The Third Young Master Long smiled: "Okay, these years of recuperation have not erased your sharpness, and I am looking forward to the third battle with you. This time, the winner will be decided."

He changed the subject and pointed to the heart of the earth blocked by 49 physical saints: "But the more important thing at the moment is to obtain the heart of the earth. Anode, whether to cooperate or use each means, depends on you."

"Of course it's up to each other, a group of beasts dare to compete with us humans!" Yao Guang sneered, staring at Young Master Long full of murderous intent.

Young Master Long raised his eyelids, and said with a light smile, "Isn't this Yaoguang? Tsk tsk, you're so old, fortunately, I didn't fall in love with you at that time, otherwise I'm afraid I'll lose my appetite even now."

"You're presumptuous!" Yao Guang was furious, waved his hand, seven dots shone in the void, forming a whip of vitality, which imprisoned Long San as soon as it appeared.

"Go to hell!" The head of the whip swirled nimbly, turned into a snake, and bit Long San's head.

Long San opened his mouth and inhaled, directly swallowing the snake's head. He chewed, and then inhaled the whole day's whip into his stomach.

"Yaoguang, Yaoguang, how many years have passed, you are still so funny, you used a snake to fight the dragon, your brain is broken, you are suffering from Alzheimer's disease, right?"

The monster sea beast laughed loudly, Yao Guangqi's cheeks flushed, and she was secretly angry, her move was indeed inappropriate.

"Long San, what happened back then is over, so why do you have to bring it up again. Junior sister Yaoguang, please be calm." Yang Yang's voice was soft, but it had a force of its own, which eased the killing intent of the confrontation between the two.

Long San sneered and said, "In this way, everyone has to rely on their own abilities, so let's go first."

"Why? We humans should be the first to come." One and one half-saints cried out in disbelief.

"Quiet." Yang Yang shouted, and the half-sages felt the sound explode in their ears, making their hearts and souls a little throbbing. They didn't dare to talk anymore, and each took a few steps back, expressing that they would follow Yang Yang's lead.

"Old rules, three rounds determine the outcome." Long Sangong said.

Yang Yang nodded: "It doesn't matter whether you live or die!"

Third Young Master Long said with a smile: "Then let's choose each other."

Yang Yang's eyes swept across a group of monsters, and finally pointed out a monster.This is a strong monster, but its aura is not stable, and it can be seen that it has become a semi-holy soon.

Young Master Long laughed loudly and said: "Yangyang, you have been fooled. Chaowu, kill him."

He clicked casually, and clicked on a newly promoted semi-sage in Xiaodongtian.

Hua Wu chuckled, and spit out a pill, his aura rose sharply, and his strength increased by at least [-]%, firmly suppressing the power of the newly promoted semi-saint.

"Elder Yangyang, please take care of our Sijidongtian in the future." The newly promoted semi-sage cupped his hands at Elder Yangyang, walked out without hesitation, pulled out a long sword, and said proudly: "Sijidongtian Jiang peak."

Hua Wu curled his lips in disdain: "It's just a little meat, what's the name?"

Hua Wu opened his mouth and roared, and spikes protruded from his body. It turned out that his body was a hedgehog.The sharp thorns are blue, shining with a cold light, and it seems that there is liquid flowing, which is obviously very poisonous.

Everyone was stunned. Wouldn't it be ineffective for physical attacks to do so.

Jiang Feng's hand holding the long sword tightened, and he took the lead, stabbing Hua Wu's chest with a sword.

Hua Wu didn't move at all, allowing Jiang Feng to stab with his sword, and with a ding, Jiang Feng's long sword was bounced away, while Hua Wu Duan stood still, motionless.

"The strength is too weak, just hit me." Hua Wu rushed forward with a simple move, using himself as a weapon.

Jiang Feng quickly dodged, but Hua Wu sneered and said, "If you want to run, stay."

He waved his hand, and blue spikes shot out, shooting towards Jiang Feng at top speed.Jiang Feng's body flickered, but he was surprised to find that there were spikes flickering in front of his eyes again, and it was completely inevitable.

The onlookers could see clearly that at that moment just now, Hua Wu shot no less than tens of thousands of spikes, completely covering all the space where Jiang Feng dodged.

This is basically undeniable, and can only be carried forward.

"Ding ding ding..." Jiang Feng's long sword hit the spike, sparking a spark of electricity.

"I'm here." Hua Wu had already rushed over, and his chest hit him.

With a loud bang, Jiang Feng was hit and flew backwards.

Everyone could hear clearly that Jiang Feng's domain was shattered by the collision just now.Although he blocked the current move, as long as Hua Wu continued to hit him, Jiang Feng would definitely lose.

"Four poles sword array!" Jiang Feng calmed down his surging vitality, and quickly used the four poles' exquisite technique.

With a sway of his body, four of him suddenly appeared, wrapping Huawu in it, and the four of them each used different sword techniques, and quickly connected into a sword net, forming a sword formation, rolling and rolling Kill towards Huawu.

"Oh, it's interesting." Young Master Long San smiled, "Chaowu, stop playing, he won't die within ten moves, I'll send you on your way."

"Yes!" Hua Wu hurriedly said, and he looked at Jiang Feng with contempt and said, "Boy, I wanted to have fun with you, but Master Long San ordered you to go on the road."

Hua Wu shouted loudly: "Long!"

The spikes on his body grew rapidly and became long spears, "Shoot!"

One after another, the long spears shot out, shooting towards the four Jiang Fengs.

The moment the sword formation touched the spear, the spear and sword energy shattered one after another, but after the sword formation shattered, more spears pierced out.

Jiang Feng dodged quickly, but he was powerless in the face of such a large number of spears.

The four figures quickly merged into one, and he opened his own domain again, then waved out magic weapons one after another, trying to resist the surprise attack of the spear.

Click, click, the sound became louder and louder, and Jiang Feng couldn't help but spit out a stream of blood.

He is also a ruthless person, shouting loudly: "Explosion!"

He knew that he was bound to die, and hoped to take this little girl on the road together.

The Wuwu monster screamed, rolled up and turned into a little hedgehog, and was blasted into the sky by Jiang Feng's self-destructing airflow.

On both sides, the human race and the monster race retreated respectively, and swayed various restrictions to block the power of self-destruction.

After a few breaths, Hua Wu fell from the sky, his face was pale and he suffered serious injuries.

"Damn it, humans are all lunatics." Hua Wu roared, his eyes were full of resentment, the self-explosion just now hurt his foundation, and he needs at least a few years to recuperate.

Yang Yang sighed lightly: "Long San, you guys won this game!"

Long San laughed: "Soldiers never tire of cheating. I learned from you humans. We are weak in the first round and strong in the second round. Then invite your apprentice Zhang Tianfeng to fight. Even I have heard of his name." .”

"Okay, let's invite the whale and sea beasts to fight!"

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