Dominate the world

Chapter 949 New Headmaster

"Shut up, son of heaven, you are worthy of talking to me even if you are a defeated general." Jiang Xiaobai scolded unceremoniously.

Tian Quanzi's face was embarrassing, and he glared at Jiang Xiaobai angrily: "At this time, you still dare to be arrogant, Jiang Xiaobai, you will die today."

Everyone looked at Tian Quanzi in astonishment, full of puzzlement, Tian Quanzi was actually defeated by Jiang Xiaobai?

Cough cough--

Yang Yang suddenly coughed lightly, suppressing everyone's discussion.He looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "Little friend, have you defeated Tian Quanzi?"

Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands respectfully: "Jiang Xiaobai has met Senior Yang Yang, yes, just a few hours ago, the junior won the Tianquanzi, if it wasn't for his many secret skills and running away in time, he would have been killed by the junior." Knocked off the horse."

"Okay, very good." Yang Yang said appreciatively.

Tian Quanzi's face darkened, this was really a slap in the face.Yao Guang's face was also very ugly, she snorted softly: "Yangyang, what do you mean?"

Yang Yang smiled, leaned forward and said, "Junior Sister Yaoguang laughed, everyone will not forget the bet with Long San. Now that little friend Jiang is playing, we may not be invincible?"

"Not bad!" Some half-saints said in surprise, the situation turned around at this moment, which made them overjoyed.

Long San's face turned extremely ugly, and he snorted coldly: "I want to see if an emperor-level eighth-dan really has the strength to fight against a half-sage, Wu Xiong, don't embarrass me."

"Young master, please rest assured, the little one will definitely kill this human race in person." A sea beast came out in response.

"Boy, go and kill that turtle, don't lose face to our human race." A semi-saint smiled, and several people encouraged him, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with hopeful eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't go out, he looked at all the semi-sages cupped their hands, and said very politely: "Seniors seem to have forgotten, I never promised to make a move!"

The semi-sacred human beings had a lively meal, only to realize that it was indeed their wishful thinking.

"Of course, this junior is happy to represent the human race in battle, but this junior has a few small requirements." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Tian Quanzi scolded loudly: "You are worthy?"

Jiang Xiaobai suppressed his anger for a long time. He grabbed it with his empty hand, and an invisible sword energy shining with golden light condensed out, rushing towards Tian Quanzi Biao.

While in the air, the sword energy turned into two, and the second turned into four. In just a short moment, the sword energy has reached sixteen, locking Tian Quanzi in all directions.

A dragon chant sounded suddenly, but the half-saints present could hear it clearly, it was the fusion of sixteen dragon chant sounds.All the half saints felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the sixteen sword qi turned into sixteen dragons.

These dragons are lifelike, and the details are exquisite to the extreme, which makes people's hearts throbbing and unforgettable.

Tian Quanzi let out a cry of surprise, and hurriedly swayed the field, waving his hands repeatedly to strike a series of restraints, shining in the shape of seven stars, turning into a round of Big Dipper, resisting in front of him.

There was a sharp shattering sound, and Shenlong's body exploded, sixteen explosions in a row, all tyrannical.

Finally, the golden light receded, revealing the figure of Tianquanzi.He was in a state of embarrassment, his clothes were torn, blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, and a blood hole was broken in his torso, and blood flowed in waves.

All the half-sages present gasped, Tianquanzi was definitely not weak, yet he was seriously injured by Jiang Xiaobai with one move!

Everyone, all monsters and sea beasts looked at Jiang Xiaobai, without any contempt, this is a master.

Jiang Xiaobai stood proudly where he was, as if this was a matter of course.It's just that his heart was bleeding. In the blow just now, in order to pursue power, he incorporated a ball of Dao Yun, which was the best Tao Rhyme bred by the heart of the earth!

"This is the light-splitting sword and shadow technique of Lingxu Dongtian? How could you do it? Is this a secret technique that only the head teacher of Lingxu Dongtian can learn?" Yang Yang suddenly said.

Not only Yang Yang, but Yao Guang, Xie Kun from Qiankun Secret Realm, and Fairy Qianyue from Kunlun Secret Realm were extremely surprised.

"It is said that the light-splitting sword shadow technique can be divided into eighty-eight 64 swords at most. When practiced to the extreme, each sword has all the power of the body, and one sword is equivalent to 64 swords. It is so powerful that it can be said to be the number one sword technique in ancient times. "

The beautiful woman in Kunlun Secret Realm said leisurely, her eyes looked at Jiang Xiaobai: "Who are you?"

"This senior?"

"Hehe, old man Qianyue."

Jiang Xiaobai clasped his hands and said, "Jiang Xiaobai from the Martial Arts Department of Huaguo paid a visit to Senior Qianyue. This junior is indeed not from the sect of the secret realm. But this junior has indeed obtained the inheritance of the secret realm of the spirit void, and he promised Master Tianzhen that he will definitely repeat it." Vibrate the Lingxu Cave, and make the Lingxu Cave flourish again."

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai took out a token, and it shone high in the air.

The token was neither gold nor jade, and it was somewhat translucent, but in Jiang Xiaobai's palm, it shone with dazzling light, and the word "Lingxu" shone brightly.

"How is this possible, Master Tianzhen has already died, and the Lingxu Token has been lost?" Yao Guang shouted, "I don't know where you got it from, but you still dare to bluff here?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and said, "Crazy woman, calm down, now I have been approved by Master Naive, and I have become the new head teacher of Lingxu Dongtian. My head teacher may not be as powerful as you, but my status may not be in the same position as you." under you."

Yao Guang continued to yell, but Fairy Qianyue stopped Yao Guang lightly, and asked softly: "Master Jiang, there is no need to get angry, can you explain to me?"

With her sound, she recognized Jiang Xiaobai's identity, and Jiang Xiaobai naturally smiled at him.He pretended to take a deep breath, and said slowly: "When you came in, you should have watched the battlefield outside, right?"

Everyone nodded. They also felt that the battlefield was extraordinary, but found that there was almost nothing to detect, and they were all ashes.

"In fact, those ashes are the ancestors of my Lingxu Cave and the seniors of the Xuanyuan family. They are already dead, but under the nourishment of the heart of the earth, they have become half-dead..."

Jiang Xiaobai slowly narrated the matter, including the cause and effect of the destruction of the Lingxu Cave and Heaven, various problems in the heart of the earth, and various hazards of the sacrificial seal.

"So that's the case. Then, if you say that, these physical saints are the first wave of sects to seal the heart of the earth?" Yang Yang sighed.

Jiang Xiaobai said loudly: "Exactly!"

"Respectable, admirable!" Yang Yang sighed.

"Hmph, Brother Yang Yang, don't be fooled by this little thief. This kid has a criminal record. Before, he was able to pretend to be Han Qianyu and lead the Linlang Cave, but now he can pretend to be the new head teacher and lead the Lingxu Cave."

Yao Guang said gloomyly: "We should kill this kid and rebuild the Lingxu Cave. We must not let the Lingxu Cave fall into the hands of thieves!"

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