Dominate the world

Chapter 953: Spirit Deficiency Rescue

The eyes of all the semi-sages became serious. They felt the tyranny and overbearingness of this move. They quickly thought about some rescue possibilities, and then found out with horror that if they go to the rescue, they are more likely to bury themselves in this move. Under the sword.

Tian Quanzi swallowed his saliva, and said coldly: "Master, this is the move, but it seems to be more powerful than before."

Yao Guang's eyes were also frightened, she clearly felt that this move had the power to seriously injure her, if there was any change in this move, it might not be impossible to keep her.

"Back!" Yao Guang said suddenly, her body floated backwards.

Tian Quanzi retreated immediately, and the other half-saints also retreated again and again.

Yang Yang's eyes turned cold, Yao Guang could see the tyranny of Jiang Xiaobai's move, why couldn't he see it.But to kill a Guo Huai, how can I use this move, this move is clearly used by Jiang Xiaobai to deal with himself!

This kid, really dare?

"Elder Yang Yang, save me!" Guo Huai wailed frantically, he knew that under this knife, he would definitely die.

Jiang Xiaobai frantically injected his vitality. Although the power of this move was unparalleled, it required too much energy. However, in the eyes of everyone, it was Jiang Xiaobai who was still gaining momentum, and the slowness of the move was obvious. luring them to save lives.

If Jiang Xiaobai could explain it, he would absolutely yell that he was wronged.

But at this moment, he almost couldn't control the vitality in his body, so how could he speak.

Unanimously, everyone's eyes turned to Yang Yang. From their point of view, Jiang Xiaobai's move was clearly aimed at Yang Yang.

Yang Yang was caught on the shelf, it was not right to save people, let alone not to save people, it was difficult for him to make a decision for a while.

"Jiang Xiaobai, right now we are fighting sea beasts and monsters. Why do you want to kill Elder Guo Huai in vain? Brother Yang Yang, let's work together to save Elder Guo Huai?"

Suddenly, Yao Guang's voice sounded.

Yang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Yao Guang gratefully, and the two rushed up together.

The two of them will be injured if they rely on them alone, but if they attack together, there will be no problem.

"Humble..." Lan Yeqing opened her mouth to scold, but Bai Yu grabbed her and covered her mouth.

The other semi-sanzizi breathed a sigh of relief, this is the best solution.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart was completely enraged, and the two of them went to the table together, as if they were vegetarians.He no longer restrained himself, and frantically poured all his vitality into Dao Dao Dao and Sword Art. With the support of the Tai Chi disc, the power of the top-grade Dao Rhyme of the two hearts of the earth burst out.

The sword finally cut off!

The intense light covered everything, and all the half-saints found that the energy in the battle was too violent, and they couldn't see clearly what happened inside.And the hot and torrential air waves rushed in all directions, and they had no choice but to retreat again, for fear of being affected.

Bai Yu and Lan Yeqing were directly blown away by the air wave, and they stabilized their bodies after being blown far away. They hurriedly looked towards the battle place.

Yang Yang and Yao Guang blocked Jiang Xiaobai's sword and sword, but Guo Huai under the sword turned into four pieces.Although the Yangyang and Yaoguang blocked most of the power, but only the overflowing power killed Guo Huai.

"Little thief, you are so brave!" Yang Yang was completely enraged, and this bastard boy slapped him in the face.

A hint of sinisterness flashed in Yao Guang's eyes, and she said coldly: "Demon, you have killed innocent people indiscriminately, go to hell!"

She withdrew her sword abruptly, and then stabbed at Jiang Xiaobai.

The anode didn't seem to move, but there was a burst of vitality on the sword, which suppressed Jiang Xiaobai's sword forcibly, making him unable to move.

"Despicable!" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help cursing.

Everyone thought that Jiang Xiaobai was scolding Yaoguang, but Yang Yang knew that Jiang Xiaobai was scolding himself.

"Be merciful." Fairy Qianyue exclaimed, and rushed forward with a sword, trying to block Yaoguang's sneak attack.

But Yaoguang's strength is extremely high, not inferior to hers, and the distance between the two is still far away. Fairy Qianyue knows that she probably won't be able to block Yaoguang's sneak attack in time, and only hopes to save Jiang Xiaobai's life.

"Xiaobai?" Bai Yu's eyes turned red.

"Senior Brother Jiang?" Lan Yeqing also screamed, with blood streaming from both eyes.

Seeing that Yao Guang's long sword was about to pierce Jiang Xiaobai's body, a series of powerful and domineering voices suddenly sounded.

"Who dares to hurt my head teacher Lingxu!"

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt a new force surging from his feet, supporting the strong pressure of the anode in one fell swoop.It still didn't stop, this force was still surging, filling Jiang Xiaobai's whole body in an instant, and it was still pouring in crazily.

This torrential force was like sea water pouring into a river. Even Jiang Xiaobai's physical body couldn't bear it for a while, and he couldn't help bleeding from his seven orifices, but the violent force voluntarily waved out along his hands. .


Yang Yang suddenly felt a huge force coming, which he couldn't resist at all, and involuntarily flew upside down, and a mouthful of blood flew out in the air.Fortunately, he saw the opportunity quickly, and waved out the Haoyang Shuttle, the brilliance on the Haoyang Shuttle shone, blocking the blow for him, Yang Yang hurriedly used his strength to retreat, and finally let go of the terrifying force.

Yao Guang used all her skills on the long sword, but she found that she had only penetrated into Jiang Xiaobai's body a little bit, and her long sword couldn't penetrate it.

From Jiang Xiaobai's skin, a spiritual light shone, enveloping her long sword.

"Junior Sister Yaoguang, step back and show the Seven Star Map." Yang Yang hastily reminded.

Yao Guang's reaction was so fast that he didn't even need the sword in his hand, and wanted to run away after waving the seven-star map.

"Where are you going!" Jiang Xiaobai roared, kicking him.

With a bang, Jiang Xiaobai kicked a formation map, and the Tianji mirror in his body suddenly flew up spontaneously, suspended in the air.

One palm clasped the Heavenly Secret Mirror, one after another spells were shot out, and then a purple light shot out, freezing Yao Guang who was trying to escape.

"Junior, you dare to hurt me, head of Lingxu, you should hit me!"

In the distance, everyone was outside the scene and could see clearly that it was an illusory old man.The old man's eyes were piercing, and his power was boundless. He came to Yao Guang's body with one leap, and slapped Yao Guang's face with a slap.

"Slap!" The applause was loud.

"Papa..." The old man slapped Yaoguang more than a dozen times in a row before releasing Yaoguang, "If it wasn't for the sake of your patriarch's good looks, I would kill you today."

Yaoguang fell backwards and fell heavily on the ground, in a panic.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly bowed to salute: "Jiang Xiaobai did not intend to deceive before when he visited Master Tianzhen."

"The old man has already seen it when he taught you the secrets of the exercises, but the old man still taught it to you, because the old man saw a heart of sincerity. All this should not have been exposed, but now that it has been said, you Are you willing to worship this old man as your teacher?"

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