Dominate the world

Chapter 950 Hidden Power

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help laughing out loud, he looked at Yao Guang with contempt, and sneered, "Old woman, you are really despicable, no wonder you taught such a shameless person as Tianquanzi. This teacher was hand-picked by Master Tianzheng My headmaster, what kind of thing are you, dare to make false claims to restore my spiritual void?"

He absorbed two balls of dao rhyme with his left and right hands, and was ready to make a move, at worst, he would use the combination of swords and swords, and he also wanted to maintain the strength of Lingxu Dongtian in front of everyone.

"Looking for death!" Yao Guang yelled angrily, with a strong breath on his body, he was about to make a move.

Fairy Qianyue stopped Yaoguang again, and she advised: "Senior sister Yaoguang, please calm down, there will naturally be a dispute after right and wrong, and we should win the third game first."

Yang Yang nodded and said: "What Fairy Qianyue said is true."

He looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and said calmly: "Jiang Xiaoyou, can you tell me about your request? But it's not a few, just one."

Jiang Xiaobai sighed secretly, the address of Yang Yang showed that he did not recognize himself at all, which meant that there were many hidden dangers in the future.As for agreeing to one or two conditions, there is no difference in sincerity.

"My condition is very simple, and I won't embarrass you, that is, no one can hurt the two of them. I mean no one can."

Yang Yang nodded: "This is no problem, their level is too low, and no one will embarrass them."

Lan Yeqing's heart warmed, and she looked at Jiang Xiaobai gratefully, which meant that she would not die at last.

Bai Yu shook his head slightly, and said via voice transmission: "You should talk about the sacrifice. Even if they know the reason, most of these people will try it."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "I know, but it's useless, they won't agree to that request."

Bai Yu thought for a while, and indeed, he sighed and said nothing more.

"Okay, the conditions have been negotiated, let's play."

Young Master Long snorted coldly: "No need, we admit defeat in this game and let you come first. You may not have a chance to get the heart of the earth, especially if one of you has already died, hahahaha! "

In this game, they lost, but one person died on the human side. It is hard to say who will win and who will lose.

On the human side, the joy of winning the gamble was also swept away, especially some of the semi-sages who had intersected with Jiang Feng, and there was a little bit of silent mourning.

Yang Yang snorted: "Don't be disturbed by him, we're starting to break the ban, Long San will ask you to leave, it's limited to one day, how about it?"

Long San flatly refused: "One day? It's too long! These physical saints are just puppets, so it doesn't take a day, half a day at most."

Yang Yang smiled slightly: "Alright, then please."

Third Young Master Long snorted angrily: "Let's go!"

He knew that he had been tricked by the anode again, and the bottom line of the anode was definitely less than half a day.But he has always been very arrogant. Now that he has spoken, he no longer argues, and leads a group of monsters and sea beasts to fly out.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter how strong you are, you're a bunch of brainless beasts after all." Some half-saints mocked unceremoniously.

"Everyone, work harder." Yang Yang smiled.

All the saints nodded again and again, they naturally knew that no matter whether they had grabbed the heart of the earth or not, Long San and his party would make a move.But at least if they get it first, they have the upper hand.

"Junior Sister Yaoguang, you were the first to see them, how strong are these physical saints?" Yang Yang asked.

Yao Guang also knew that time was running out, she said in a deep voice: "Within ten feet, our attack will be ineffective. The strength of these physical saints should be at the level of beginners and half saints, but if one loses, two will come out." .And 5 minutes is a hurdle, after which the strength will increase rapidly. I tried it before. Tianquanzi can hold two, and I can hold three to four."

Yao Guang turned to look at Tian Quanzi: "How is your injury?"

There was a trace of disgust in her eyes, Tian Quanzi was defeated by Jiang Xiaobai in one move, and they almost lost their people in the Big Dipper.

"This disciple should still be able to block one person." Tian Quanzi said in a low voice, his domain was broken, and the injury was serious.

Yang Yang quickly calculated and said: "Let's try first."

He waved his hand and shot out a burst of vitality, and sure enough, it dissipated when he entered the ten feet of the physical saint.

"However, once you lose the enemy, as long as you escape a distance of ten feet, you will be fine."

All the half-sacred heart gods breathed a sigh of relief in unison. Following Yang Yang's order, they stepped forward together and entered within ten feet. Immediately, the flesh-body saints strode out one by one, and each found their corresponding opponent.

In the rear, Jiang Xiaobai and the others seemed to be forgotten and ignored.

"Hmph, it's really a good plan. There are monsters and sea beasts waiting outside. They know that we dare not leave. But now they ignore us, and they will sacrifice you, Xiaobai, after waiting." Bai Yu sneered, telling the truth the plans of these people.

Lan Yeqing was silent, she also thought of it, but she was too embarrassed to say it.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and said, "Don't worry, they want to plot against me, hum, I'm afraid they will fight with each other and the fisherman will gain."

Seeing that the two were suspicious, Jiang Xiaobai used the secret mirror, blinded the aura of the three, and sealed off the space where the three were located.

"Bai Yu, after coming here, I suddenly discovered a problem, and we took it for granted."

"Oh, what do you say?" Bai Yu asked in surprise.

Jiang Xiaobai said: "It's about the seal! Because of our philosophy, we take it for granted that it is to save the common people, but is it really? Miss Lan, what do you think?"

Lan Yeqing's eyes lit up suddenly, and she exclaimed in surprise: "So, I've been feeling something is wrong since I came here, so it's because of us."

Bai Yu became more and more confused: "What are you talking about?"

Lan Yeqing said with emotion: "Mr. Bai, you are open-minded and care about the common people, so you don't notice it. But as far as we are concerned, there is no need to take action if there is no benefit. Look at these half-holy, half-holy, facing The heart of the earth, the covetousness in those eyes makes you feel disgusting, does such a person have the heart to save the world and the common people?"

"So, let's push forward. The first person who chose to seal the heart of the earth was to save the people of Liming? I deeply doubt it!"

Speaking of this, Bai Yu still didn't understand. He was surprised: "You are saying that this is intentional, someone deliberately sealed the heart of the earth, in order to wait for the heart of the earth to grow, and then come to pick peaches."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "I'm pretty sure now, that is to say, there is still a person or a group of people hiding in the dark, and we are just their bait."

Even though they guessed it, Bai Yu and Lan Yeqing still felt a chill running down their backs, and the situation became more and more confusing.

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