Dominate the world

Chapter 954 Gift

Jiang Xiaobai quickly knelt down on both knees, and kowtowed nine times to Master Tianzhen: "Disciple Jiang Xiaobai pays homage to Master!"

"Okay, from today onwards, Jiang Xiaobai will be the head teacher of my Lingxu Cave, who dares to refuse?" Master Tianzhen stared at everyone with a pair of tiger eyes, and all the half-sages present shuddered with fear.

Fairy Qianyue came out with big strides: "Junior Qianyue, the current headmaster of the Kunlun Secret Realm, pays my respects to senior, I have met headmaster Jiang."

"Well, Kunlun has always been pure-hearted and ascetic, unwilling to mix with the outside world, you are doing well, little girl."

Fairy Qianyue couldn't help but blush a little, she was almost a thousand years old, and was called a little girl in the end, but in front of the innocent master, she had no choice but to respond.

Xie Kun from Qiankun Secret Realm greeted him, and also paid a visit.

Seeing that the two major secret realms of Kunlun and Qiankun came forward to pay respects, the other half-sages rushed over and paid respects one by one.

Venerable Master Tianzhen glanced at Yang Yang and Yao Guang sideways: "Why, you two are not convinced."

Yao Guang glared at Jiang Xiaobai bitterly, but finally cupped his hands casually: "Master Jiang."

Yang Yang snorted lightly: "Senior, you don't have much time to exist, do you?"

"You can try it!" The innocent old man shouted.

Yang Yang smiled slightly: "Don't dare, the senior accepts apprentices, how dare the junior not give the senior face, Master Jiang."

Master Tianzhen looked at Jiang Xiaobai with satisfaction and said: "Your strength is already very high, and you need to walk the road ahead by yourself, and external help will make your vitality mottled, you two come here!"

Bai Yu and Lan Yeqing flew over in a hurry, and bowed to Tian Zhen: "Your junior is ashamed."

Tian Zhen smiled, showing kindness: "You two are still too weak, so I will help you both."

As Master Tianzhen said, he slapped the two of them on the forehead with both palms, and the realm of the two of them rose rapidly.

A few minutes later, Bai Yu let out a long cry, suspended in the air, his arms trembled, and the power of the semi-holy was clearly evident.Not long after, Lan Yeqing also flew up in mid-air, showing her semi-holy cultivation.

All the semi-saints looked dumbfounded, their eyes were full of jealousy, they had worked hard for many years and went through many hardships before finally becoming a semi-saint, but these two little guys became a semi-saint easily.

"Bai Yu, let's have a chat." The innocent said.

Bai Yu hurriedly followed, and everyone could see clearly that after imparting the exercises, the phantom of the innocent master became more and more empty.

Venerable Master Tianzhen issued a restriction that enveloped the two of them, and then he said: "You always knew that you were the child of luck this time, right?"

Bai Yu nodded bitterly: "Yes, I've always known that this time I forcibly followed to become Xiaobai, I hope he..."

"I know, you are also a good boy." Master Tianzhen said with emotion, "I want to tell you, maybe you don't necessarily need to die here, the heart of the earth has been left with a mark, and only you can save everyone at that time." people."

Bai Yu asked in surprise, "Senior, do you mean that the seal of the heart of the earth was intentionally made?"

"The old man is sure, well, I can't say more, the old man will sleep forever, and the future belongs to your younger generation, so you can take care of yourself."

Master Tianzhen's voice gradually disappeared, and his figure also disappeared.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, he grabbed a handful of ashes, and he no longer had the slightest charm.

Unable to restrain himself, Jiang Xiaobai knelt down: "Respectfully send off Master!"

"Send off senior!" Fairy Qianyue also bowed to the battlefield three times, and Xie Kun, the half-sage of Qiankun Secret Realm, followed suit.

Yang Yi suddenly walked over, and also bowed three times to the battlefield, the other half-saints were secretly relieved, and hurriedly followed to pay their respects.

From the beginning to the end, Yao Guang's face was dark, he didn't say a word, and there was no movement.Tianquanzi carefully stood behind Yaoguang, bowed his head and brows, for fear of offending Yaoguang.

After Jiang Xiaobai thanked Fairy Qianyue and Xie Kun, he came to Bai Yu and Lan Yeqing and congratulated them.

"Senior Brother Jiang, I'm so ashamed that we took your opportunity." Lan Yeqing said shyly.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "What are you talking about? Didn't the master say it all? My skills are not suitable for teaching skills, so I can only cultivate by myself."

"That's right, you are the child of luck after all, and the exercises you practice may not be under the spirit void cave." Lan Yeqing said narrowly.

Her mind was completely brightened, and she also joked with Jiang Xiaobai.This trip has gained a lot, which made her elated. The big enemy is dead, and she has become a semi-saint, and she still has the hope of becoming a saint. In the past, she didn't dare to think about it at all.

Unexpectedly, she just let go of her calculations and wanted to help Jiang Xiaobai sincerely, but in the end she received such an extraordinary gift. Apart from apologizing, she also made a plan in her heart to fight for the Martial Arts Department in the future.


Jiang Xiaobai stopped Bai Yu's words: "Since Master called you over alone, he must not want me to know. Why do you need to explain to me? We still need an explanation!"

"That's right, there's no need to explain between us!" Bai Yu stretched out his hand and shook Jiang Xiaobai's hand tightly.

Lan Yeqing's heart moved, she also reached out her hand, and tightly held the hands of the two of them, and the three of them couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled.

Many half saints looked at the three with emotion. Who would have thought that they had worked so hard this time, but these three juniors had benefited a lot.

"Congratulations to both of you." Fairy Qianyue smiled and cupped hands with Bai Yulan and Ye Qing.

The two quickly returned the gift: "Thank you, senior."

Fairy Qianyue is very friendly: "I have told Master Jiang before, and now we are all of the same combat power, as long as we are of the same generation."

Xie Kun from Qiankun Secret Realm also came over and congratulated him.

Qiankun Secret Realm and Kunlun Secret Realm are powerful, so they don't need to take care of the faces of Ziwei and Bidou Dongtian, but the other half-sages have to take care of Yang Yang and Yaoguang's faces, they just smile and don't dare to get too close.

The Great Elder of Qiankun Secret Realm Cang Sheng Laodao and the Great Elder of Kunlun Secret Realm Yun Xianzi also came over and chatted with Jiang Xiaobai and the three of them amicably.

Unknowingly, one side of the human race is divided into two forces, one side has nine people dominated by Ziwei Beidou, and the other side has seven people, namely Qiankun Kunlun and Jiang Xiaobai.

"Fairy Qianyue, Elder Xie, what do you think of the Heart of the Earth in the future, are you still planning to seal it?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, the current situation is opposite, it is a good time to split the demi-sages.

Fairy Qianyue and Xie Kun looked at each other. They couldn't see what Jiang Xiaobai was thinking, but this was indeed a problem that needed attention at the moment, and it could no longer be avoided.

They also know about the problem of the heart of the earth, and if they continue to seal it, it will be tantamount to deception, but how to deal with it also makes them embarrassed.

Jiang Xiaobai simply added more fire, he said in a deep voice: "The two elders know that the heart of the earth does not necessarily need to be a saint."

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