Dominate the world

Chapter 951 The Countdown Begins

On the other side, under the leadership of Yang Yang, the fourteen saints finally restrained more than 30 physical saints, but due to the disadvantage of the number, it was still a bit stretched.

"Yangyang, it's not a solution for us to go on like this?" Fairy Qianyue said in a deep voice, she restrained the four flesh saints, but the other half saints were much worse, making it difficult for them to achieve their goals.

And once 5 minutes passed, the strength of these physical saints soared, forcing them to withdraw from the ten-foot range and start over again.

An hour had passed, and they found helplessly that they still had nothing to do.

"Master Jiang, you've seen enough, how about coming over to help?" Fairy Qianyue said suddenly.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Yangyang, obviously the latter was unwilling to bow his head, so he let Fairy Qianyue speak.

However, Yang Yang's hand did hit him seven inches.Under the current situation, he had no choice but to make a move. If he didn't eat a toast, he could only eat a fine wine.Fairy Qianyue has always treated him well, if he refused, he would not give Fairy Qianyue face and offend others for nothing.

He smiled and replied: "The boy's strength is low, but since it is called by the fairy, the junior should try his best."

Fairy Qianyue smiled slightly: "Teacher Jiang, you're being polite. You and I belong to the same sect, so don't say too much about the words of the seniors."

"Yes, thank you for the fairy's teaching." Jiang Xiaobai said politely, and walked over.

Yang Yang didn't speak, but Yao Guang snorted. She naturally understood the trickiness between the two of them.Since ancient times, Ziwei Beidou has mostly been an alliance, and even married many times. The relationship is close. lonely.

Now, it is obvious that they want to form a clique.

"Be careful." Fairy Qianyue complied.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and walked carefully within ten feet. Everyone stared at him for a moment, and then they all sighed.

Yang Yang frowned. In his opinion, the arrival of the Son of Luck should cause some visions, but unfortunately, there was no reaction.

"Junior sister Yaoguang, are you sure this kid is the child of luck?" Yang Yang said via voice transmission.

Yao Guang was stunned, and said back: "I'm not sure, but the outside world has been spreading it all the time. And this kid has reached the current stage in less than ten years. You also saw the realm of the eighth stage of the emperor before, but it seriously hurt the sky. Quanzi, how could he do these things if he is not the son of luck?"

Yang Yang nodded: "That's true. In that case, we have no other choice. Maybe we need to cooperate with those monsters and sea beasts. Let's try again?"

"it is good!"

Some people worked hard again, although Jiang Xiaobai joined, but it was just joining a new force.Jiang Xiaobai deliberately restrained his strength, only to restrain a saint in the flesh, so as not to waste a little more strength.

After 5 minutes, Yang Yang signaled everyone to back off.

"It seems that we need to cooperate with the monsters and sea beasts. Our strength alone is not enough to break through this human wall."

All the half-sages had no objection either, they had tried it many times before, and even forcibly rushed forward and suffered some minor injuries.If they really try their best, not to mention whether they can get the heart of the earth, then they will not have the strength to fight against the monsters and sea beasts.

Soon, the monster and sea beast came in.

Young Master Long San smiled proudly: "You humans are really not long enough to admit defeat so quickly!"

Those present were all old fellows, their faces were already overjoyed, and no one paid any attention to Young Master Long's teasing.Mr. Long San made himself feel bored, he laughed, and said unhappily: "Then you go out, if we can't break it, I will ask you to cooperate."

"Alright." Yang Yang didn't seem worried at all, and led the crowd out.

Jiang Xiaobai said to Bai Yu and Lan Yeqing: "Let's go too, let's go out first."

Out of the outer court, Jiang Xiaobai pulled the two of them a little further away, and suggested, "Why don't you two withdraw first, because they may not dare to fight face to face due to the oath, but they have to guard against shady tricks..."

Bai Yu shook his head: "Xiaobai, you don't need to say much, I won't leave. Although I am weak, I am not afraid of death. These people are powerful, and no one will care about me. Maybe at a critical moment, I will Instead, it will be the winner.”

Jiang Xiaobai still wanted to comfort him, but Bai Yu just shook his head.

"I'll stay too!" Lan Yeqing said decisively.

"I'm not being arrogant, but I don't want to abandon you at this time. Speaking of which, the past few months have been the happiest days of my life. Whether it is Mr. Jiang or Mr. Bai, you have treated me very well, and there is no Look down on me at all, on the contrary respect me, I can see the sincerity in your eyes."

Lan Yeqing smiled bitterly: "I wish I wasn't born in the sect. It would be great if I was born in your martial arts department, and it would be great if I was born in Huaguo. If I can survive this time, I hope I can Join your Budo Club. If I die here, I hope to be able to really do something."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, and said sincerely: "You don't need to be like this, Huaguo has always been inclusive, as long as you have the blood of the descendants of Yan and Huang in your body, you are a Huaguo person. You are willing to fight for Huaguo and protect Huaguo. Common people, you are a member of the Martial Arts Department, regardless of whether you sacrificed or not, and how much you contributed, you are all brothers and sisters of my Martial Arts Department, and you are a family."

Bai Yu smiled and nodded: "If you have this awareness, you are now a member of the Martial Arts Department."

"Thank you." Lan Yeqing was moved, "Then I will stay even more. Abandoning comrades is not the style of the Martial Arts Department, is it?"

A cold snort came from afar, but it was Guo Huai from Tanlang Secret Realm.

He glared at Jiang Xiaobai and the others with dark eyes, and said with a sneer, "Childish!"

Lan Yeqing's eyes turned cold, and she was about to stand up desperately, holding her down with one hand, "I'll do it!"

Jiang Xiaobai said carelessly: "Guo Huai, I'm going to kill you now, and no one can stop me. I'll give you ten counts to escape, Junior Sister Lan, start the countdown."

Lan Yeqing was startled, and shook her head again and again, with so many people watching, how could they let Guo Huai die in front of their eyes.

"Trust Xiaobai, he will do what he says!" Bai Yu said with a smile, "Report the number."

Lan Yeqing took a deep breath: "Ten, nine..."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't speak, but just looked at Guo Huai calmly, with a slight smile on his lips, showing no killing intent.

Guo Huai sneered, and he spread his arms and said proudly: "So what if you are better than the old man, there are many semi-saints here, do you think you can bypass them? You obviously don't take them seriously. "

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