is only one reason. My sister is also dead. I am still too late."

"Hey!" Bai Yu patted Lan Yeqing's shoulder lightly, unable to say any comforting words.

"Jiang Zhanshen, in the current situation, I beg you to help me become a saint. I know it's unrealistic. I just ask you to honor your previous promise and kill this old thief for me."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded emphatically: "I swear to you with my soul, the old thief Guo Huai is dead."

"Thank you." Lan Yeqing said softly, shrinking her body and not speaking.

Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu exchanged a look, and then they both sighed heavily.

In the outside world, Guo Huai and the monsters are fighting in full swing.

Guo Huai's big sword made the tiger powerful and forcibly suppressed the monster. The latter was awe-inspiring and powerful physically, but it was still inferior to humans in terms of the application of divine sense, vitality and other aspects, especially the changes in techniques.

Not long after, the monster fell below. The human side was overjoyed, the monster's face was gloomy, and the sea beast laughed gloatingly.

"Okay, come back, this is a farce." Seeing that the monster was about to die under Guo Huai's knife, a middle-aged man with a pair of dragon horns on his forehead shouted from the side of the sea beast, and grabbed the monster with his open hand. The beast caught it back.

Guo Huai's pupils shrank, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense, he retreated obediently, the sea beast in front of him didn't make a move, just showed his momentum, he knew that he was far inferior to his opponent.

"Hehe, Mr. Long San, you are still alive." The old man in Ziwei Cave said with a smile.

The middle-aged man sneered: "Yangyang, you are living a good life, and you will learn about your Jiyang Art later."

"You should take care of yourself!"

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