After a while, Bai Yu's face finally turned rosy. He took out a pill from the storage ring and was about to swallow it.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were sharp, and he immediately saw that this elixir was the ultimate healing elixir refined by Gongsun Long. none.

Extraordinary efficacy, but also great disadvantages!

Jiang Xiaobai quickly stopped Bai Yu's actions, and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

Bai Yu nodded: "Sure."

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai replied, since Bai Yu insisted, he must have his reasons.

After Bai Yu took the Returning Heaven Pill, a few minutes later, he fully recovered from his injuries and stood up.

"Xiaobai, Junior Sister Lan, I have something to tell you." Bai Yu said, giving Jiang Xiaobai a look.

Jiang Xiaobai directly hit the secret mirror, blinding the figures and auras of the three of them.

Bai Yu took a deep breath, his expression extremely solemn: "I am the real child of luck!"

Lan Yeqing exclaimed, then tightly covered her mouth, her eyes kept changing on Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Yu, she couldn't believe it.Then, she was suddenly moved. Bai Yu just told himself such a big secret. This was 100% trust in him.

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Xiaobai, aren't you surprised?"

Jiang Xiaobai sighed lightly: "I have some guesses, and the more important thing is that I always know that I am not the so-called child of luck."

"That's right, look at your journey along the way. You have always relied on your own hard work to get up step by step. It's just that you are so genius that even I, the real son of luck, have been left behind by you, so Others recognized you as the son of luck."

Bai Yu looked sincerely at Jiang Xiaobai, his expression full of admiration: "I have hardly admired other people, but for you, Xiaobai, I really admire you from the bottom of my heart. The wonderful opportunities on my side, The cultivation base has been improved time and time again, but the more you do this, the more extraordinary you are. Xiaobai, this time I persisted and was ready to die, but the naive senior made me believe in you before, so we may not I can go out another way, and I may not die."

Jiang Xiaobai held Bai Yu's hand firmly: "Believe me, we will work hard together, even if we are in a dead end, we can still have a chance."

"Yeah!" Bai Yu nodded heavily. He looked at the two and said, "That's why I was targeted by the formation before. The Heart of the Earth has detected my identity, and he is targeting me on purpose."

Jiang Xiaobai and Lan Yeqing exchanged glances, and they naturally understood that this was the reason why Bai Yu was seriously injured.

"But I didn't suffer either. The anode guessed wrong. The seven artifacts can't pick the heart of the earth, but they can indeed suppress the heart of the earth. Only I can pick it. More importantly, I sensed two pieces of information."

"First, the heart of the earth has already noticed me. If we don't take it away today, it will flee quickly, and it will be difficult to find it again. Second, the heart of the earth has been imprinted by someone, and someone is waiting for the earth. The maturity of the heart, this person's strength is very strong, I feel that he is probably a saint."

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized that this might be the reason why Bai Yu insisted on taking Huantian Pill, but Lan Yeqing had already asked, "Sage, what does he want the Heart of the Earth for?"

Bai Yu shook his head: "I don't know, maybe he was injured, maybe he rebuilt, or the heart of the earth is also useful to saints, but the latter is undoubtedly a saint. Xiaobai, do you still remember the god on Qin Feng's body?" Do you want to read it?"

Jiang Xiaobai's body was shocked: "You mean it?"

Bai Yu shook his head again: "I don't know, but I would rather be more careful. Therefore, I must guarantee my cultivation and have the power to fight, but..."

He looked at the formation in the distance, and the worries in his heart were clear at a glance.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "I can crack the formation. This is a holy formation, but because of the long time, it has been broken. So it is not difficult to break the formation. Of course, if you don't understand it, Qiongqi will not be able to solve it in your life." It may not be able to be cracked."

Bai Yu couldn't help laughing: "I knew that miracles would always happen to you."

Lan Yeqing laughed and said, "Seriously, Senior Brother Jiang, aren't you a child of luck?"

All three couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Xiaobai withdrew the formation, and the three of them emerged.

Everyone was recovering from their wounds, and when they saw that Bai Yu had fully recovered, they all looked over with hopeful eyes.

"Sorry, it's just a pill, of course I gave it to my friend." Jiang Xiaobai said carelessly.

This is indeed true, and it is obviously impossible to have many such pills. All the half-sages just looked at Bai Yu with envy, and turned their heads away.

"Yangyang, what should we do now?" Third Young Master Long asked.

Their sea beast clan is powerful, but when it comes to breaking formations, they are far less proficient than humans.

Yang Yang frowned and said: "I have a plan, but I'm afraid it will hurt a lot of people."

"How to say?" Hearing that Yang Yang has a solution, Long San asked quickly, as for the matter of many people being injured, he subjectively ignored it.

Yang Yang looked at Yaoguang: "We need to see Junior Sister Yaoguang."

Yao Guang said proudly: "This formation seems to have 49 people, but everyone has heard the saying that the Dao is fifty, the Tianyan is four nine, and the one who escapes. Therefore, if we want to break the formation, we need to find the one who escapes. One. My Beidou Cave Tianzhenzong Grand Formation is the Big Dipper Seven-Star Formation. There are seven changes in the Big Dipper Formation, which correspond to exactly 49 changes. The anode produces yin, and the cathode turns into yang. When we derived the four-nine yin and yang Afterwards, the escaped one will naturally appear, and then the formation will be broken naturally and easily."

Jiang Xiaobai listened silently, and had to say that Beidou Dongtian has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is indeed quite advanced.Although there are many mistakes in Yaoguang's statement, there are also many similarities in principle.

If you are not afraid of sacrifice and stick together, there is really a possibility of success.

"So, I need 14 people, seven of them are the main attackers, and the other seven are the main defenders. As for the candidates, I need to control the formation, so naturally I have to participate."

Yang Yang said: "Count me in."

Fairy Qianyue from the Kunlun Secret Realm and Xie Kun from the Qiankun Secret Realm also came out. They are both the strongest, so they should come out at this time.

Third Young Master Long saw that more human races came out, so he snorted softly and said: "It's better to be fair, each of you will give half, your human race will give you seven, and our sea beasts and monsters will give you seven."

Yang Yang smiled slightly: "What Young Master Long said is right."

Yao Guang glanced over: "Headmaster Jiang, Your Excellency is strong, you won't avoid battles?"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled softly: "I, Jiang Xiaobai, have always had no hesitation in standing up for mankind."

Yang Yang gave a glance: "Tianfeng, you are holding the Haoyang Shuttle, you can also fight."

Zhang Tianfeng naturally had no objection, he said yes and walked out.

Yao Guang pondered and said: "There is still one person short, you need to be strong and have a lot of treasures, so it's a bit difficult to choose this person?"

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